Would you beat up a robot?

Would you beat up a robot?

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If i saw myself walking on the street, yes i would beat the shit out of me.

No I'd put a dress on you and cuddle you and make you my perfect wife

Depends on if they talked shit to me. I wouldnt hurt anyone out of nowhere unless they were a pedo.

Imagine getting your hands on one of those scrawny little shits out on one of their night walks. Of course I would

I don't have the urge to fight with or beat up anyone at this point of my life. I was a pretty aggressive teenager and that carried over into my early twenties. I hit a point where I calmed down a great deal, though. Hitting someone sounds terrible nowadays, and getting hit sounds even worse. Fighting is the last thing that I need, it's so fucking stupid. I'd fight back if I had to in the event that I was attacked, but if I was mugged I'd probably just hand over my wallet.

Id fuck this retard up

lmao you wish
I'm 6'2 and beefy

>getting hit sounds even worse
Never been in a fight confirmed. The adrenaline makes it to where you barely feel it.

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let me help
this faggot doesnt stand a chance against this gaybashing duo

Youre probably a fat faggot. Id chin check you and you wouldnt do shit lmao

I'd let you beat me up willingly

Based. Lets stomp this faggot

i used to bully this kid in school a year below me who was just like me and instead of being nice i was just an asshole :c

I'm fit bruv I'd fucking knock you a new one
lmao shittalking on r9k for no reason, unironically kys

I'd fuck up every single niggerbastard in this thread

Yes, because the pain involved in fights strictly concerns in the moment and never involves any lasting injuries afterward. That also makes it a good idea to get into fights.
That's okay, I was young and retarded like you once. Hopefully you'll eventually have your eyesocket shattered or your hand broken so that you can feel big and tough before looking back on it years later as an actual adult and realizing what a dipshit that you were when you were younger.

Me and my buddy kicked this kid in the nuts and in the ribs in the bathroom until he pissed himself. Still dont know why we did it.
Post body homo.
Doubt it

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I'd beat down some boipussi faggots and shove a bottle up their ass.

My knuckles still hurt from a fight I got into like a month ago. I hit him with the wrong knuckle and fucked my shit up.

if i was a nigger id fuck myself up so you need to just back the fuck up
im getting tired of my nigger lip already so just hold tight
i think people pay for such things
you should get a job

your all onions boys

Im 6'2 and 130 lbs. Id obliterate ALL of you pathetic fat manlets

obliterate my dik

You're the type of faggot that got in a slap fight once in middle school and hasn't shut up about it since.

If you've ever taken a serious hit to the head, you'd know damn fucking well that your brain doesn't turn on hardass mode when it happens. Your vision craps out for a solid 2 seconds until try to figure out what the hell just happened.

Only times thats happened to me is once when playing football and another time i fell off a skateboard and landed on my head. Ive just never been punched hard enough where my clock got reset I guess.

Dont get hit next time fag. I dodge all of my opponents hits and strike with precision. I can just tell from your post i would destroy you

>I dodge all of my opponents hits and strike with precision. I can just tell from your post i would destroy you

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>tfw massive pussy and shake, stutter and twitch profusely whenever I'm being yelled at or hear somebody yelling
Conflict scares the shit out of me so probably not, OP. If anything I'm the one who's gonna be getting beat up.

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I will protect you, user.

>I will protect you
thanks user

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I wish I wasn't told this meme that bullies are bad. If I could go back I would start fights with everyone at school.

I'd bully you myself but protect you from anyone else.

Fighting unironically isn't worth it ever. First of all it's not like in the movies, instead it's really awkward with alot of holding and dancing around. Secondly you don't look like a badass. You look goofy and you're making an ass out of yourself in front of everyone watching. Third of all you could get into legal trouble, or seriously injured because you never know what other people are capable of. The best option is to either deescalate the conflict or run away. Don't fight unless you absolutely have to, it's not worth it.

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a real robot no
a "robot"

i'm 6'2 with 22 inch shoulders

fighting wise fat is def better than skinny
you get a big str boost

>6'2 130lbs
you can see my ribs at 180 and i'm 6'2
a paper bag would beat you up