Why don't you robots just settle for a Canadian gf?

Why don't you robots just settle for a Canadian gf?

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Such a fate is worse than death.

But where can I find a canadian gf ?

I'd nut inside one who wanted to escape her gay country to my slightly less gay country

>implying i wouldn't instantly date pic related if i could

im like a 3 or 4/10, if i could date pic related (6/10) i would in a heartbeat.

>implying pic related is a 6

she's average at worst, if you actually think she's below average you're retarded

Explain why.
>inb4 american apes women are superior
Be normal and socialize.

>Why don't you robots just settle for a Canadian gf?

the fucking accent

Only if you're amerimutt. The accent isn't that bad, at least it's not scottish accent. Had scottish girlfriend once, never again.

>a fucking leaf
nah im fine

Marrying a foreign chick to give her US citizenship in exchange for raunchy sex seems like a pretty neat idea. I wonder how easy it would be to find someone like that.


I'm Australian.
I find the Scottish accent far less grating than the Leafspeak.

>not appreciating a qt Scottish accent

You didnt deserve her anyway.

Whats the difference? They are just canadian

Give me an Avery gf with cute thighs now damnit.

because they're fucking thots and even proud of it

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*Sigh* Okay fine, I'll do it. I will go against everything I stand for an date a Canadian girl, if you want to give me one so badly.

>a FUCKING leaf
I would rather stay alone, thanks.

There's a fucking massive body of water between my continent and hers.
And long distance relationship is shit.