Why don't you just buy a sex toy for a lonely fembot? You'll get to take the credit for every orgasm she gets from it.
Why don't you just buy a sex toy for a lonely fembot? You'll get to take the credit for every orgasm she gets from it
This is the most beta thing I've heard in awhile.
>in a while
how often do you come here?
I want to BE the dildo for a lonely fembot.
What if I make free sex toys using my dick as a model? Its 6.5" long and idk how thick, it looks proportional. Would fembots like a free dildo like this?
How free is free?
Free shipping included if American
How would you make it? Like a 3D printer?
I'd take it for free but probably wouldn't use it much since dildos aren't really my thing.
What kind of things are your thing?
In this context my hands mostly.
Have you ever been curious about other methods?
No, I would the more classic method of taking photos, creating a clay mould by pressing it on my erect dick, pouring wax in the mould, carving it to shape, using the wax to make another mould, using that mould to poor a silicone mixture in, which would be the dildo.
I have tried a dildo but my fingers/hands do a better job. I'm not really interested in trying anything else.
That sounds like a lot of effort for you
I guess you wouldn't be interested in any gifts then. Oh well, thanks for discussing it with us anyway.
You just need one with a clit stimulator
I think it would be a fun creative project. It would also be nice to know some female pleasures herself with my dick.
Nah, I'm fully satisfied with my fingers.
Even if you had a boyfriend?
Yeah, it'd probably be wasted on me. Thanks tho.
Sex and masturbation are two different things, user. I wouldn't compare those.