Self harm is based pls. Being clean for 8 months I didnt know how good relapse felt till now
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you cant be hurting yourself user. i know its hard but if you continue, one thing will lead to another and you'll end up in your bathtub full of blood.
Ive been there user, please get help and be as lucky as me
>that skin
oh it must be so soft mmmmm
do the world a favor and take the razor to your throat stupid bitch
3 months old right noe
This was the lamest meme I have ever fallen for it barely helps anything
I mainly cut myself because of the shame associated with it
user you have my respect. No matter the bad rep it gets, cutting yourself is rather intelectual use of time. You might lose some blood but in turn you will become smarter as the process is asociated with the growth of new neurons. It depends on you but I think thats a pretty fair trade for a few scars. Just dont do anything crazy that would kill you and you will become smarter than most of the Jow Forums with practice
>knife slips
>hole fucking calf splits open
>fug :DDD
Never again.
>cut myself
>wound fills with blood
>no drips
Guys am I immortal
I know life is hard user, but please don't hurt yourself.
Treat yourself better user, there are better ways to vent the pain you must be feeling than this. There are resources out there to help.
Self harm is a cry for attention 100% of the time
kill yourself reddit scum, cutting yourself is better than permanently destroying your body with drugs and alcohol or casual sex.
people cut for attention most of the time (as is proved by you making this thread). fuck off attention whore.
GAYEST cope mechanism desu, even masturbating to traps is less gay
>tfw whenever I get drunk I get an irresistible urge to cut
why am i like this....
Hi user I have xanax so cutting goddess senpai will shut up when she needs to
Im so proud you didn't relapse! I feel shitty about relapsing so I got on xanax. I relapse under alot of stress.
Thank you!!! Do you want to die with me?!
I agree. Cutting is a better use of time then masturbating to literally anything. You might lose some blood but you gain calmness and euphoria!!
OP here. I feel the urge to cut when I go to uni . Its normal to feel urges towards certain events
OP here. IM HEEREEEEEEREE. Yeah im using Jow Forums to get attention because Im a loner and wants some love and ATTENTION
>reddit scum
TIL I'm worse than cutters. I had always suspected.
i go full gg allin and smash my head violently very arousing
>people still actually do this
I can't imagine ever being this stupid, it's near baffling, for a while I forgot these people even existed
>not eating or throwing shit at other people
you go SOFT gg allin
only burning yourself is based
i actually have a scat fetish but i wrap that bitch up in teepee before chomping nigga
I cut myself to prepare myself for suicide.
I think the whole idea is for edgelord attention whores, especially the ones who show their cuts in public.
Personally I do it on the higher side of my left leg so no one will ever see them, because im not a faggot like yall.
There are plenty of reasons to self harm desu.
>communicating that you need help and nurture/attention whoring
>hyping yourself up for eventual suicide
>outlet for anger
>breaking anxious, depressive, or generally intrusive thoughts and calming down
>alleviating emotional numbness
>reality checking
>psychosis related reasons, like trying to get the glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger microchip out of your leg
>for sexual pleasure, which can also be broken down by what exactly turns them on, blood/pain/scarring/etc
>shitty habit, do it often enough and it will always come down to this
So yeah, while a lot of people who self harm use their injuries to communicate, but a good portion does it for other reasons, and keeps their scars as hidden as possible.