my dick is a thin pencil (7x5) I wish I hat a fat cock.
My dick is a thin pencil (7x5) I wish I hat a fat cock
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I really, really like this picture and wish there were more like it
my dick is basically the one on the right, just thinner. I suppose I should get a pump
>tfw smaller than the left and want to be in this situation but with a girl there telling me how much smaller it is
Mine is EXACTLY the same as the one on the right only with more foreskin because I have mild phimosis. Feels alright I guess.
haha little dick loser!
Why hasnt science given us monster cock treatment yet? I want something I can slap my enemies with.
but you're a man aren't you
you can probably make an inch or two of gains easily
How? I want bigger peen. 8 inches sounds nice.
jelqing, angion method, dick pump. An inch in length and girth is fairly realistic without risk. Look at the massive increase in baily jay's dick over the years, it's mostly from using a penis pump.
Even /hm/ doesn't have a ton of frotting. Sucks, it's by far my favorite gay porn act.
Yes but I can help you to simulate the experience with my collection.
Wrong. She stopped using hormones for a bit and went through delayed puberty or some shit and had a growth spurt. Don't spread bullshit.
the only thing that's proven to work are extenders, if you wear them for 8 hours a day for a year or two.
she also uses a penis pump, it's not bullshit. How old was she when she stopped using test blockers, mid to late 20s? She might get some growth, but by then most of the growth periods have been missed. Plus her dick is widest in the middle by far, which is characteristic of artificial growth
I went through a growth spurt in my mid twenties too. Gained an inch in length and like half an inch in girth. It happens but it's rare. Some men really do go through a second puberty.
Im hearing a lot of hearsay. Is there a place I can go to get the facts about dick enlargement? Im not trying to get memed on Jow Forums and end up losing my dick.
>i'm not trying to get memed on Jow Forums
You'll always get memed on Jow Forums, how long have you been here for??
there's very little actual science on penis enlargement. There are forums like pegym and thunder's palace, but they're just forums, so it's hard to know what's actually useful.
Personally I've had most success with the angion method, I don't really like jelqing and I've never used a penis pump or extender. To be safe make sure whatever you do you alternate days, you probably shouldn't mix different methods either.
Youd think that for something as talked about as dick size that there would be more research put into it.
Do all scientists pack huge dongs?
There's plenty probably, just go to a random porn site with pictures and look up galleries for cock comparison
in that case, you should check out this
It's not really practical, but it's effective if you're dedicated and can get the drugs
>believing that horseshit
Its more believable than pumps and the like that are actual scams that do dick all. Like I said some men go through second puberty. I autistically have measured my dick since 14 and definitely grew in my mid twenties.
all the methods work in a similar way, pushing blood into the penis to extend the blood vessels and create more tissue. The question isn't really if it works, it's to what degree, and how safely.
my dick is bone dry(.001 H20ppm) I wish I hat a moist cock.
I hope it doesn't look like that and is just dry
That ain't you nigga. Does dry benis user even come here anymore?
I hope not. I pray he's in a moist climate with his cock out.
I hope his dick is okay now
Same here but we have to move on. Have you seen this fella? I'll tell you something. See that hole at the top? He doesn't pee from there.
has there ever been a more botched circumcision?
My theory is he fell asleep in the sun one hot day and it melted
There's been ones where they literally have to cut off the entire dick so yes. Like that one case where they tried to make them live as a girl.