Being a human sucks

Being a human sucks.

>Endless orgasmic pleasurable cheaply available in the form of cookies, little debbie cakes, donuts, ice cream, brownies, candy, chocolates, etc

>your gums bleed and your teeth fall off if you don't brush every time you eat them. If you eat them more than once every other day, your toes turn black and fall off. Sucrose makes you age faster, causes cancer, hardens arteries. If you eat them more than once a week, your gut microbiome gets screwed up and you develop brain fog, depressoin, anxiety, etc

Well, at least we always have bacon, spam, scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, pork rinds, avocados, sausage, stevia, and pickles.

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Maybe you should learn some self control and eat sugar in moderation like a responsible person.

Junk food tastes like a whiplash on the tongue once you strictly eat healthy food.

If it makes you depressed then stop eating like a fat pig. We can't help you if you can't help yourself. Stop feeling bad for yourself.

I think eating a donut even once a week would be enough to mess up your microbiome. is that right?

That's not fair because a lot of us are literally raised on this shit before we even know better, and its manufactured to be as addictive as possible. That's like giving a child fentanyl and being surprised when he grows up to be a junkie.

>cosmic brownies
>1.39 usd
this is fucked mate how do they expect me to not pig out on them?

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I ate nothing but sugar as a child and I now limit myself to ~20g a day. Stop complaining and deal with it.

>I now limit myself to ~20g a day
Still too much, damages your microbiome and causes depression and brain fog.

I have microbiome problems that make me autistic and socially anhedonic

Sounds like you're just a fat fuck

Like a farm animal who can't stop eating as long as food is in fron of you. No self control or concept of consequence, as a human being would have.

So what? You're not me or anybody else, that's like saying "Well I'm not an alcoholic so no one else should be, man up bro."

>Sounds like you're just a fat fuck
Actually I'm 117 lbs. for some reason I'm incapable of gaining weight. for 2 months i even diligently counted 3000 calories a day and didn't gain one pound.

But just because you have a strange metabolism doesn't make you immune to the other issues with junk food, like microbiome problems, tooth decay, diabetes, aging, etc

Exercise. I have no issue with brain fog.

I concur OP. Ignore the invading normalfaggot anger mongering that are incapable of actually having a feels thread or genuine posts.

You're incapable of putting on useless fat, congrats. Try putting on muscle and you'll gain weight.

Do you think my ISP sees all the wacky shit I post on here? Do they have people monitoring their users, seeing my activity and going "dude... we have a mentally unstable customer, should we call the police?"

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>I have microbiome problems that make me autistic and socially anhedonic
Legit have never heard this one

Do you use Https?

There are a few studies linking gut problems with autism.

Something like 50% of children with autism have some kind of GI tract problem.

Stop having shit teeth faggot

so any side effects of completly dropping junk? was gave it all the time as a kid so yeah