Why the fuck do ethnics want our women so much?
Why the fuck do ethnics want our women so much?
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>our women
Non-white here. I love white ass it's the best. I got a fetish for white sluts since Princess Peach
Only Asians do because of anime and self-hate
who's dis ho3?
>White women
Well you incels arent fucking them, so you clearly dont want them.
Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, pale white girls are the pinnacle of attractiveness. They have pink nipples, pussies, and buttholes. Set aside some of them having bitchy personalities, what's not to love?
t. brown man
>Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, pale white girls are the pinnacle of attractiveness.
Nah they're cookie cutter boring now
Pale women with black hair and green eyes are my thing
That's just you being a contrarian. The data still supports the fact that pic related phenotype is the most popular by far.
>t. data analyst at online dating company
>is the most popular by far.
I don't give a fuck what's popular. So is eating ass, but I'm not some normie faggot who'll jump on the trend of sticking his tongue in a literal shithole
I like what I like. Simple as that.
name of this semen dm?
How many of these threads are you going to make user?
I'm black and like light skin black amd black hispanic girls(puerto rican/dominican).
Wh*Toids are boring.
>im black
Bump. This thread is triggering white INCELS.
In think it's funny that they want what they can't have.
If the have children with a woman with these features they will never have children with these features.
>In think it's funny that they want what they can't have
Blame Hollywood for brainwashing ethnic kids that white people are the most attractive. Now it's so ingrained in them they naturally want to go for white girls.
>our women
have sex incel
They are 'ours' in the sense that we belong to the same people. They are our mothers, daughters and sisters and I cherish them.
> have sex
Dilate. Or save Hex, it's up to you
Mr/Mrs Programming socks.
Always wanted wh*te girls when I was younger, but then I realised Latinas and Arabs are far superior. Liking wh*tes is just being an immature little boi.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read on this site and I've been here for a long time.
Amigo, I WISH latina women would want me. All I get are fucking self-hating gueras that I would gladly breed with if I could afford a child.
Based and tastepilled
in an original fashion
This girl is REALLY into Asian guys btw. Two of her previous bfs were Asian.
Spic and love white girls
because white girls are sexual freaks and really easy. they don't give a fuck who they fuck
Why are white girls so sexual? Why aren't other girls like them?
>our women
Hahahahah LOL
They will be. Read the Turner Diaries.
Not really. They only go for white chads and black men.
>only white chads and black men
listen to the first 2 mins of this interview
Lol, don't want brain AIDS thank you.
Just watch it. You can close the porn part.
for the same reason I want theirs
based fucking taste
what's good about arab women? the purity?what ethnicity is she
she is most likely Indian
Anime characters are drawn with exaggerated Caucasian features. Multicolored hair and large, round multicolored eyes. It seems like the animators don't want their characters to look Asian
Oh boy, yet another generic race bait thread, how original.
>what's good about arab women?
I don't know if they share some allah tier DNA or doing ramadan fucks up their metabolism in a good way, but there's way too many Arab girls with fat distributed only in tits and ass. I'd also bomb some western country if I had a slight chance to get 30 virgin arabs in heaven.
They get implants and nose jobs bc that's all they can show off
I've always been attracted to white women and I'd go as far to say more attracted to white women than women of my own race, besides those that appear white. Can't explain it, likely some combination of cultural and pornographic influences crafting my taste.
There's not exactly a lot of dark skinned black women in porn, but it's legitimately crazy how shit like that changes who you date. I would say dark skin black girls have been the most vocally attracted to me and within my vicinity and all of my exes have been multiracial.
If they're your women why are they allowed to vote, hold assets (inc. land), immigrate, and sign contracts of their own accord? Are they specifically yours because of the skin color and no other legally binding attribute?
>They get implants and nose jobs bc that's all they can show off
you're thinking of persians
You're thinking of Latinas. Wh*te women act like fishes in bed while Latinas know what men like.
We don't have a choice, you asswipe.
We only fuck wh*te women to cuck you people out of existence. They're easy and available since wh*toid males are sodomites/trannies/furries.
latina isn't a race you dumb fuck
>light skin black
Not such a thing, thats a mulatta for sure, stop pretending they belong to your race nigger, mixed girls belong to mixed boys.
White isn't eigther if you want to go that route dumbo
Grillz wearing heels while getting fucked is a pleb maymay fetish.
Guys wearing heels while fucking grillz is Patrician.
I wonder why the heel fetish even exists.
But then again I had an interest in it a long time ago and milked it out for as much as I could handle, which was a moderate amount.