Just how important is being Jow Forums in terms of getting girls?

Just how important is being Jow Forums in terms of getting girls?
Like are you ugly as shit if you are not at 10% body fat?
Are fat and skinny men (not anorexic and obese of course) disgusting to women?
I am a five foot eight kissless virgin and I weighed in at 197 lbs this morning and it made me want to kill myself. And this was after I got to my lowest weight of 188 only a few months ago.
Are you worthless to women if you are not fit? Fit women are nice but so are skinny, curvy, or even slightly chubby women who do not do any exercise at all, yet the dad bod meme is the biggest lie ever.

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would you rather be fat and ugly or fit and ugly?

If we are talking getting fit but never getting girls then fat. Because I wouldnt care about getting ripped if I was not so lonely

Attraction is driven through facial features way more; however, there are no downsides to exercising except arguably free time for fresco-tier cucks
You don't even have to exercise to lose weight at your stats though

women care more about your height, frame, and face. muscles just mean you spent time working out and eating right. it's an improvement, but nothing beats height, frame and face. its not a coincidence those things are basically impossible to change except for some facial features through plastic surgery.

You dont get that shredded without perfect clean eating and a ton of time in the gym. Otherwise you end up as a skinny fat guy.
Weight and body fat are not the same thing.
It is hard to see if one has god tier facial aesthetics without being that ripped, and women will always pick a muscular hot dude over a skinny hot dude or any fat fuck.

>otherwise you end up as a skinny fat guy
There's plenty of people who will never end up on the cover of Muscle & Fitness that still look good with their clothes off

>hard to see if one has god tier facial aesthetics without being that ripped
Wrong again, you just have to not be overweight. There are no jawline exercises

you do not need ripped to see your facial features, that is ridiculous. my weight is normal and you can clearly see i have a recessed jaw and hook nose. being ripped isn't going to improve those things, only surgery is. you need to be a 'hot guy' in the first place for muscles to work, so it's not really worth the effort unless you already have a good face to go along with the body.

Couldn't muscles also indicate your potential for muscle development?

I am fat so I have no idea what my face is but 10% body fat will tell be if I am Chad or not
But I am 5 foot 8 so kill me

most women don't care about muscles beyond a certain point. they mostly like bodies like brad pitt in fight club, that's generally what they like. big muscles are almost like a fetish kind of thing, sort of like how large cow tits are a fetish for guys, its something like that.

>they mostly like bodies like brad pitt in fight club, that's generally what they like
Which is ripped, with visible six pack abs and very low body fat. I wasnt talking about stereotypical bodybuilders who are fucking massive, but the Brad Pitt Fight Club body type is still better than the majority of the male population.

ok, but that's not really what i'm saying. i'm saying if you want to work out, aim for that type of body, but you're still only going to be limited by your face if you have an ugly face. that's the main problem with working out, a lot of guys come off as try hards making up for something and women just look right through it.

dad bod is not a meme, as i can attest. however you're competing with taller men. more like short people are a total meme.

Lol no woman wants a fat dude
And I aint just talking morbid obese Gaben level fat, but just beer belly fat is enough to disgust women

annnd you would know, right?

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Yeah, women prefer fit guys to fat guys

I think the safest body is a medium sized muscular build. No girl will ever say, "I really like this guy but he is medium build and muscular!" Just ridiculous. Most women will find muscular men attractive even if they ahve a preference for someone who is leaner or chubbier.

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if you are 5'8" it doesn't matter how fit you are because i will squash you like an insect. so, women prefer me to you. what do you think about that?

>Most women will find muscular men attractive even if they ahve a preference for someone who is leaner or chubbier.
Any woman who says she likes fat dudes or short dudes is a virtue signaling, lying cunt

Makes me want you to fuck my gf while I watch