Instilled by your parents and/or teachers, I'm talking about things like "be kind to everyone", "be nice to girls", "say please and thank you", and at what age did you realise that these beta values didn't apply to anyone else other than you?
Were you instilled with beta values as a child?
My values were always "be kind to people you like"
Saying please and thank you is not beta, fag
I try my best to be good to people. If someone thinks you shouldn't strive for that, then they're an asswipe.
lmao what being nice to people is how you get ahead, people like to give you stuff if you are nice to them. (the key though is occasionally you have to actually ask for the stuff)
Chad is nice to most people, though, that's what makes him chad. He doesn't need to be a dick to assert power, he just naturally commands authority.
What if my parents had nothing to do with it and its all my fault for being kind of a pussy? No it's someone else's fault clearly.
>please and thank you
Those are simply manners and you're so insecure that you think they make you weaker. Kill yourself.
Yeah Ive been nice all my life and it always left me feeling taken advantage of or treated unequally mean. I got tired of it and started bein an asshole and everyone dropped me first chance they got. It was quite incredible, like as if I hadnt put up with peoples shit the whole time before it.
Now Im obsessed with getting back at people who have wronged me and desu It feels sort of good but bad too. Ive gotten nowhere with the attitude but I at least feel like I have self respect and I just am surrounded by pieces of shit.
I'm sure there is a healthy balance somewhere but I definitely was trained to act similarly and didn't realize that it only got me stepped on in highschool. People will treat you like absolute dirt if you "turn the other cheek."
I wasn't rally instilled with anything. My parents never really had any interest in me, and there was never anybody in my life who did. Now I'm just adrift, treading water until at some point I just stop and slip below the sea.
I think what OP is getting at is that all his life he's been taught just being nice can get you ahead in life, which is just a small portion of the truth. A lot of people wont see it as much if you are just nice. If you're raised to hust be nice to other people but not raised to be dominant, selfish, and charismatic, no man will succeed in life
my parents didn't teach me anything after the age of 4. after that age it was just school teachers. the only male school teacher i had was for PE class and he was just some 60 year old fat boomer that didn't give a fuck. i did not have a true male teacher until 5th grade at the age of 12, and that guy was a complete deranged nutcase that was suspended multiple times for being violent towards students. i heard a story about him chucking a desk at a student, the kid ducked, and it shattered the entire pane of glass behind him. i dont know how the fuck he kept his job, must have had dirt on someone.
>"turn the other cheek."
im pretty sure that verse doesn't mean "let people abuse you" so much as "it's usually not worth it to get into fights with people; just disengage"
>If you're raised to hust be nice to other people but not raised to be dominant, selfish, and charismatic, no man will succeed in life
how is being nice mutually exclusive to being dominant, selfish, or charismatic
Not really beta values as much as dumb ones.
>if anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way you immediately punch them
>women are queens and you should go out of your way to respect them instead of treating them like equals
>obnoxiously flaunt your knowledge every chance you get because it will somehow make people like you
Mostly taught by my dad but I wasn't even 5 before I realized how dumb it all was and how others that did this either got beaten up or ostracized for being annoying, which I always thought was well deserved. I wish they would have taught me anything at all about girls instead. Maybe then I wouldn't have become such a sperg but I don't resent or blame them for it.
Somewhat but I'm in a weird situation. My parents divorced and I was raised half by each.
My Mother God bless her encouraged more Chad tendencies and my father encouraged the beta bitchboi tendancies.
It's taken me years to deprogram myself.
My father was the ultimate beta and completely brainwashed by leftist shit by his brother. Its weird because my grandpa was a rich republican.
I have no idea what lead them down that path. Probably just from watching TV and being part of stupid shit movements. I think in the long run it REALLY fucks your family up. Any form of leftism is pretty much crippling to your entire life style and will just erode you till there's nothing left.
My mom was a feminist and basically raised me to see male sexuality as inherently predatory and potentially abusive. It wasn't in a hardcore "men are all potential rapists" way like modern feminists, but in a more subtle way and done over years with subtle reinforcement all the time. Because of this, I thought I was a bad person for being interested in girls sexually. For example, for most of my childhood I genuinely thought you were supposed to only be sexually attracted to girls you were already in love with and that it was wrong to be attracted to girls you didn't love. Not morally wrong but genuinely medically wrong, like you were sick if you wanted to fuck a girl you weren't in love with. Obviously I was still attracted to girls without being in love with them once I hit puberty, and because of that I thought I was mentally ill. But I also thought it was bad morally, so I didn't want to talk about it with my mom because I thought she'd think I'm evil. So I thought I was both crazy and a bad person because of it.
Due to my fucked up sexuality, I grew a large interest in hentai and particularly yuri. The hentai part was because it didn't involve real women, so I thought it was "OK". You can't love a fictional woman anyway, that's why you might still be sexually attracted to them without being sick. The yuri part was because it didn't involve men, so it was morally better because males in my mind were inherently predatory. Girls were innocent, and thus lesbian sex was pure and wholesome and morally better.
>"say please and thank you"
> "be kind to everyone"
these arent beta values you betafag
this coupled with the phrase from my mother "dont touch it or it will fall off" in reference to my penis, severely fucked up my sexuality.
My parents walked in on me in the nude several times growing up and jokingly said I had a small penis (no shit I did, I was a kid), this coupled with them also joking about it in a completely unrelated scenario later on to shut me down when we were arguing about something, ended up with me thinking there actually was something wrong with my cock so I avoided girls and anything sexual out of insecurity from then on, even avoided touching my own cock so I never masturbated until later. My parents are nice people but terrible parents in multiple ways.
Yea but I was a chad child so I never paid any attention.
When my parents started to use me. I very early on stopped thanking them for shit they were actually just doing for themselves. It was easy because earlier, about 5 or 6, I had been betrayed and forced to kiss a grown woman I didn't want to. That didn't stop until I moved out. I started to get abused because I refused to be used. Realizing you can only beat a dead horse so many times, I ended up becoming neglected. Fortunately I was already fiercely independent because of bullshit.
My self-esteem was driven down, and I was basically raised never to defend myself. I do believe that kindness and treating others is the right course; we should live God's way. However an important omission is that as children of God we shouldn't allow harm to come to ourselves. That is also not showing care and kindness for His creation. As such, you should defend yourself with the same vigour you would defend others. In short, you should always be willing and able to fight for yourself. You should feel worth defending rather than valuing others more highly than you, and assuming that you deserve it. That is a value that I will be sure to instil in my own child, alongside other Christian values. I say this as someone with a fiance and plans to have a child within the next year.
"Alphas" say please and thank you, and they are often kind. But they do these things when they are appropriate and don't when it's not. If your brain is permanently set to nice mode and you act like a pushover as a result then the problem is you being a bitch, not society being mean to nice people or whatever cope you've concocted. Quit the tragic "I'm too nice" bullshit.
I agree with you, but that permanent situationally inappropriate niceness is absolutely something that can be drilled into you.
Maybe. But don't you feel fed up with acting like that? Don't you want to say "fuck everyone" just for once to see what it's like? To see if anything changes? It's not like you were conditioned to be like this by the CIA. Your parents taught you some bad habits but they aren't necessarily permanent. You don't owe anyone anything and nobody owes you anything. Act accordingly and don't go out of your way to help/be nice to people who aren't close to you or who wouldn't truly appreciate it. Start gradually and work your way up until you've reduced these behaviours to an acceptable level.
I agree. I no longer behave that way. Don't underestimate the force of 15 years of programming; I'd say that that level of indoctrination, from birth, is easily equal to anything the CIA could conjure up. I see that it's a mentally and spiritually sick way to behave and actively resist, but I have to second guess myself and actively override my programming.
Don't worry, I've had my wild years. really went off the rails.
You are too dim & weak to grasp the term
What are discussing is *courtesy*, or
>basic civilized behavior
That is the bare minimum of being a member of society
*values* is about moral & ethical behavior, life goals, etc.
If all you were taught was essential courtesy you are not a beta, you are semi-feral
>the problem with global civilization in one tragic post
Children are factory farmed in public schools & everyone wonders why they are fucked up
It is not
>top men
are known for being charming & charitable
Being nice and kind are objectively good values, but most parents don't seem to know the difference between being nice and being passive wimp. I'm from mentally absuve household with mentally ill parents, and they did everything in their power to make sure I'm clueless of people who want to take advantage of me. When I got bullied they told me to ignore it, and that meant if someone stole and broke my things and I knew who did it, that was just too bad because no one was going to help me. Even if I got beaten up they still told me to ignore it. I'm not sure if they underestimated the cruelty of the world or if they just didn't care, but I was such a wimp and I believed their every advice because they were adults and in authoritative position. Their most epic prank was to not let me meet anyone after school or participate in any hobby groups, and thus excluding me from natural social growth and healthy way to meet new friends. I can change my behavior and thinking now, but it's too late to change my fucked up childhood and the damage is already done.
Sending you to public schools excluded you from natural social growth
Bad manners turn me off immensely.
This experience is very close to my own. I feel you, user.
True friends are made outside of school and I wasn't allowed to meet anyone after school. You can't bond with people who stop existing when it's not a school day.
There is a difference between being nice and being a doormat. And having basic manners such as saying please and thank you doesnt make you a doormat, though it is not surprising knowing this board your retarded ass would think that.
Be kind but be firm, right? There's a good reason every highly respected "warrior" book / teaching emphasizes both the kindness and compassion to help those around you as well as the discipline to not put others on a pedestal and the courage to stand against those who would harm you (even if that means having to run to escape with your life, better to live and act to your virtues later than to admit defeat and succumb to the will of someone you don't agree with). You have good virtues user, we're hoping for you to have a better future.
I was not really taught manners, I was a very timid child. Those kind of things came naturally :/ I don't remember being told to be nice.
>"turn the other cheek."
>im pretty sure that verse doesn't mean "let people abuse you" so much as "it's usually not worth it to get into fights with people; just disengage"
I always interpreted it as "if you get punched in the face, let them hit the other side of your face because you don't care and they are an asshole."
What is instilled and imprinted into you during your formative years absolutely stays with you your entire life. It's cope to think that you can effectively change this.
This. They are not too nice, the problem is that people here are too timid
All of the above, plus I was told to save myself for marriage. To the flesh, it is a naive mindset to have. In spirit, it is the truth. We are among the days where many have chosen to reduce themselves to being wild beasts in order to live comfortably.
No because I was raised by my grandfather who was a rough old Irish bastard. Took me a while to realise how much of an asshole I was. Grandpa told me it was just the way of the world.
none. everyone wanted me to die cuz autistic freak fag
I can't really remember any value that my parents taught me. My mother had me when she was 19 and my father was 20. They were never together or anything like that, from the little I know it was a one night stand and I was an accident. I was raised mostly by my grandmother, my grandfather worked a lot and didn't really taught me anything but he was the closer I had to a male model. Most of my morals come from superheros comic books that I used to read. Back at that time there were still good values to be taken from them. I wouldn't say they were beta values because at the same time the overall mindset is being nice they also show that you must defend the ones you love from dangers.
yeah because im not a nigger
I was instilled with gamma values by my parents
Kek at all you beta fags