is pic related chinese, japanese or korean?
Is pic related chinese, japanese or korean?
either korean or chinese, not jap. leaning on chinese myself
looks like japanese girl i studied with. very cute desu. sauce?
Kazakhstan or one of those areas.
I'd take a guess at China OP
She is Chinese
Skin tone makes me think too southern to be Korea or Japanese.
Chinese for sure
Uhhh... she bhutanese
None. It's a gross surgery and mutt.
we know how much those dog eating Koreans love that crap
In this thread, Americans who can't figure out the difference between various ethnic groups. God you Americans are stupid. It's always your group that does this shit and posts these types of threads.
I bet you couldn't tell the difference between an american and a mexican, stupid euro
I'm curious where you think pic related is from? Let's see if the dumb ass American can guess.
So why don't you tell us where OP's picture is from. And also where is from?
probably china, but because there's so many different ethnic groups in china, and a few in japan it's hard to say
I'm not even american though
You're saying they're both from China? Really? What a fucking moron.
they are, prove they aren't bitch
The pic I posted is not Chinese, dunce. I'm not surprised that you didn't know though. Your group never does.
yes she is chinese, what you can't tell the difference?
She looks Vietnamese for sure.
t. go to a pho a lot and know they look differently from ch*nks
Oh my god, you're so fucking stupid it hurts. Does look Chinese to you? Please tell me how she even remotely looks Chinese? Can you tell me her name? I doubt you can.
uh oh, looks like you can't prove where she's from at all, huh
I can tell you right now she's not Chinese. I'll tell you where she's from if you admit that you're talking about your ass though.
she looks south east asian to me
she looks like a fish to me.
It's really sad when Americans can't tell the difference between the various Asian groups. I bet you think that Indians are pretty much Hispanic, don't you? Do you want to know where she's from? Also I bet you don't know who the OP's picture is do you? I'll give you a minute to google her since I doubt you know who she is.
>talking about your ass
my ass isn't chinese
Someone get's it at least. She is Southeast Asian, you're correct. Not Chinese though.
>my ass isn't chinese
Never said it was, but you seem to think that both OP's picture and mine are Chinese. So when do you want to admit that you're wrong. I'll gladly tell you who they are and where they're from if you admit you're talking out your ass.
uh oh, looks like we have an esl student who can't identify their writing mistakes here
OP, you're an idiot. That's Mari Bambei, she's from fucking Canada.
>from Canada
doesn't make her ethnically canadian. thanks for the name though
>Canada is an ethnic group
Nice ad hominem argument you made. Instead of debating the topic at hand you decide to attack a grammatical mistake. You know you're wrong, hence why you're trying to change topics.
I like how OP couldn't answer your question so he ran away from you.
She's korean, she's just tan.
acutally I have no idea, so I said chinese at random, knowing that you didn't actually know where she was from either, and you still won't admit it
Now you can both look her up and she she isn't Chinese.
>knowing that you didn't actually know where she was from either
I know where she's from, I was just waiting for you to admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.
> so I said chinese at random
I know you said it at random because you didn't know that she's from Thailand. Mostly likely because you're an American who can't tell the difference between the various Asian groups.
You actually thought that a Chinese girl and a Thai girl looked the same. Jesus Christ on a cross, you're so fucking stupid it hurts. You could have gotten the answer so much faster if you just asked.
no you don't you're guessing at random. Prove she's thai
I never said she was I'm and
>no you don't you're guessing at random. Prove she's thai
She was born in Thailand, her parents were born in Thailand, and both sets of grandparents were born in Thailand, and all her great grand parents were born in Thailand. To most people, that would make her Thai.
you'd be right if you replaced all that with chinese instead
Are you serious right now? is Thai. How many Chinese have you met that look like they're from Southeast Asia? Do you know the difference between mainland China and Southeast Asia?
you still can't prove she's not chinese, which means I'm right
I'm curious, does this look Chinese to you as well?
wtf is the difference. It's like asking the difference between a norwegian and a swede
Oh my god, you dumb ass. Look at her jaw line, her eye brows, her nose, her skin tone and her eyes. All of these are Thai and Southeast Asian features. Chinese are lighter skinned, less flat nosed, more folds under their eyes and less protruding lips. Their jaw lines are also extremely less defined as Thai's are.
False dichotomy. It's actually like asking the difference between a West Indian and a non-Okinawan Japanese. I'm even willing to bet that you think that Indians aren't Asian.
Just give up, OP is clearly a but hurt American who's upset that he couldn't figure out the difference on his own. The stupid fuck couldn't even do a google search for Mari Bambei even though he had a picture of her. He's not going to learn, he just wants to be spoon fed.
It's just weird to me that he could have just asked and he'd have the answer. Instead he has to act like a little cunt but finally admits that he didn't know what he was talking about. Then he get's all upset and refuses to accept the truth that the pic I posted was of a Thai girl. He just seems like a dumb and upset child that can't stand being wrong and proven wrong.
I would look at that and say it's definitely not Japanese, but I can't really be sure. I do find it strange that I feel like I can start to notice the difference though
None of the above. I'm pretty sure she's SEA, most likely thai or vietnamese. Korean could be possible though, all the makeup and shit makes it harder to tell. I'd need more pictures to say for certain.
I'd bet my money on Korean. Also, she's hot af.