You finally get a gf and she's perfect

You finally get a gf and she's perfect

EXCEPT she's been blacked. What do you do?

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I'm not an incel with radical beliefs so that doesn't affect me nor our future together

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>EXCEPT she's been blacked. What do you do?
Proceed to BLACK her again

>What do you do?
Hope that she bullies me for my average cock and marry her.

If she was blacked then it already implies, she is not perfect, at least by my standards.

This except I don't.

>I'm not an incel
>I don't have radical beliefs
>I'm such a virtuous person I would LOVE a girl who got pounded by Tyrone

Go virtue signal on leddit cuck.

based. chill guy
if she doesnt interact with said tyrone anymore it doesnt really matter

Then she's not perfect, OP.

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If she's loyal forever than I dont care

are you perfect?

this, she is used goods who will cheat on you for Jamal pp

>shes perfect except shes not perfect
no fuck off

No, but my image of a perfect gf doesn't come with the "used goods" part.

I dont care, long as she loves me and doesnt cheat on me, or have any STDs, I dont mind her sexual history. After everything shes experienced, she decided I'm the one she wants to spend life with

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thats what the word except means, 'she would be perfect if not for __'

She isn't perfect if she's been blacked. Only whores go for black men

Only i can /blacked/ her. if i'm not her first /blacked/ then i'm discouraged.

She can't be perfect and not be a virgin

Depends of the circumstances, I guess it'd be fine if she just had a black boyfriend, not fine if it was some sort of fetish gangbang or something.

erase her from my memory and never look back

Too disgusting for me. Tell her that I don't want AIDS

Your trips gave (((you))) away

>EXCEPT she's been blacked. What do you do?
you imply that's not part of her perfection

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though I might be a little less lenient if said black bf was a hoodrat thug.

I bet you'd also be glad if your gf told you she had sex with the family dog

2D girls can't be blacked, so this hypothetical is stupid

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I like black girls so it wouldn't surprise me

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What does "being blacked" entail? Using black guys as a sexual fetish for casual fucks? Yeah I wouldn't want to be with someone like that. If it's just "has been in a relationship with a black guy", what's the big deal? Expecting virgin girls past the age of like 16 is unrealistic. I just expect no history of random hookups and only a few prior relationships

2D blacks exist so 3D girls can be /blacked/

so 2D girls can be /blacked/*

>2D blacks
very rare and only in unofficial art

>What do you do?
I quit her.
I don't mind her having relationship with black guys (as i am black myself) but no hymen = no diamond.
And i ain't gonna invest myself in a fruitless relationship.

rare but it exist and some anime have canonical blacks. some hentai sees girls get canonically /blacked/.

What if you have a longer dick than jamal?

You finally find a car and it is perfect
EXCEPT it was involved in a car crash. What do you do?

>Another thread of mayos obsessing over black dick
Don't you all find this tiresome? Or are you all really that OBSESSED.

Clearly she would not be my girlfriend

Im black so this isnt even an issue. Imagine being this insecure.

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yes, without question. i've done things that comparatively are way worse than simply taking a black dick.

I don't date her.
I don't expect a perfect girl, but that's not something I would accept.

>fucks niggers

i mean, im black so them being blacks not so much of a big deal as her being my first time but not me being her first time

>she's been blacked
Dropped. She couldn't be further from perfect.

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Then she isn't perfect duh.

Do you not know what EXCEPT means

>been blacked

mutually exclusive

Perfect has no exceptions.

If she's had sex with a black guy that means she's fucked someone other than me which is a deal breaker in itself

>been blacked
>past tense
there's your issue

My perfect GF would have probably fucked a couple of dudes already. I don't want a weird relationship where there's the "oh what does being with other guys feel like?" question or where she settles for me out of ignorance. I want a grown up with experience and emotional maturity.

I would rather have an imperfect gf that hasnt been blacked. thx.

amn you beat me to it kek

Do you not know what PERFECT means? It means there is absolutely no flaws, which means no excepts.

I already stopped talking to my best friend who I had a crush on after I found out she dated a black guy, you think I wouldn't ditch my gf if she slept with a nigger?

I would prefer it, yes.

perfect is the enemy of the good

>what's the big deal
She makes bad decisions and hates herself

Classy black girls are the best.

Yeah, except now she will be thinking about her exes or the other guys she fucked

That doesn't matter. It's her betrayal of her men with the scum of the world that matters.

Lmao so fucking other guys = desirable experience and emotional maturity?
Damn I have to give credit to (((them))). Honestly top notch work cucking people this hard

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I don't think you understand user, your exes are your exes for a reason. Most people above 16 understand a breakup doesn't just "happen". It's people deciding they shouldn't be together for a reason.
user, please take a second to think about what you said. Do you really think the jews have a vested interest in people not shacking up with the very first people they are in a relationship with for life? Does that sound probable to you?

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>Do you really think the jews have a vested interest in people not shacking up with the very first people they are in a relationship with for life?
Yes, how utterly retarded are you? This contributes greatly to the deteriorating nuclear family.

I don't know why i even bother

Unironically kill yourself so that society can improve.

But user, even if i die the jews will still manipulate the world with beans and tv rays, or whatever else you believe

My perfect girlfriend is, first and foremost, one who has never been with another. That quality is the most important and there is no comprable quality in my list of "perfect" traits that allow for not being a virgin

>you are given the perfect meal EXCEPT someone took a shit in it
>wtf do you mean that doesn't count as perfect

>People never go hook up with their exes or former flings
Whatever delusion world you live in, I wanna be a part of it

I mean it does happen, but we just call that cheating don't we? Most of the time breakups happen for a reason. Obviously I wouldn't want to be cheated on. I just think being with a responsible adult, who knows their emotions and has experience dealing with relaitonship troubles, is better than dealing with some clueless child whose only frame of reference for romance is me and disney movies.

It's still the same mindset, just different reasons.

Regularly hotwife her with some black men because I get off on my partner's pleasure

Dump because she is not perfect

Thank you, sera

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What's the equivalent for females?
Having a bf who dated an Asian girl?

Women are not designed to care

A non-virgin can't be perfect unless she is a widow.

Someone that engages in miscegenation can't be perfect.

prostitutes don't want to fuck niggers.she is far from perfect if she fucked a nigger.

She might as well be anyone. I really don't give a shit about her, even if she is 100% infatuated, I am just using her for sexual satisfaction. It's obscene how easily I get what I want from women, and how little effort is required. They are basically retarded. Literally all women are like children in comparison to me, totally unworthy of trust, admiration, respect, even contempt. They are beneath appraisal.

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I refuse to be with any girl that has taken a dick other than my own. Black or otherwise, no exceptions.

People would call you racist for not fucking a girl who has been fucked by a black guy.
Its just a huge fucking turn off

this desu as long as tyrone isnt hanging around right now then whatever

and even if he is, that'd be a huge red flag but maybe tyrone has a reason to be around, like if he's her coworker or something and it can't be avoided, or if it was some kind of weird not-incest family fucking and one of them is adopted so they still have to go to family dinners together, idk

The sheer amount of sexual displeasure she will experience at my dick will be enough punishment

>been blacked
thats a big yikes for me famalam

she isn't perfect, she's been tainted by bluegum dick

britfags get a general but we dont? not based

>fucking up a relationship because you cant get over her ex's dick
sounds pretty gay to me man

>mfw i'm the reason she's been blacked

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>she's been blacked
Pick one. Her being blacked automatically earns her a chain of various imperfections.

Is there a source for your image op?

> I don't want a weird relationship where there's the "oh what does being with other guys feel like?"
Yeah what is roleplay you retard

yes, there seems to be a source for said image.

Sounds like perfection. I will offer her to various black men when we get married

pic related

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Black her again of course

Hate knowing that she's been plowed by niggers, but I can live with it. What's bad is knowing that after she breaks up with me she'll be gargling some nigger's fat fucking cock by the end of a month.

I'm always appreciative when I get a racist girlfriend. I can teach her the virtues of acceptance while at the same time remaining secure in the knowledge that she won't be taking any black cocks after we crash and burn.

This and nothing but this

Exactly that, nothing. Probably wouldn't marry but would still get sex from her.

If a girl tells you something and you don't accept it or see them differently because of it, they'll know. They also know if you are making an effort to not let it bother you but ultimately the relationship will devolve into basic fuck buddies with no emotional connection and she might move on. Personally would bother me, but might not. If I really liked her or she was qt and dependent on a whole bunch of other factors it probably wouldn't bother me.

You shouldn't care what people think of you anons, you should care what your partner thinks of you. And if she would shame you in-front of your peers she cant think very much of you. Gl out there
