If your girl really loves you she will let you fuck her in the ass

If your girl really loves you she will let you fuck her in the ass

No anal=no love

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Definitely true also some of them actually end up really enjoying anal. Some girls ask for it.

Nah, anal is for faggots, think about it, literal poop comes out from that hole and you're thinking about sticking your penis inside it? That's fucking nasty and degenerate user

>literal poop comes out from that hole
not right now it doesn't

You can never know user, accidents happen sometimes

My gf (virgin) was so afraid of vaginal penetration initially that she actually preffered anal in the beginning.

its a situation where both people are grown ups and dont laugh like beavis and butthead about poo. you just shower it off.

i want to lick a cute girls (clean) butthole and make her cum while i finger her. i dont even care about sex i need to onkow how it taste like and hear her pleasure moans and uncontrollable spasming from cumming.

sadly im ugly with a small 5" dick so no girls that arent fat or unhygenic want me

she wont be cumming unless you are manipulating her clit. you can get her as wet as possible by licking her lips but unless you are touching her clit she wont climax.

If you really loved your girl you wouldn't pressure her to have anal sex with you if she didn't want it.

Roastie detected. Wahhhhhhhh.

I made the mistake of dating someone I met here and I lost my virginity to him. He constantly pressured me to have anal sex with him so I finally caved in. It was uncomfortable, he didn't even like it because he said it didn't feel that different from a vag. Said he was memed into thinking it would be great. Too bad he didn't love me enough to listen to me when I said I wasn't into it.

too bad you didnt love him enough to try new things and explore your body with him. as an unoriginal female(girl), i thought my bf things about him and he taught me. anal needs lots of prep, relaxing, lube and its great. dont be such a prude, girls like you are how i can steal bfs and satisfy my ntr fetish though, so thank you

you have good taste in fetishes
cuckqueaning is hot
other way around is gross and yet somehow more popular
even firefox is trying to spellcheck cuckqueaning into cuckolding

im sorry that your experience was bad but it was a choice you both made.

>too bad you didnt love him enough to try new things and explore your body with him
I did, you fucking faggot. I let him hurt me and stick his dick up my ass and he didn't even enjoy it. He didn't even cum so I wasn't even at least getting pleasure from his pleasure. Of course he couldn't even take my pinky up his ass without whining about how much it hurt but I'm expected to take a big dick. I fucking hate people like you, you have no concern for how your partner feels when you have sex. I hope no one has the unfortunate luck to date you.

>it was a choice you both made
Not really. Being pressured constantly by someone you love will wear you down. Remember how shitty you are making your partner feel when you do that. It's not helping things, in the end it's not worth losing someone who loves you.

Also, you are clearly a tranny.

Homo detected lmao

I would 100% pressure a theoretical gf into anal, but only because I'm into buttstuff and know how good it feels.

Your bf just didn't do it properly.

If your boy really loves you he will let you fuck him in the ass

No anal=no love

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Women are crazy. Dont need anal to know that

>this board has been so fucked by lgbt people thank im a mental case tranny.

im a woman(female) and hate trannies as much as yourself.

I do anal with my gf because cumming inside feels nice. Water for a douche is cheaper than condoms or contraception.

>Guy telling you not to have anal sex is a homo

There's shit in there.
>bro you can just have her run to the bathroom and douche it out
Say goodbye to spontaneous sex. I have strong doubts that effect is even gonna happen every time, because anal people constantly talk about jamming a finger or tongue in there with no pre-cleaning, so for the most part they seem fine with poopdick.

>so for the most part they seem fine with poopdick.

Poopdick isn't a thing unless she's a landwhale with a diet consisting exclusively of burgers

I made the mistake of dating someone I met here and I lost my virginity to him. He constantly pressured me to have anal sex with him so I finally caved in. It was uncomfortable, he didn't even like it because he said it didn't feel that different from a vag. Said he was memed into thinking it would be great. Too bad he didn't love me enough to listen to me when I said I wasn't into it.

so if he didn't have pressured you into anal he would've been a great boyfriend?