>be a ginger that burns in the sun
>born in literal Zimbabwe
Be a ginger that burns in the sun
>be a russian mix
>A walking ghost
>born in Turkey
You don't know the real suffering
I live in literal Africa and have this colour
It makes you exotic and quirky
I'm a laughing stock
Being ginger is being the peak of human genetic evolution
God bless gingers
i hope you know what to do user. go out there and get some terrs!
I have nothing against blacks my dad and mother used to donate to them
Not really in hot countries considering it limits to either indoors or nighttime activities almost exclusively
How's life in zimbabwe is the eu-au free trade deal happening or no ?
you have worse problems if you are in Africa
>I have nothing against blacks my dad and mother used to donate to them
why would your parents donate to those unthankful bloodsucking vampires!? Anyways you should get out of that sinkhole called zimambwe
Its poor as fuck making people resort to desperate things to make money
Are you poor? Think africa can get out of poverty?
They were lefties supported Mandela in South Africa and the like
How is it there? I would like to visit Uganda or Tanzania one day for the parks.
>Are you poor?
No white privilege exists 100000% in Africa
>Think africa can get out of poverty?
If they stop relying on Chinese and the west and become self reliant yes
your parents are cucks amazing that they actually conceived you
how many tubes of sunscreen do you go through monthly
wdym by stop relying ? Stop trade ? tarrifs ?
Also does the AU have a future ?
>No white privilege exists 100000% in Africa
No it doesn't. It's called white having worked and built something for themselves and as a consequence reap the benefits.
>If they stop relying on Chinese and the west and become self reliant yes
Stop talking nonsense. They're benefiting more from foreign aid than their benefactors.
I dont know lad I am not an economist or into politics
>No it doesn't. It's called white having worked and built something for themselves and as a consequence reap the benefits
we didnt let anyone else work to reap the benefits lad hard work isnt an exclusive white trait
fellow robot from turkey
>hard work isnt an exclusive white trait
Who the fuck said business is about hard work. grow the fuck up kid. business is war. You take what you can get. You should know this better than anyone living in a fucking business conflict between china and the west.
Oh okay btw do you interact with africans your age ? Or do you live segregated from them in a white colony ?
Caring about people outside of your race doesnt make you a cuck i believe we can all get on
I do because I have lefty Anglo parents most Afrikaans people dont though because those cunts have a racist stick up their arse
Being an apologetic white privilege advocater makes you the most pathetic subhuman in existence. fuck you. i hope your sub-german ass gets raped and dies
Uzgun selam :(
lefty as in socialist or lefty as liberal ?
Im not apologetic because im not accountable for my ancestors lol but obviously the recent past does effect the present economically lol
>sub German
Im anglo
Do you think there is a certain noblesse oblige that comes with privilege towards the less privileged?
Socialist gg
>the recent past does effect the present economically
yes. and being "so culturally aware of it" or however you want to call it makes you an apologetic faggot
I didnt understand that lad Im dyslexic btw
Do you think that privilege comes with social obligations towards society?
he just said he's retarded and can't understand anything.
I fundamentally believe people with more to give should help the poor
Like by paying higher taxes and financing social programs ? Or charity ? how should this obligation be carried out ?
Tax the rich higher income tax to provide services such as healthcare for the poor
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