Mfw he's read Marx

>mfw he's read Marx

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good thing i read marx

Even if you're farther right than Hitler, if you haven't read Marx your understanding of the modern world is incomplete

What if he's read Marx and thought "Damn, the capitalists were right, that dude really *was* a wingnut"?

commie baitposter detected

*readies weapon*
b e g o n e . i d e a l i s t .

Marx is required reading for everyone you nigger.

>t. hasn't read a book in his life

holy shit bro. are you self aware at all? did you think that post was cool? are you brain dead?

>"marx is required reading"
>probably hasn't read platos cave, a work which many entire college classes are dedicated to the interpretation of
b e g o n e . a r r o g a n t . r e t a r d s .

I mean, nothing about Plato's Symposium on Love or his Republic convinced me that he had anything useful to say. Why would I waste more time on the Allegory of the Cave?

>ad hominem
no i just wanted to call OP out for blatant idealistic views and/or baitposting

you should. it has outdated ideas but also brings into perspective many questions about the nature of reality and subjective human experience

Marx's Das Kapital was a painful read, the man has no understanding of market forces, tries to oversimplify everything, doesn't understand the importance of competition.

He even goes on about how there needs to be a consumer class who's only job is to consume, yet needs money so wealth has to be redistributed because money accumulates. However he already proved how that wouldn't be the case because he described the method of minting new gold and silver into 'the money', thus the system is creating the wealth to this consumer class by forcing them to have to go out and create their own wealth.

>you should. it has outdated ideas but also brings into perspective many questions about the nature of reality and subjective human experience

Just start with Descartes and skip wrestlemania altogether. I feel terrible for Socrates trying to clean up after Plato and the Neoplatonists just made things worse by getting to the garbage looking for any way to shoehorn God into a rational viewpoint. Marx grossly oversimplifies things but he's infinitely more applicable to your actual life than Plato is.

>call OP out for blatant idealistic views
m8 I just wanted to mogilkopost

Not really. You just have to know an overview of what lenin believed

>create their own wealth

How exactly does this happen? How does one "create their own wealth" without some form of startup capital?

fair enough. move along, citizen.

platos cave is less about shoehorning god into shit than you realize. there are some super stupid outdated ideas but considering the age of the literature it should come as no surprise. it's more about the conflict between reality and human perception of it, raising questions about the validity of an "external reality" at all. or perhaps seeking to imply that reality, as it is inherently defined by us, is molded by us. i could go into more depth but i don't want to really

i wrote a prize-winning essay on it. trust me, it has valuable ideas. nothing gets philosophy professors wetter

I've gone into meme mode but I haven't read enough books for this one.

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I think you meant Proudon.

>platos cave is less about shoehorning god into shit than you realize. there are some super stupid outdated ideas but considering the age of the literature it should come as no surprise.
I apologize if I miscommunicated. I'm accusing the Neoplatonists of trying to shoehorn God in, not Plato himself.

>it's more about the conflict between reality and human perception of it, raising questions about the validity of an "external reality" at all.
That's not exactly what I've heard. It sounds more like you're describing Descartes than Plato.

>or perhaps seeking to imply that reality, as it is inherently defined by us, is molded by us.
This seems to be more accurate from what I hear, and it's fucking stupid. It has more in common with the Secret than with actual rational thought.

>i could go into more depth but i don't want to really
I concur. I seriously doubt further discussion with you would be enlightening.

>i wrote a prize-winning essay on it. trust me, it has valuable ideas. nothing gets philosophy professors wetter
I won the Gold Medal from the Junior Classical League as a boy for writing a really good speech in Latin. Awards are not qualifications. Don't try and grant yourself superiority based on ideas you're too lazy or dumb to actually articulate here.

>he makes swastika memes out of random photos

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Time to push back on this push back

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You don't have to read anything to understand what imperialism is

>resist american imperialism
>resist german fascism
>resist israeli zionism

resist all right wing filth

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>I seriously doubt further discussion with you would be enlightening.
are you baiting

>That's not exactly what I've heard.
>This seems to be more accurate from what I hear
these two ideas are connected

>it's fucking stupid
you're gonna have to come up with better reason than "its fucking stupid"

>I won the Gold Medal from the Junior Classical League
the point isn't that i won. the point is that the piece you are criticizing for being worthless is a) something you never read b) something i have read c) something i wrote on that outright won a very competitive academic competition

you haven't even read the thing and you can't stop spewing shit from your asshole about how shit it is

>are you baiting
Obviously, yes. I'm making fun of you for basically giving up on the conversation before even having it.

>these two ideas are connected
Elaborate. What, beyond, that you need to define the concept of different "worlds" for Plato's analogy to work, does he possibly have to say about subjectivity at all?

>you're gonna have to come up with better reason than "its fucking stupid"
It's an opinion. If you need a justification for that opinion, then how about this - reason without evidence is not enough on its own to apprehend reality, because there exist things that I did not apprehend with my reason and yet evidence demands they must be true. Therefore, to suggest that the world of evidence (the real world) is somehow generated by the world of reason (Plato's made-up world of forms) is manifestly untrue. To insist otherwise is to effectively argue for solipsism.

>something you never read
I was trying to get you to convince me to read it. You failed.

>something i have read
Good for you. I once read an entire book of Dilbert strips in the bathroom over the course of a couple years, so I guess we're even.

>something i wrote on that outright won a very competitive academic competition
A "very competitive competition?" Fucking wow holy shit. I've only ever won competitions that weren't competitive. You're appealing to authority again. For centuries the West was ruled by neoplatonist thought and despite all their academic credentials, they were still wrong. For all I know you won the "very competitive" gayest Platonist award from Faglord University. I'm really not yet getting a sense of your award-winning reasoning here.

>you haven't even read the thing and you can't stop spewing shit from your asshole about how shit it is
I've read other stuff by him, it was stupid. I've read summaries of the work, they sound stupid. I've had this conversation with you, it was stupid. If you genuinely care about these ideas, make an actual argument.


So many words, yet so little is being said

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Fuck off, I come here to shitpost and wank lad.