"You keep striking out with white bitches user. Ever consider...an alternative?"

"You keep striking out with white bitches user. Ever consider...an alternative?"

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My white adopted son is crazy about marrying a white woman, despite living in a hispanic neighborhood with me.

Yes I have. I'd plow you till you couldn't walk

"Your not bad looking, for a whitoid that is"

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i want a fat jap to be very honest

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>posts a white woman

People actually like bug people? I thought the yellow lovers were just a meme.

Why are good looking black women always light skin?

i like any race of fat girl m8
i dont have a preference besides fat

only looks good because it's literally oiled and photoshopped but the tattoo was almost passable either way it's still a dumb goyim

Fat women have ugly beat up feet, and dirty spots. They stink too.

okay? its not like i asked your opinion m8
also would do a fat black

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They're also fat, which is a pretty massive con.
Unlike the Chinese and Koreans, Japanese people aren't fully bug.

oh no the child is upset

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now THAT'S a woman holy fuck, how can white "women" ever compete???

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It would be worthwhile to consider the alternative

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W-will my 5 inch penis be enough? Please say yes ;_;

Yeah, I've already picked up playing VNs, why?

Too shiny. Besides I am actually gay

>You can't resist me white boy

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>boing boing boing, whiteys resistance fades away

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>oh no the child is upset
Right back at you buckaroo.

a nigger?
id rather just kill myself. thanks

>no u
oh no im hurt
stop the pain

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Sure hes not muslim?

What ever you say my shit taste bud.

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wow user great banter
is your home Jow Forums?

He's definitely white. Lol imagine he was a muslim pretending to enjoy spending time with.