ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

You get how this works. Anons ask femanons things you wish to know about girls and vice versa.
Make sure to reply to asked questions as well to keep this thread going.
Please don't larp as the opposite gender you sad fuckers.

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Question for anons; what would you prefect first date be like?

just getting to know each other a bit with as little uncomfortableness as possible, something generic like a restaurant would work but I tend to run conversations into dead-ends constantly so maybe something like a movie would be better

Another question for anons; what kind of a girl would you never date?

Really? That would be the perfect date for you?
It's pretty generic but if that's what you're into I wont judge.

For girls, how heavy would be too heavy for you to date?

Bad hygiene and a rude personality are the only things that turn me off 100%

I'd say anything up to 100kg is good to go.
Unless he is really tall, then up to 120kg?

it's a first date, i would rather take a relationship slow, there's little romance involved yet in a first date for me, it is more of an attempt to probe if the person seems right for me

Guys, if you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

a shotgun, a single 12g slug, and a secluded place to die

Iceskating and ice cream afterwards

I am transgender, whom do I ask now?

This thread is not for your kind,
please leave.

Guys, what is the nicest thing that has ever been said to you?

Any girl who browses r9k is huge red flag. And of course mentally ill girls are. Would never these types of girls.
Some day on winter not too cold but cold enough. Dinner at some comfy restaurant, not too full of people, somewhere kinds isolated. Then some comfy night walk holding hands and talking and hugging. I'd try to go to some park with her too and sit on the grass or lay down there. And finally get home and watch some movie under a blanket or just cuddle while listening to comfy music together till we fall asleep. Then wake up(I'd try to wake up before her) and I'd make her some breakfast and then we'd plan something out like going for some picnic somewhere in the nature, we'd prepare the food to carry it to the place. And basically that date + a comfy day after that.

Fembots, would you let your boyfriend inspect your pussy and asshole with a speculum?

Carefully, of course.

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No way, I would never be comfortable with that.

That is such a comfy cute date idea, I love it!

Thanks user, the I've got a lot of ideas like that I want to try, I just like dates like that.

Feel free to share more ideas! How many dates have you been on so far and how did they go?

>I missed talking to you user.
Girls, what is the nicest thing that has ever been said to you?

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I've been like in a lot but with the same girls. We were already dating so I count that as dates too. This time we went to grab some Mexican food to this place and then take it home and eat it like two pigs in bed eating Doritos with sauce and soda, while we were watching some anime, it was nice cause we didn't care about if we looked well and stuff eating in bed, basically the love vs lust meme. Then we cleaned the mess and started cuddling so muchz hugging a lot and making out, then we just had sex for all the night and that's it. I've had more dates with this girl but this one I just wrote was one of my favs. Also with some other girl we spent valentine's Day, we went for a walk to reach the restaurant and we ate good food, table was set up with love stuff and we had couples around us which was cool too, we took some pics, kissed, held hands, walked back home holding hands and hugging, then at home we watched some stuff, made out too and again we ended up having sex and falling asleep.

Fat girls, ones that can't stay in a committed relationship/sleep around a lot.
More crazy girls for me.

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>tfw I'll never get to experience this.
I envy you, user.

>Brown eyes really suit you.
I never liked my eyes so hearing a guy say that made me feel really good inside.

I'll make you feel good inside.

As a fun fact they both were "fembots" user, if it makes you feel better most relationships from here don't last.

Femanons, what kind of pet(s) would you like? Would you say pets are an acceptable substitute for children? Do you want children?
One with no self respect.

Cats or fish, preferably marine, but I like almost all types of fish.
Pets are not an acceptable substitute for children. I want children, but making my own doesn't seem right, so I'd rather adopt one or two of em.

Oh my..

How is that supposed to make me feel better? :/
That made me feel worse to be quite honest with you.

I most definitively want to have kids in the future but I guess for some people pets are a suitable substitute.
I'd love to have rats, they're just the cutest. I want to have one that would sit on my shoulder as I'm taking a walk.

Why worse tho?

CATS! A lot of cats! Many many cats.
Too may cats. ALL THE CATS!!

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There is no way I'll ever find a boyfriend in real life,
Jow Forums was pretty much my only hope.

A bright future for every one I love, fitting better in social relationships and being able to do as much physical effort as I want without getting tired

Brown eyes are garbage tier, he just wanted up in them guts.

Faggot date idea, senpai.

The population to be reduces by 90 percent, technology that involves screens not to work anymore and a cutie 3.14 gf i can live with as a farmer for the rest of my long and happy life living a simple life ;)

>I want to have one that would sit on my shoulder as I'm taking a walk.
They are cute, but they make your room smell like piss and shit all the time though. That being said, I'd probably think twice about moving in with my robotgf that doesn't clean the rat cage everyday.
Pic related were my old roommate's rats.

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fat girls. thats just not happening. chubby is totally fine, a little meat is nice, but fatness is repulsive at every level for me.

>Brown eyes are garbage tier
I know, most of my family members have blue eyes,
I really got the shit end of the stick.
>he just wanted up in them guts.
Nah, he had a girlfriend.

Have you ever tried better yourself up before jumping into relationships? Just asking. No relationship will solve your insecurities.
>Faggot idea
So should I just play videogames with her all the day? Lmao

How the fuck do I blow and jerk a guy with foreskin off? All the porn I see uses cut guys and I need to learn the techniques.

Also, what part of the dick feels best, and what should I do to it make him feel extra good as he cums? Any bj tips would be appreciated.

Yes, I'm always trying to better myself, always trying to be a better person than I was yesterday.
I'm not trying to jump into a relationship either and I know it's not going to solve my insecurities.

>gore skin
Simply re-attach the frenulum.

Guys and girls, when was the last time you were happy?

girls what kind of things are you into? what are your hobbies?

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Guys, what do you want to accomplish in life?

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I like painting, knitting and collecting war memorabilia.

Being able to die without regret.

i dont have foreskin so i cant comment on that, but the head of the dick is the most sensitive part of the dick. the underside of the head is usually the most sensitive part of the head, but dont just go straight for it and work it the whole time, just tease it a bit here and there.
might sound too 'scientific' or something, but just break down working a dick like this. it's about how firm/soft you squeeze it, how long/short the stroke length is, how you twist during the stroke, and the rhythm of it all. you can go straight down the whole dick, and on the way up twist your hand a bit at the head. you can go do short quick strokes going only going down half the dick and work the head, you can stroke the whole dick and on the next stroke you do quick strokes on the head. its like a game of mix and matching that kind of stuff and you have to figure out which he likes the most.

Going on a walk somewhere pretty and then going for pizza or Chinese food probably
A morbidly obese drug addict with children
The stand dirty deeds done dirt cheap, infinite fresh fish and a harp seal
That my hair is soft maybe I don't really remember
When animal crossing new horizons was announced

Then do what it's best for yourself first. Once you get your stuff together the relationship you get into is gonna be healthy and good. From my experience the girls I've dated didn't have their stuff together and me neither so it all went wrong. The best thing is to love ourselves first and do what it's the best for us first. Just try

Autistic virgin guys, where do you hang out? Where can I find you? How could I recognize you? How would you want to be approached?

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for bj tips, if you aren't making sucking sounds you probably aren't sucking the dick hard enough. stick your finger in your mouth, suck on it, and pull it out, if you don't hear some type of sucking noise then you aren't sucking the dick hard enough.

Guys, what kind of girls do you find physically attractive?
Pictures for reference would be highly appreciated.

I told my last grillfriend that when she sucked my cock, I wanted it to sound like she was eating some sloppy ass ribs.

Shit was SO cash.

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We hang out here, not outside. But if you ever do find one just walk up to him and say hi, he'll most likely have an ironic anime shirt on and be holding a deck of yugioh cards.

i dont hang out anywhere, at best you'll just see me in the grocery store or something. id probably cry if some girl came up to me and told me i was cute and wanted my number, so yea just do that, we're easy to please.

>where do you hang out?
At home.
Where can I find you?
How could I recognize you?
Probably have some obscure video game or anime teeshirt, and generally looking like trash. Unshaven, messy hair, looks down, avoids eye contact, and very pale.
>How would you want to be approached?
Don't. If some random girl came up and started talking to me like she was interested me out of nowhere, I'd think I was being played somehow.
Every guy's preference is different. Though honestly, if I really click with a girl I don't care what they look like for the most part. Just don't be fat.

To destroy the NIGGER SCOURGE infesting the western world, to get 500 million dollars, and to give every other man in the world ED so women come to me as a necessity

Guys, do you ever give any hints to girls that you like?
How do you act around them?
How can I tell if a guy likes me or not?

I have a crush on this quiet guy in my Uni that doesn't even talk to me.
(and by crush I mean I'm obsessing over him and can't get him off of my mind).
Is there any subtle way I could find out if he would be interested in me?

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Fembots, how many of you trim/shave your bush?

Why would a cat speak fluent English and then not use the correct word for its heart and just meow instead, that's some bullshit.

I would shave it if I had a boyfriend and if he wanted me to do it. Shaving that area is a little tricky.
I do trim it from time to time but for the most part I just let it grow, it's not like anyone can see it and it doesn't bother me.

quiet guys are going to be harder to figure out. quiet guys are usually kind of slightly nervous around everyone, so you can't depend on nervousness as a sign.
he can be obsessed with you too and you would have no clue. i'm quiet and was like that with girls i liked, so i know from experience. i guess if he tries to be around you, that's a pretty good sign that he likes you.

This was helpful, thanks.

I am always worried about not using enough friction or suction so thanks.

Go up to him and ask what he's doing this weekend. If he says he has no plans then ask him to a movie.

It worked when a shy, introverted, semi autistic QT3.14 pulled the move on me at college. We dated for 1.5 years and later on she confessed that when she asked me out she just wanted sex and planned on ghosting my ass afterwards.

She ended up being a good girl who was very eager to please Daddy.

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Any fembots trying to hop on this dick?

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I lost and I cringed

Also question for fembots, will you go out with me? Cool, thanks.

>I am always worried about not using enough friction or suction so thanks.
dont be afraid of sucking hard too, our dicks can take it. just dont do it a lot because it can hurt, just suck it hard a bit here and there, it'll drive him nuts.

Tell me about it, I can't tell if he likes me or hates me.
We take the same classes so he kinda has to be around me.

What if I ask him to see a movie and he says no? I'll have to be around him for the next 2 years, it will be so awkward.
I'd rather know my chances first.

I don't know, what are you like? What are your interests and hobbies?

>What if I ask him to see a movie and he says no?
yeah imagine having to risk rejection.

It wouldn't be that bad if I didn't have to see him every day for the next two years.

Maybe over 270
If that was something he was into. If I'd love him enough to be intimate, I'd try it once for his sake
You know you're beautiful, right? Why do you try and hide from people?
I've always loved dogs. I want a female rottie or maybe a mastiff (cane corso or bull). Or maybe a malamute. No they aren't a substitute, just a living affection machine and an extra security precaution. I want at least 2 kids
Sci fi, /tg/, I play pass and guitar, I sew, paint, comic art, read a lot. Vidya
I have no one to shave it for

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>I've always loved dogs
Do we just know?

I want a female. No nasty shit

Where do I find girls worth marrying.

I'm a bit sick of working so much only for myself

iceskating is objectively the best answer
>quirky and alternative, not a movie date
>fun to do, doesn't matter if there's silences
>get to hold eachother (especially if she's bad at skating)
>warm comfy food after

>Brown eyes really suit you.
>You know you're beautiful, right? Why do you try and hide from people?
Why have the only answers so far been about looks?

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Femanons, would you under any circumstances be interested in a casual findom kinda thing, essentially just an orbiter you can abuse for money and gifts?

Pretty easy, he will sneak a look and try to be close to you naturally, maybe he asks you for something he could have asked anyone.
(Is your name starting with a W by any chance ?)

I think about opening a gym that does not play trash music and i want to become a father that can raise kids he can be proud of.

It would just feel wrong to abuse someone for money and gifts
but I do like gifts so if he would be willing, I don't know ... maybe.

Because I have always been bullied by girls and some guys about my looks. It's the first time someone has said something to the contrary. If you want a non looks complement, someone once told me that they felt like I actually listen. That I was the best friend they ever had and could tell I self sacrificed a lot to make her and others happy

Femanons, what are your tastes when it comes to body hair on guys?

You already have a crush leave me alone

I love body hair. In theory virgin I would nussle every part there was hair. I love the texture and the look. I feel like it would be warm and super comfy. I prefer hair to no hair desu

Femanon, do you live in montreal?
Pic unrelated

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That would be a good idea. Try to make a solid masculine environment that doesnt attract douches and retards. God I hate hip hop and shitty radio music.

Paint it black too. Look up 10th planet jiu jitsu for reference

We did make eye contacts a few times! Maybe it was just a coincidence though since I do tend to sneakily look at him from time to time. Whenever that does happen though I can't stop thinking about that moment for the rest of the day.
He never attempted to ask me for something though so that's disappointing
Sorry, I'm not W.

He might not even care about my existence though ;-;
For all I know he is secretly in love with some Stacy from class.
Make me fall in love with you instead to end my suffering.

>on Jow Forums
this board is filled with larpers. in the case that there are actual women here, how have any of your relationships started? did you initiate? did the dude? what did you say to each other that lead to a relationship?

I never had a relationship.

Robots, would you let a girl buy you gifts? Make you little handmade stuff and surprise you with things at work? My love language is gifts. Is it emasculating?

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Probably a walk or a hike or something. Something low-cost with a lot of time to talk
Rude or dishonest or slut. I also can't see myself with a non-white. I just don't find them attractive for some reason.
Probably anything above 80-90ish kg if she isn't really tall
That Sarah doesn't fucking reject me, genetic pollution to be gone and probably a McFlurry
I can't remember someone said something unironically nice about me to be honest
The foreskin actually has the most nerve endings on the dick if I remember correctly. I personally think it's a heavenly feeling if she goes under it with her tounge. Some of the most common (since they are pretty individual) "g-spots" for guys seem to be the very tip and the area just on the underside of that. Most important thing is to ask the guy really.
I want to become a soldier and later a politician
Guys don't really drop hints if I'm honest. For me it would probably be noticeable by the sharp drop in morbid humor and insults I throw around. When I like a girl I just tell her. Otherwise just look for the classics like him staring at you and all that jazz. If he's shy, he probably doesn't even think you could be interested, so it would be good to make the first step. Invite him for coffee or pair with him on group assignments if possible.
Problem with Ice Skating is that I really suck at it, otherwise you are right, it's a pretty cool idea.

Fembots, how would you feel if a guy wanted to call you mommy and get cuddles?
How would you feel about a guy wanting that kind of maternal affection? (Ie not specifically in an incestual way)
A-asking for a friend

God that would be the cutest shit ever

i would and would return the favor with little notes and mushy stuff like that
Its not emasculating to me personally

It was a guy I played halo/red dead/battlefield/GTA with. He bought me a dlc for Valentine's once and I spaggetied everywhere, called him a faggot, and told him I liked him or whatever.

based female robro
you're like an anime

That's great (and cute).

Guys, how much makeup is too much makeup?

I, and a lot of my male friends, prefer none at all, or at least very subtle. Basically, if you notice, it's too much