Why did he kill himself? I was watching his farewell video and he was talking about consequences for your actions and whatnot so I was thinking maybe he got in some crazy legal trouble. Did the feds find CP on his computer or something?
Why did he kill himself...
Other urls found in this thread:
He named the jew and called out holiwood
it was a "suicide"
he was depressed and had schizo and on top of that the internet fame realy fucked him up
But he talked about making specific bad decisions that led him to this point. Something had to have happened outside of voices in his dumb head.
He had depression and bipolar. The statistics show that people with both have a 50% chance of attempting suicide
theres no conspiracy, he didnt do anything in secret. he did stupid shit like getting his channel shut down by uploading hentai, went to a psych ward at least 3 times, and started fighting some security guard in public. the worst thing he was involved in was some weird cult, but it never led to anything significant.
>theres no conspiracy
I think has a point. In addition to him being mentally ill, there had to be more to it. In the first few seconds of the video he says "I'm sorry yall, I'm sorry I let you guys down". What was he talking about?
Watch this:
It was his last stream on instagram, he got arrested. It seemed like he had some kind of psychosis. He couldn't think straight. I bet he felt enormously embarrassed afterwards that it suffocated him internally.
He probably couldn't open up about his feelings. It scares me because I had two psychosis in the past and I can see parts of my behavior in him.
Was it a prank swat or a I think this nigga gonna kill himself swat?
he knew too much OP
>That face she makes when she sees my 4 inch weiner
It was a "there's a crazy black man shouting down at the streets in broad daylight" swat. Just like how they made sure he wasn't armed when they came in, they weren't taking any chances with him.
he possessed information that could lead to
search for the Venus Project.
His self-destructive behavior pushed away people who were once very close to him. He felt isolated as a result.
named the jew? what?
I thought police cant enter without a warrant....Seems like they were in the wrong
I'm really gonna miss this niggas streams.Heaven is real right?
They can if they think someone is about to come to harm.
>psychosis in the past
Awww, mommy didnt bring the tendies on time?
Makes sense if he threatened suicide but he didnt....at that point right? From what I understand he just had some conspiracy theories.
desu i wanna join him
>psych ward
source on that?
yea dexerto.com
Looks like he though he was playing a single player game, makes sense with all the fake news/lies.
I had a similar experience at one point, Jow Forums OP sending random ASMR through my headphones didnt help either
im glad hes fucking dead. i can't stand how black people have visible lean muscle and low body fat just for existing. look at his fucking arm.
I'm almost like him but im 5'9 and 145 lbs.he had god tier genetics.
this shit is old news fuck off OP.
yup, but that was the only incident where he actually stayed at the hospital for an extended period of time, other times he was let go almost immediately because he was very good at pretending he was okay. i dont have links but from what i remember someone mentioning in tweets he also refused any meds they tried to give him
how old ls it
(you) Here bro you dont have to beg anymore user
The body should be fully decomposed by now. That old.
Did anyone find out if he had been diagonsed with any specific mental disorders?