Why are incels so goddamn stupid

Why are incels so goddamn stupid

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Why is a transexual retard who takes dick in the ass thinks his opinion on incels is worthy of a thread?

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It's a psyop. People don't start threads on Jow Forums to have conversations anymore.

Incels are genetic trash. Thats why they're retarded

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>muh psyop

hi Jow Forums

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See what I mean? You got triggered by a word. No conversation, no argument.

That's funny coming from a disgusting transexual like yourself. You're a freak, do us a favor and kill yourself

I'm not a transsexual, you incel. I get a good amount of female attention. I even had orbiters so fuck you.

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That's hilarious really you're a comedian. Everybody knows you're a huge faggot

No u. Stupid incels, when will they learn?

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When will you learn that being a fag will give you aids?

How am I being a fag? I love girls. Cute awkward girls love me.

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Newton was a incel and he's responsible for everything in the modern world including the computer your using right now retard

>Was not able to have sex
Yep, goddamn stupid incel

>he thinks life revolves around sex
I remember being 13



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Stay away. My mana is mine and mine alone.

I understand user, sorry if I sounded threatening.

Because they never go outside. They have perma-destroyed vital parts of their brain. They'll never be normal. They think they're normal but they are actually so deluded. They can only imagine what it is to be human. They are something else.

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That is not true. There are incels you meet in your everyday life, and they mostly act normal.
They are just very very awkward. (In a sometimes cute manner.)

Why are you playing stupid? You're entire persona is to acting like a faggot. You're such a submissive little shit it's pathetic

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There normal is only an approximation of what they think it shoukd be. They dont know what it really means. They're basically trick-humans that will abuse you if you get too close.

I think you're the delusional you fucking schizoid lady boy. How about you take your pills and shut the fuck up for once

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Said the creepy 2/10 manlet. Fuck you, i'd easily make you to my bitch in a 1v1.

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>, i'd easily make you to my bitch in a 1v1.
Why are you stuttering? Don't you ever get tired of being pathetic?

Because they are too retarded to talk to girls, they think you have to be some sort of musclebound body-building super jock to find girls when in reality all you need is charisma, a good personality and the ability to socialize. Incels are deluded individuals who will blame everyone (women, society, "chads", etc.) for their problems without actually taking a good hard look at themselves. They also often look like pic related.

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These pills make my boiclitty leak the special juice i cant stop rutting

Incels, when will they learn? Have fun being alone while I get a cute gf.

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>buttblasted incels ITT

have sex lmao

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I'll have fun when your inevitable suicide stream happens. :)

Get aids faggot lmao xD

Why would I kms? I'm not a tranny or incel.

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>Jow Forums will defend him
The absolute state of white supremacy

You forgot to tell him to dilate fellow magapede

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>You forgot to tell him to dilate
trannies mad

Is Jow Forumstards saying everyone that doesn't like them some weirdass counter trolling attempt or cope or do they legitimately believe this

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Its regular Jow Forumstard bullshit, just tell them to go back to their containment board whenevet you see them