The last two digits determines the age of the next woman you will have sex with
The last two digits determines the age of the next woman you will have sex with
I hope I get a good answer
ding-dong diddly rollan for a young qt
Give me 2 zeros please.
Granny trannies . com
anything under 20 will be finde thanks
>Nice guys can't fuck
>Woman herself is like a 4 at best
Damn. . . .
this cannot end well
Lets go get that brick
Fuck it let's see
better be single digit
whatever rolling sex is sex
well let's see what we can roll n' scroll
inb4 00 virgin 4 lyfe
please don't be old pleeeeeaaaaase
Sex? I wish
rolling for anything under 18 lole
I want a cute gf rolling for middle school girls
This is a load of barnacles
C'mon legs 11
Im just writing shit so this board wont think im spamming. im just trying to say roll and i dont want to include a pic.
what if i get 00? that doesn't count right...
Rollan for 0
I'll probably become a wizard
could this be my calling, its time for og
inceldom is not a choice
Please give me a granny
cant wait to see this shit
Hopefully I get over 18, hopefully I get 18 actually
If it's not the age of my gf I'm in trouble.
Whelp I guess I'm visiting Grandma soon
Let's see how that goes.
Oh boy I hope it fits.
I'm gonna be pedo, right?
officer I can explain
nevermind Im a motherfucker apparently
Well boys let's see if im a pedo or not
Let's go oriva commento
Rolling for young qt
Luck be in favor of me tonight pls
My guess is it's a granny
rollerino despacito
I am having a bad morning
Better be good oregalgio
Well , you got what you wished for.
As did you.
Oh my god sex!
Rollan for 22
Hope im not going to jail soon
So long as it's not on the clock
6122 porn ads
I hope it's not 72 or something but still legal.
Would be funny to actually roll a 34
20-30 c'mon
My digits are objectively the best age to have sex with a foid
rollin for a milf
FBI go to hell
alright faggots, I'm rolling for that 20
>next woman you will have sex with
>next woman
okay here we go
let's go
Rolling for my sins. Originoli pasta rolly.
I accept all ages.
You sure?
Also fuck off bot, stop muting me.
Any age will do I suppose
rolling for milf
Yes sir this thread right here
inb4 gets insanely low
Lest see what the day wil bring
roll 19 in this trash idea thread
god please dont fuck me over again
rolling for milf waifu
I'm actually pretty afraid of this roll, pls no underages
Nice digits. Not bad at all.
Roll yfhghgg
Gib now, orgognal
Let's hope I get a GGILF.
>tfw no granny gf to bake you cookies and drag you to church every sunday and wednesday and tie you in elastic tape and peg you until you scream
Very original road roller, rolerinioeoeoeororot
12 get (in an original post way)
I would hatefuck her so bad, is that the point of her t-shirt?
actually am curious
hmm lets see this
Let's make this happen ladies
Please be underage, please within legal age for my country.
give me something good, lol fuck
My condolences, toddlercon-kun
Hope she's legal.
Oh fucking shit, dude.
Only one way to find out.
And... Roll. Hopefully atleast legal
200% original
who would it be
Rolling for 24. I'll make my move if I get it.