Anyone else living at night?
I'm a useless NEET so it doesn't affect my life and I suffer less from the summer's heat. What a shit season.
Anyone else living at night?
If you live at night you will lack vitamin D and will need to absorb it from other people's blood, not worth it t b h senpai
Night is only 8 hours, i have plenty of sun hours since humans are typically awake 16 hours a day, senpai.
Starting to. Gonna try and get my share of sun today though so my body doesn't suffer for it. Usually just read books for hours, which is particularly comfy because I know no one will interrupt me and it's perfectly quiet
That's why i did it. I choose this lifestyle because of that, my only dream was to become a vampire, now i am.
I work graveyard, so I kinda have to.
Not a neet but I usually come home from work at 4pm, sleep until like 11pm and then stay awake til 4am, sleep another two hours and repeat. Kinda fucked, every time I correct the cycle it continues after two weeks.
Also nights feel so fucking short now, as a kid laying in bed "12pm" looked like there was still an eternity until morning but now the night is over in no time
been doing for a few years now, you can legit get brain damage from it so be sure to sleep at night from time to time
Still not able to make threads or post images?
>you can legit get brain damage from it so be sure to sleep at night from time to time
source? sounds interesting and mildly terrifying
yes, its quite aggravating because I have to rely on other to make threads so I can post, also people can just filter me for now, I wonder if they will ever lift my rangeban
its not rocket science user, your circadian rythm gets fucked because your brain is supposed to rest at day
at night, I meant at night
That must be really annoying. Don't you have someone to make the threads for you?
yeah i understand that and have heard it time and time over, i don't refute it
but never heard of it causing brain damage
that would really be something but j wouldn't have any way to contact them since i don't use discord and never will, same with IRC, i just don't trust people enough and its pretty justified since a lot of fellas would dox me if they got the chance, thats just how it is
So what if it gets fucked? That's not brain damage.
Also post source if you mean it gets permanently fucked, because i don't believe it.
Oh, fuck. Consequences of being an avatarfag lol
Anyways, i hope the lfit your rangeban soon.
The circadian rhythm is regulated by melatonin almost exlusively, right? Sleeping in the day would cause a dramatic decrease in overall melatonin. I don't think the effects of melatonin are enough to cause brain damage beyond perhaps a shrinking of the pineal gland. I'm just a retard speculating, though.
I worked nightshift for about two years. On my nights off, time felt like it went by three times as fast. It was pretty shit not being able to do anything as to not wake up my folks. It was great avoiding summer heat though. I'd have no idea that it was 110 that day
You mean you will eventually die? Nice.
Have been for about the past thirteen years or so. It's starting to really fuck me up. I work in the afternoons on weekdays, so I usually only get 3-4 hours of sleep on those days. I'm not as young as I used to be, so I can't shrug off lack of sleep like I used to. I feel like shit every day, and I can't seem to catch up on the weekends any more.
I don't know what to do. I've tried everything to get it back to a normal day/night cycle but it always goes right back. This is what's natural for my body. The problem is that it's not what the rest of the world runs on. It's not like I could just switch over to a night job because as it is I'm going to need to find a second job anyway and can't afford to quit my current one.
I dislike when people talk about the human body like it's programmed to do something or self-aware
why would mirroring your sleep schedule matter if your body can't tell day from night? how would it?
Why is staying awake all day such a struggle, but night so easy? It feels like daylight takes all my energy away.
It's that way for me during the summer. The heat makes it hard to think, the bright sun makes it hard to see.
Night is also quiet which for introverts is much easier to endure.