This e thot

imagine if she was in a fire or someone threw acid and permanently disfigured her. her fame would evaporate in an instant.

i mean sure shes still made thousands already but it would be satisfying to see everyone abandon her.

Attached: D61FD386-C0B6-4FBE-AF7D-88612B74F1D8.jpg (632x486, 35K)

>wears a wig
>wears contact lenses
>wears a lot of makeup
>uses photoshop/ Facetune app/ angles camera like every insta thot

so is that a trap or an actual biological fermale(female)?

Wasn't this picture proven fake or something? Also

Attached: 26184769_136440417157002_4558328407053565952_n.jpg (1080x798, 164K)

>if she won't date me then she deserves to be shot in the head or permanently disfigured
what's wrong with wh*te people?

im gay as fuck tho. and even if i wasnt id find no charm in this basic ass bitch.

She's not exactly wife material but she's funny and hot and knows her audience well.

>imagine if she was in a fire or someone threw acid and permanently disfigured her. her fame would evaporate in an instant.
I think your pic already disproves that.

>imagine if she was in a fire or someone threw acid and permanently disfigured her.
What the fuck is wrong with you op.

debatable. if you took away all of the memes, whats left? i doubt she could make someone laugh organically without using some sort of reference or meme. she seems vapid as fuck.
so are alot of people after caking on makeup, using filters and heavy photo editing.

I keep seeing this, but with nothing to back it up except a supposed "no makeup" picture she edited to fuck and posted herself. Whoever it is on the pic has her exact features. Nothing more than cope

Perfect concelment of irish Blood

It will be at least as satisfying when people have moved on to the next new eThot in a couple years without anything at all happening to her and she does progressively more and more desperate things to clutch at the last few seconds of her 15 minutes of fame.

Are you Irish? Nani I am sutr of it

>the same shit pic over and over and over
1 - show another, should be easy and obvious since she's ugg
2 - cope

Attached: IMG_1481.jpg (2000x2000, 1.28M)

Its not easy because she has a carefully curated heavy filtered online presence. I dont think shes ugly personally, thats an unflattering picture for anyone. But shes no more than an average girl with an average petite body with acne (i saw this in a picture she actually posted too) just didnt save it.

big if true, based thot

Attached: D-5tpvwWsAIUVjE.jpg (876x960, 80K)

she makes money because she was born a woman. there are women on pornsites that get paid for their shit. if you were a woman, who wouldn't?

Some people actually have morals.

She's fucking gross. She is an ugly ass troll.

>imagine if she was in a fire or someone threw acid and permanently disfigured her

Whats with the hate my friend?

i'd honestly like her to be dead. i'd like to see the millions of incels mourning her death while some of them might as well kill themselves because their goddess died.

>Some people actually have morals.
yeah well they don't include western women in the 21st century. belle is living the thot dream that few can even hope to achieve.

I've seen the left pic posted by itself long Belle's viral fame. It's some unrelated antifa boy/dyke/gender/trans-whateverthefuck who looks similar to her. Posted a selfie with a caption about punching Nazis. If you're going to thotpatrol, at least get some good dirt.

I refuse to participate, but honestly if people are retarded enough to give her money, it's their right. Just don't ask me for money when you can't make rent.