Am i going to finally lose my virginity?

Am i going to finally lose my virginity?
>Met a girl on xbox live (yes it happened)
We talk for a few months as just friends. Start eventually flirting. I get the dreadful height question. Fucking bitch. I realize i have nothing to lose so i'm honest, tell her im 5'6.
What the fuck do i do now robots?
She sent me a lewd and everything. Am i just being catfished?

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ask if you can video chat with her and ask if she can send you a pic of her id with everything but her first name and birthday cropped out as she looks really young or whatever. after you make sure she's legal ask her where she lives. if close you maybe have a chance but it does strike me as odd she would call you a giant even if she is so short. take things slow and dont get too invested user, ldr and internet relationships are rarely good news. that being said good luck to you

100% catfished, even if she is 5'1, nobody would say 5'6 is giant

She's of legal age, at least she said she was 22. She won't videochat me because she's very shy... but i've gotten a few pics so far.

>ask if she can send you a pic of her id with everything but her first name and birthday cropped out as she looks really young or whatever.
How to go from somewhere to nowhere with a girl 101

Don't do that, OP.

In a 21st century economy, no one should have to show their ID just for another person to confirm their age. Check her FB, instagram, whatever social media. If you're worried she's underaged, you shouldn't be dating her anyway, but I think that's more of a concern the poster responding to you created, and not one articulated in your post.

Good luck.

That's what i figured, but what does she have to gain? dick pics from a manlet?

thats a pretty big ctfishing sign desu. has she timestamped at all?
fair enough but id rather have her cut off ties with me than get into something with some underage girl trying to land an older guy

the same thing any catfish want, attention, and you've been giving her a whole lot of it

Yea she's sent me timestamps that look legit. I could even ask her for one right now.

>She won't videochat me because she's very shy.
Also because video cameras don't work well at the bottom of rivers and lakes and if he swims to the surface the protective coating of slime that protects his scales dries out.

But she called me tall... it felt good.

Show us some of the timestamped pics she's sent so we may analyze them as a group.

There are ton of shy people in the world user...

>she sent me a lewd
>what the fuck do I do now
Post it here obviously

It's also possible she knows manlets are frequently insecure about their height and is trying to be nice and stroke your ego because she likes you.

ill post a lewd but no face

You can be shy on video chat, but still video chat.
Also a lot of shy people aren't shy on the internet.

Provided it's timestamped, whatever, man.

i'm trying to but i'm scared

OP here, this one isn't time stamped but it's in the same room and wearing the same shirt as her other pics

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-135811.png (1080x1920, 423K)

And into the trash it goes

fuck off man, i'm trying to lose my virginity not bring her home to mom.

I've seen those tattoos somewhere before.

Show the timestamped one dipshit

i'll ask her for one right now

Even supposing this chick has lungs instead of gills does she actually live anywhere near you. Esex doesn't count as losing your virginity user.

I'm worried you're being catfished friend. Get her live on cam. no one with tats/piercings who is willing to send nudes is going to be too shy to get on cam

me too, as I delivered you out of your mom

please please make sure they are timestamped. i got catfished once like a retard and youd be surprised at how well they can get timestamped proof pics. vchat is the only easy way to make sure and if she always says its an issue youre likely being fished. also be wary of her dark past of abuse or bullying or depression

Well, how far apart do y'all live?
Doesn't matter if she's a catfish or not if it's infeasible to get together and rub your meats on each other.

Bruh, if my mom had ever looked like that, I'd have much better genes and wouldn't be here.

Use your brain OP, why would a girl that hot send nudes to a manlet she met on Xbox live? You're getting scammed

Keep in mind as well that there are all sorts of IG sex workers who are more than happy to send random dudes "verification pics" on demand for a dollar or two, that they can then forward on to credulous suckers like OP.

yeah this is what i fell for. thankfully i didnt spend any money or anything but i 'fell' for her hard for a few months and it took me a few days of binge drinking to get out of it

> still the video chat argument sounds fishy

She's never asked me for a dime

Video chat before you commit to anything OP. That's the biggest red flag out there.

Because hot girls are often insecure as fuck, are tired of being pumped-and-dumped in their usual dating scene, and will latch on to any guy who has been genuinely nice to them without knowing they're a hot chick (or even a chick at all) who continues to be cool after finding out.

hard to tell but I think this doesn't look like 5'1 check the other pics you got for reference points so you can estimate whether her height is consistent with what she claimed

>Because hot girls are often insecure as fuck
dumb meme.

But "she's" asked you for your time.
A lot of catfish aren't in it for the money or any kind of endgame. They just enjoy messing with people or having attention.

How have so many of you robots been catfished before? You all sound like you have PTSD

its a board full of lonely and desperate people, ofc there would be those with catfish experience. i wouldnt go as far as to say i have ptsd as i have moved on but i wouldnt want to wish someone else getting catfished, its no fun

lmfao mate r u srs?

that's a catfish retard what girl would send a pic like that but not live chat you cause 'she's shy'?

anons on here are crazy desperate

You're probably falling prey to the trap of treating the hot girl just like everyone else treats the hot girl. She knows how to play that role with confidence and finesse, but fumbles the moment anyone treats her like a real person rather than their sex fantasy.

when almost all of your interactions with other people occur online, it's pretty much inevitable that you'll have at least one experience with someone being dishonest about themselves.

OP here, she just sent me a time stamped pic. This confirms that she's at least really a girl, right?

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-142202.png (1080x1920, 1.75M)

its a good sign but voice call would tell if shes a girl or not a vchat would confirm its really her. i know it seems like a lot but honestly catfishers are pretty hardcore these days so its best to make sure

we've talked on xbox live and discord. she sounds like a real girl

not timestamped

how is that not timestamped m8?

>tfw no tit monster womanlet gf
Don't listen to the haters OP. This is your one chance to ascend, I say you take it and never look back.

face neck seems much fatter than the last pic op...hopefully im wrong but never take too much stock in photos

a solid 50% of "women" online are catfish

You can't even see her neck in the other photo

xbox live really??))

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The lack of timestamp is probably the first problem.
Just a date could be taken at any time during the day.
The girl in the pic could run off a batch of those every day, send them to her buyers, and then they pass them along to the suckers.

i'm not trying to fuck her neck you fag. look at those tits.

yea man, playing destiny. she's good too.

op im just trying to help you make sure its real. and lol what good are big tits if theyre on a fat girl?

Are those stickers of food and flags on the window? Where was this taken?

Attached: 73898BAE-EBFE-488A-ACEE-4BB1F87A00EF.jpg (536x805, 309K)

better than a fat girl with small tiddies

>she's good too
Male catfish confirmed

she's at home. that's her tv.

can you share yours? I have no idea how it's like I am too paranoid for any non-anonymous communications so I don't know much about how these things go

Maybe she won't LIVE video chat you but what about snapchat? Like you could send her something and she would be expected to reply with a video clip or atleast photos that're happening in the moment and relevant to the discussion at hand.
Seriously, get more proof. Maybe 10 yrs ago you'd be in the clear but as others have said women offer this shit as a service for ppl who want to catfish.

i met her off ig. i was drinking everyday at the time and while i had friends and even girl friends i felt lonely and nothing filled the void. i thought what was a hot girl was interested in me after a few comments/dms and started chatting with her whcih led to voice talking with her. she told me she couldnt vchat for whatever reason, i forget now but i was naive and again drunk nearly all my waking time so didnt think too mch of it. a few weeks later i ran into the real girls ig account through someone who posted a link on one of her photos. i confronted her saying what the fuck and she pled she was guilty and told me she loved me and that she would kill herself if i stopped talking to her. i blocked her number her account and just drank at home alone for a few days listening to skinny love lol. pretty fucking pathetic but it helped me get a reign on my drinking and helped me grow the fuck up.

looks like from McDonald's

she's sent me snaps before...

It's a commercial for the McDonald's "worldwide favorites menu" bullshit.

that sounds bad. But to be honest also wondering what the catfish wanted out of it, if they needed attention that bad they must be pretty fucked up in a way that I feel pity for them

It's a matter of how much time it take her to send context-relevant pics. If there's always at least 5-10 minutes of lag time between you asking for a pic or sending something before she sends something back, that's a pretty good indication that it's a guy who has a internet sex worker on call, who he has to talk to to relay the request, negotiate a price, etc. before he can get the content and send it back to you.

but, AGAIN, all this is irrelevant if you two live 1000 miles apart and don't have the time/money to close the distance

it doesn't even matter if she's a catfish if you're arguably never going to meet her, just enjoy the fantasy and don't give her any money or let it interfere with real-world chances to hook-up.

yeah it was pretty much attention. i figured she was an ugly girl who just wanted to feel hot and needed. pretty sad on both our parts but more on hers desu

I'm hoping that she's real too. But if you wanted more proof maybe like a short video or something that has her destiny character and her at the same time?

Open and shut case, user. Nice work.

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that's not a bad idea. i hope i'm the only manlet shes talking to. it kinda would piss me off if she was fetishising me.

>it doesn't even matter if she's a catfish if you're arguably never going to meet her, just enjoy the fantasy and don't give her any money or let it interfere with real-world chances to hook-up.
I've done this a couple times with girls that were waaaay out of my league and then circumstances changed and it became possible to meet... and we did and then ended up dating for a few years in both cases.

you give me hope user. i hope she's real. she's only 4 hrs away.

The second one was about 5 hours away.
I was planning a roadtrip that kinda sorta took me by her university and she said I should stop off and sleep on her couch.
We got along better in person than we did online and she turned out to really be the girl in the pics she'd sent from time to time. Saw each other off-and-on for about four years.

once upon a time i had an e-gf that was a certified female. we even met. i was a virgin, too but nothing happened. but my problem was that i made too many assumptions about sexy stuff and that. it was sort of like your situation where she said she's "shy" but in your instance she's already sending you straight up lewds! i've since moved on and have other experiences and a long term gf, so maybe my failed normie status can help you a bit.
4 hours away isn't bad. i think you can make this happen. better than i could, at least. but before you do i think you should try to escalate to some kind of phone sex. that is of course, after you've received ultimate proof of her existing in the same space as her destiny character.
something that could help is by snapchatting her stuff of your own. like if you send her short videos she may feel more comfortable to do so aswell. if she's shy you need to express how non-judgmental you are and be very chill and be careful about making jokes about 'cringe' and stuff. or laughing 'with her' when she deep down is insecure about being laughed at in general.
if you want more specific advice post your discord i guess

I'd buy a jar of this girl's bath water for $30