Always tip

Just a reminder that you need to tip service workers (waiters, bartenders, baristas, and tip jars) 18% minimum. If you can not than stay at home and make your own food.

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>If you can not than stay at home and make your own food.

I will

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>not American
>doesn't need to tip

One should be extremely suspect in a god that requires your fucking money anyway.

"hey bro I am all powerful and made anything but I could really use some money right now to gas up the old god mobile."

This post in the pic cannot be fucking real. It does more to insult and damage god that it does help or justify anything.

Why? Everyone else who works in a restaurant is equally important for the restaurant to function, why should only waiters get paid a tip? Other jobs like warehouse workers and cashiers at the grocery store are also important, why shouldn't they be tipped?

i always tip because i know how it is to be broke and struggle and you never know how much of a difference that few dollars can make in someone's life
>sHouLd HaVE gOtTen A BeTtER jOB!
>Low iQ!
>ProBAbLy JUst GonNA spEnD iT oN DrUgz!

Isn't tithe 10 percent of what you earn?
Can christians math?


What gives? Evertime someone talks about tipping, the (((minimum))) acceptabl tip gets bigger. I couldve sworn it used to be 5 or 8%.

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Yeah, that's bullshit if I've heard it. Typically it's like 10% if they did bare fucking minimum, around 15% if they did alright, and 20% if they actually put effort in (e.g. hawking your empty drink within at most 5 minutes, with some leeway if it's high capacity at rush hour while they're moving between like, 10+ different tables). They seem happy to see us when we come back, so I'm assuming 15-20% is a decent range.


I will never understand American tipping culture, this chip on your shoulder should be directed toward your wagemasters, not your customers.


5% tip if you do a notably good job
10% max for only the best of servers

Our Lord and Savior just has some expensive tastes and that's okay, you think those priestly robes and stained glass windows come cheap?

Just a reminder that wagies should get a better job if they want more money

Dude, have you ever known a pizza guy? They ARE spending it on drugs.

It's funny how one of the most famous New Testament stories is of Jesus turning the tables in the temple market. Was nobody paying attention to Jesus cursing out people who made his Father's house a den of thieves?

Tipping? What is that? A Burger thing?

I thought the story was "LEL NIGGURZ DON'T TIP!!! XDDDDD". Now it's cool to not tip waiters..?

no and literally fuck you 8.00$ thats the price not 9.44$ or 10$ its 8$ the restaurant should include it in the price if i liked the service i will give more but this is not a must only retarded muricans think else

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Reminder that you aren't obligated to tip shit. They'll be paid minimum wage regardless if the tips aren't sufficient by law by their employers.

And if that upsets you, reminder that you're doing a job I could train a literal monkey to do, and you aren't obligated to shit. You aren't entitled to more money because I ordered the steak instead of a salad, you're doing the same fucking job.

This is my one gripe with tipping: why is it based on a percentage of my bill? I kinda get that with delivery, since it's a pain in the dick to carry more stuff, but there's no reason I should tip more just because I ordered a more expensive dish. That'd be like tipping gas pumpers more money based on how much gas my car needs, it makes no sense.

PIease answer my question here.

Been a waiter for 6 years, stopped last year. Every time I'm out to eat I always tip 20%+ (if the waiter/waitress is not rude which I haven't had yet). I've been there I know how it feels to get a shitty tip. Even if you did the best service you provided you feel like a shitty person after, asking yourself what you could've done differently. Plus in America, if you're a waiter/waitress tips are 90% of your income. I always tip good, you don't know what someone is going through in life. That extra 5 dollars you tip them could benefit them more than you can imagine.

Tipping was never cool. And yes, niggers don't tip, also Asians will either not tip or tip $1, and whites will tip differently based on income and political background.

I refuse to lower myself to the level of niggers so I always tip,never steal and I never rape.

You're scum and a liar and you get paid a full wage if you don't make tips. Stop perpetuating that lie fuck you cunt

Well maybe where you live thats true. But for where I live the most waiters/waitress get paid is $2-$5 an hour.

Why would I tip someone to pour black coffee into a cup?

Yes, because their tips in addition to their wage equates the federal or state minimum wage (whichever is higher), assuming you're in the states. That's how it's supposed to work. They can legally pay you as low as $2.13/hr so long as your tips bring you up to minimum, otherwise they have to make the difference, or pay you outright. A few states require them to pay you the full minimum wage on top of your tips, actually.
You had an interesting suggestion about how it can make people start questioning themselves, though. Never thought of it like that.

Fuck tipping
Why should I pay the retarded waitress/waiter $20 for giving my food. The only people I tip are delivery drivers bc that I can understand, having them drive to my place and giving me my food. But dine ins, fuck them. I know some of muni friends that used to work for dine ins like IHOP and dennys and they think of me that they get loaded with tips. So fuck these retardes crying for extra $$$ where I know they make good change.

Where are you spending $100 for food, user?

With how stupid you are, maybe you should stay a waiter


ITT: crude trolls get everyone buttmad

Tips generally get split between everyone, I think, at least at poorer restaurants (not high end shit).

Legit, 20% is absurd. That's $5 on a $25 meal. I'm a student. I'm not rich enough for tipping culture.

I wish more people thought like you. Tipping is such an ass backwards Jew strategy that somehow people fell for.

Actually, restaurants are allowed to pay below min wage in some areas because "the tip makes up for it". And then the customers get the blame for the waiter's suffering when they don't tip when it really should be on the restaurant.

>stay at home and make your own food
I hate FOH. You faggots don't make the food the kitchen makes the food.

The fuck? Prices already include the tip, you retard.

i always tip because i dont give a fuck. my sole reason.

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That means "cool"? It never was "cool". Acceptable? Definitely. Obligatory? Never.

About time someone stands up to the Chad devil

No, I pay for meal, their pay comes out of what I've paid.

>go to school
>gets shot
>tips shooter
god I hate america so much

I live in California where everything is stupidly expensive already AND everybody gets paid at least minimum wage, why am I still expected to tip?