Do you think that people who celebrated the 4th of July by privately launching fireworks that fly into the air without...

Do you think that people who celebrated the 4th of July by privately launching fireworks that fly into the air without a license should have the doors to their houses bashed in, their children torn from their arms, and be thrown into concentration camps?

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So much for the law & order right! They're just a bunch of ruthless thugs from the looks of it.

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Illegals make up a large portion of our yearly multi-trillion dollar welfare expense, and cost the federal and state government something like 110 billion dollars a year to deal with. That in mind, they also edge out American workers by stealing social security numbers to work for sub-minimum wage jobs. In short, both administratively and socially, illegal immigrants only serve to enrich unscrupulous American business owners at the expense of the entire country.

They should be forcefully ejected from this country, and executed if they resist. They are not citizens, and do not deserve protection. They can go back to their home country.

Ahh, I see. So it's some ideological reason that you don't like illegals, not because it's against the law. Is that a fair description?

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you do realize that you don't need a license to launch fireworks and that the tweet is made up I hope

>to work for sub-minimum wage jobs
Roses are red, tacos are enjoyable, don't hate immigrants because you're unemployable!

Freedom of expression except when people express things I do not like, that should be banned

What a slimy dodge of the question.

Laws are meant to be used as a tool in order to maintain and protect the people of a nation. It is the people that make a nation, not its law, and I do not want my country to become a third world shithole by virtue of it being full of third world trash. If the top 1% want to come here and settle, by all mean, come here legally. We are not, and have never been, a country of free for all immigration. No poem written on the statue of liberty or early 20th century New York play will change that. Illegals need to be purged.

LMAO way to completely ignore his argument. He said that hes against it because the illegal action has real repercussions that negatively impact everyone. Nigger.

One is part of the country already and the other should be dumped into the Rio Grande. The law is also a complete meme and clearly that retard doesnt understand that you dont need a license to launch fireworks, in Burgerland at least.

So do the actions of people who set of illegal fireworks. They might start a forest fire! Why does one person responsible for a class A misdemeanor get sent to a concentration camp and the other doesn't?

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Why do you think the right wing lies? Do you think they're secretly ashamed of their brutality, partiality, and their willingness to sacrifice justice in pursuit of power?

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>and then everyone clapped their hands so hard that they all collectively broke their wrists

>Darn lad, you got a larsense fer that?
>Invading a country is put on the same level as setting off a firework

>The law is not the law

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Yeah, but most "asylum seekers" are lying for financial reasons, which is a far worse felony

I make 75k a year on a week on, week off schedule with full benefits. I am comfortable, but that does not mean that I'm blind. When 40 year old man from Equador are taking up the jobs that young adults in college and recently out of high school used to have to gain work experience, that is a problem. When major companies like Boeing are hiring Indian coders that chain migrate and overstay their vacation visa for 40k less than what should be the standard for a CS bachelors major, that is a problem.

So many young adults, educated or otherwise, are struggling to get basic work experience because we've allowed illegal immigrants to flood the labor pool, they edge out American workers via a race to the bottom for who is willing to be paid lower. American businesses that hire illegals deserve to be fined 10 times the amount of what that worker produced in terms of revenue, and the illegals need to be ejected.

They still dont require a license to operate, and even then it all varies on state and even city/town.
>also implying I give a remote fuck about either of those groups of gullible morons
But user, muh taykos!!1!1!1!1

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Can I get that restarted please?

"Yeah, people celebrating the 4th of July should be put in concentration camps, but most "asylum seekers" are lying for financial reasons, which is a far worse felony"

This is what you're saying?

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H2-B Visas are capped at 66,000 a year.

>muh tacos
What's funny is that I met a socialist that used that literal excuse as to why Mexicans should be able to freely migrate across the border. Fucking gluttonous, emptyheaded shitbags.

>le concentration camp meme
Let's suppose I illegally cross the border into America and get stopped by border patrol. I'm detained, processed, and sent back. Now imagine I do the same but accompanied by hundreds of other people crossing at the same time. They're going to have to detain everyone they catch until they can be dealt with, they can't just immediately send them on their way back into Mexico with a pat on the back.

So while they're trying to process everyone, work out who they are, which country they need to be sent back to, etc., they've got to put them somewhere. They can't put them up in a city somewhere on their own recognizance because they'll obviously disappear into the city never to be seen again. Leaving the only practical option to keep them in a facility purpose-built to house invading migrants until they can be processed.

It's disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to compare the police dealing with minor infractions by citizens to border agents dealing with unknown individuals crossing the border en masse; though I expect nothing less from leftists nowadays. They aren't being detained as part of a criminal penalty, they're being detained as a necessary evil until they can be sorted out. If you get picked up by the police for anything and either can't or refuse to identify yourself, you'll also be held indefinitely until they can identify you, even if you're a citizen.

I supposed a KOS policy though, not concentration camps being enacted by a kike worshipping moderate.

Do you think the foremost experts on concentration camps are being dishonest because their viewpoint doesn't align with yours? Do you think it is their personal responsibility or is there a systemic flaw with the education system that allows well educated people to disagree with you?

Also, are you seriously defending the US army? You think a bunch of high school graduates killing women and children for Exxon Mobile aren't capable of being evil?

>An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border

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Indians have the highest household income because they live 10 to a home on the west coast in cities like San Francisco, where they also subsequently shit on the streets. It doesn't matter if their "bachelors" only makes them 66k in a place where camping in someone's yard is $500/month. American workers who are CS majors should not get paid less than 100k on the west coast, and these chain migrants are flooding the market with unskilled, pisspoor quality coders and workers.

Do you think people shooting off illegal fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July should be KOS too? That's kind of fucked up for a class A misdemeanor.

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>When major companies like Boeing are hiring Indian coders that chain migrate and overstay their vacation visa for 40k less than what should be the standard for a CS bachelors major, that is a problem
Not my fault Indians are better workers than some lazy stem lord

>Have you ever considered that maybe the WORKERS aren't doing enough to serve the BILLIONAIRES?!

I honestly prefer the tough-on-boarders memers

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Oh no hahaha I don't care about hicks, people that are stupid enough to run en masse into "concentration camps" in our country aren't worth anything to begin with so why not just skip all the unnecessary shit like detainment? Why do you want to drag it out? Nobody supports open borders right? Isn't it just a waste of resources to have officials look for them later on in sanctuary cities? With a bit of lead imagine how much money we can save on ending one crisis and freeing up resources!

America rounded up the Japanese in the 40's, deported millions of illegals with only 10000 agents in the 1950's, and has caused wanton war and destruction in the middle east since the 1970's. We are not nice people, and they are lucky we don't shoot them all and put them in mass graves, along with the traitorous leftists who wish to import easily manipulated third world trash in order to secure a loyal voting block al that they can maintain power.

What is the difference between the two class A misdemeanors that has you so fucking jazzed up about one of them and so uncaring about the other? What would you do about actual felons?

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$9/hr outsourced coding to India is what caused the crash of Boeings latest airliners.

That wasn't a pivot, that was full on entering new coordinates into the console.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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What would I do about actual felons? Well, assuming they're american citizens I'd be fine with sterilizing them, it's not like they provide shit from a cell either. In fact if we did both we could solve our prison overcrowding issue within a generation too! Don't you want to implement a cost-effective solution to fixing america user?

You were making an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to authority, and I am telling you that when push comes to shove, America will preserve itself and further its interests, even if it means being perceived as the bad guy. Morals are irrelevant in the pursuit of self interest.

Do you think that all US troops who have been pardoned of war crimes should be sterilized as well?

What about the ones who have done tragic and evil things in the pursuit of imperialism? Their violence far outweighs what any of the migrants and the greater majority of domestic felons do.

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Blame tech companies. Indians are willing to do code monkey work for a fraction the price of anyone else.
You don't see this kind of situation in any other field. You aren't going to replace Engineers or Physicists with code monkeys. Remember that India has a cultural caste system, and there are a million Pajeets for every Niels Bohr. That doesn't change the fact Bohr-tier Indians exist even today.

I meant Satyendra Nath Bose.

>Evidence to the contrary
>"Nice appeal to authority"

The right-wing of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.

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>Do you think the foremost experts on concentration camps are being dishonest because their viewpoint doesn't align with yours?
Naturally. Or they're stupid.
My being wrong in is NOT an option in this case.

>Do you think it is their personal responsibility or is there a systemic flaw with the education system that allows well educated people to disagree with you?
Both, but mostly number two. Normalfags are sheep, you see. NPCs. Regardless of IQ there is something lacking in their capacity to think for themselves. Steer them in the right direction and they would be white nationalists, like me.
Perhaps it is their normalfag privilege that blinds them, and those who are on the true fringes of society are the only ones that have the blinders of societal acceptance removed.

>Also, are you seriously defending the US army?
In this circumstance? Sure. If they're squashing little nigger larvae to keep them out out of my country, I am fully in support of it. That is a real threat to huhwhite people. That is what the US military should be doing. Little Muhammad in Kabul? Not so much.

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>Do you think the foremost experts on concentration camps are being dishonest because their viewpoint doesn't align with yours? Do you think it is their personal responsibility or is there a systemic flaw with the education system that allows well educated people to disagree with you?
What the hell are you on about? At least try to make sense.

>Also, are you seriously defending the US army? You think a bunch of high school graduates killing women and children for Exxon Mobile aren't capable of being evil?
I didn't say any of that, you must think I'm another poster.

>An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border
I did some research on this so-called expert, Andrea Pitzer. First of all she's not an expert, she's a journalist who's written a book on it. Here's her credentials from her own bio.

>She received an undergraduate degree from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in 1994, and later studied at MIT and Harvard as an affiliate of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism. In 2009, she founded Nieman Storyboard, the narrative nonfiction site for the foundation, which she edited until 2012. Before that, she was a freelance journalist, a music critic, a portrait painter, a French translator, a record store manager, and a martial arts and self-defense instructor (but not all at the same time). She grew up in West Virginia and currently lives with her family near Washington, DC.

She's just a layman who's written a book on the subject. Calling her an expert makes it sounds like she's some academic who's spent her entire life studying concentration camps; from the sounds of it her degree was likely just a degree in politics. So more leftist deception and word trickery in place of actual arguments.

Also you've failed to address any of my previous points so I can only assume you have absolutely nothing to prop up your side except appeals to authority that aren't even much of an authority.

My home was almost burned down due to one of my neighbors setting off illegal fireworks and I still dont think they should be punished that severely. They should be put in jail
People here illegally take away from the rest of us here legally. Not to mention they overpopulate my area specifically. The people coming here illegally may be perfectly fine people but they're still here illegally, there are ways to get here that dont break laws. We need to prioritize our legal citizens and deal with our own problems before we let in everybody else

Why would I care about a pardoned non-felon? They aren't in a cell or doing anything illegal after all. I just said I'd sterilize felons so I'm not sure what the point of your second half was? Before you probably end up bringing it up, I'd be fine with doing the same to the homeless too. As for the imperialism shit I don't think anyone under 50 genuinely supports neocons so.. lmao what were you even getting at? Why not tackle all of these problems simultaneously?

>I can't be wrong and everyone else is dumb

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it

You're a fucking nigger________________________]/spoiler] pic related is you

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Both parties are wrong. There's worse things in the world to fucking complain about.

There is nothing more righteous about a troop than a felon, so I was wondering if you would be in favor of treating both equally.

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Not against the law here. 3 days before and after you can do whatever you want.

Both parties? There is no major party in the United States that is left of center.

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The United States is just a shithole now please don't mention us.

>You're a soiboy because you refuse to agree with my shitty liberal sensibilities
I think you're missing the point soiboys, user. Soiboys are always liberal and always pushovers.

>imb4 he posts the same picture of a neckbeard in a MAGA hat and equates neckbeards with soiboys

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You're retarded. Europe is simply that batshit insane. The best Europe has to offer is Germany where their engineers are paid the same as our costco workers.

Both parties are left of center. Both parties are degenerate globalists corporatists.

Why does righteousness matter at all? One is rotting in a cell unable to ever be a productive member of society, the other, while usually not college educated, is capable of working and providing something after his tours. Felons are a net sink for our country just like migrants, troops, even the ones who end up working shitty low tier jobs provide much more over time. There might be some nigger overlap for felons and troops but overall if we had a graph of net earning between felons and current/ex military which one do you think is providing a net gain compared to the expenses they eat up?

what cuck state do you live in where you need a license for fireworks? a guy in my town set off enough tannerite it was heard, 10 miles away, broke windows, and had hundreds of police calls. guess what, not illegal. the police cant touch him, and people calling for it can get charged with wasting police resources.

I feel like you're just the guy I was replying to in coming back with a mustache on to farm more (you)s

Can you do one about wealth inequality next? I think everyone should get paid equal no matter what work they do.

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honestly, yes. if you are breaking the law, you should be treated like a criminal. but obviously we as a country treat citizens of the country better than illegal immigrants who want to rape and kill all of our families.

Neither party endorses public ownership of the means of production. Nobody else in the world spends >16% of their GDP on healthcare and the US only does because of private health insurance. You're just sad that lobbying and yotta-corporations are the inevitable consequence of capitalism.

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>Boot licking immigrant hater

Imagine my shock

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you know the adults can leave at anytime

>I feel like you're just the guy I was replying to in # coming back with a mustache on to farm more (you)s
Well you shouldn't because that was the first post I made in this thread and I'm not even going to bother appealing to the law when we both know this is about the ideologies behind these laws.

>Can you do one about wealth inequality next? I think everyone should get paid equal no matter what work they do.
I think that is fundamentally retarded and would never work in any universe.
Also nice boomer meme, faggot.

>Neither party endorses public ownership of the means of production.
That's true, but due to their liberal policies and socialist policies that benefit the corporate overlords we both hate so much these are still center left parties.

>You're just sad that lobbying and yotta-corporations are the inevitable consequence of capitalism.
I am not in favor of capitalism. I am in favor of a system that incorporates a great deal of marxism while discouraging degeneracy and encouraging pro white policies.

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i think one of the two shouldnt be a misdemeanor

Also "muh class-consciousness," is not a discussion I feel you are worthy of when you deny the significance of race, religion and nationality.
When you acknowledge that white people need an ethnostate, then we can have a discussion about class.

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