/emotional numbness/

Does anybody else has that feel? The feelings of detachment from reality, fatigue, lack of energy. Observing people interacting IRL feels so surreal, I could never replicate those natural body movements, facial expressions, constantly changing voice tones. I feel so dead inside. Locked up in my own mind. Is there even a way to escape it and become a normal person?

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sounds like you're low t, start working out

Absolutely, I've started to partcipate in risky behavior to combat the numbness, like going for walks after midnight, the fear makes me feel alive. I also used to cut but that's rather embarassing and inconvenient so I quit.

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No I'm not a trannie, or discord fag

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That's what you get for turning into a trannie you mentally ill faggot.

I'm not a tranny, don't know where you got that from...

I've got this but I can still fake emotions in conversation

Occasionally it'll even be real.

I live for the days I bring it home with me. Nothing feels better.

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thx for normie advice ig

I can't fake it proprly. people always sense something's "off" with me

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I can relate heavily, OP. If you're past a certain age, then that's that. If you're still young then try the usual lifestyle changes (diet/sunshine).
Do you go outside often? How frequently do you talk to others? When did you start feeling this disconnect between you and the world?
If you can pinpoint the problem, then you can adjust yourself and become "normal"; all your observations about IRL people are implying certain behaviors which you yourself exhibit (flat affect, apathy). Textbook symptoms of depression.

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>If you're past a certain age, then that's that. If you're still young then try the usual lifestyle changes (diet/sunshine).
I'm not a zoomer desu, and diet/sunshine didn't help in that regard.

>When did you start feeling this disconnect between you and the world?
I always had attention issues, which were exacerbated by sypmtoms of apath & social anxiety. My mental state worsened as I had hit pubery, and bullying levels reached new highets..

>all your observations about IRL people are implying certain behaviors which you yourself exhibit (flat affect, apathy). Textbook symptoms of depression.
people always tell me i'm apathetic and/or ask how much weed i smoke (none at all), and/or why i look so pale.

>Do you go outside often? How frequently do you talk to others?
i just lock myself in room now 24/7, i don't see point to life with constant struggles to wake up in the morningns, and constant bullying by in everyday interactions

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take courses at your local university, learn a trade, get a job first and foremost

How did you get bullied anyway?

you need to interact more with people user

in the meantime try better copes

Same, I want to have fun, but not even vidya is fun for me anymore

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I feel the same sort of stuff. During one of the rare times I go outside, I sometimes look at people around me and think that I'm watching a different species. To put an analogy on it, I feel like the world around me is the base layer and I'm a layer that has been pasted on top, so I'm part of the picture, but not actually a part of it, if that makes sense.

>How did you get bullied anyway?
I wish I could observe myself from 3rd perspective so could provide you with an answer (in other words: i don't quite know).

novelty wears off, and you're left with no activity to do. anhedonia's a shit


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Its not just vidya; taking walks, animals, all the things that used to be fun for me are just bland now

Given your age, have you considered that suicide might be a viable option? I mean it for your own well-being.

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normie advice for people with normie problems :^)

Have you tried therapist OP? Some people say it's helpful.

I know how it feels like. My life feels more like a dream than reality. Everybody says that I look dead from the outside. And I don't think it's just puberty, since I was bullied too and had phases of suicidal behaviour and fear of leaving my house, because I thought that random people will hurt me and beat me up. Now I am just passively waiting for my death.
And yeah, I am still a zoomer unfortunately.

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>wanting to kill yourself over a roastie
oh no no no no

same. anhedonia; everything is unpleasurable

>Have you tried therapist OP?
my issues are expansive; treating them altogther seem like unachieveable goal

>And yeah, I am still a zoomer unfortunately.
it gets worse, not better, user

it goes deeper. but yeah, losing her was the straw that broke the camel's back

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Sounds a lot like me only I have to go out and work every day with this shit so my life is constant effort just to not neck myself.

only alcohol can repair the scars

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Go on the dark net and purchase shrooms. Give yourself a hard reset and you might even just feel something again.

Don't listen to this guy. Abuse weed, booze, and painkillers all you want but the effects of shrooms are subtle and PERMANENT

It was meant like I don't have a real problems, since I am still young. Or do I? It can all just be in my head. I cannot tell. And I am not allowed to do everything older people are. That sucks too.

>only alcohol can repair the scars
Or destroy you even more.

As for psychedelics, I'm considering DMT

IDK what to advice you young lad, life didn't fare well for me. But as you said, time will tell. I feel worse when on alcohol, but hate myself when sober. i'm fucked up in the head

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Mystical experiences can result in things you never thought possible. Telling OP to abuse drugs that result in dependence is foolish compared to using shrooms, which can change people for the better and have no dependence potential. Do some research and consider the benefits.

i already abuse booze and phenibut and it's only the start

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>Observing people interacting IRL feels so surreal
The surreal part to me isn't that I can't mimic it but that it's natural to them. It isn't some assumed identity or forced effort to play a role, they just roam around the world like that. I don't know I feel like a prisoner in my own body and that I'm not myself but just somebody being forced to be the pilot. It's hard to explain in a way that makes too much sense and that's probably because it's all nonsensical to begin with but maybe you guys understand. I hope you guys understand.

>mhhm estrogen
>ahh I feel like shit
Kill yourself, you absolute failure.

man i hate trannies in passion. i'm so drunk i want to neck myself just stangle my neck god dammit

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Do this OP
Genuinely a good idea, DMT is far too short and doesn't cause the same ego loss that shrooms do. Don't start with a low dose either, go for at least 4g your first time - I first-timed 5g and my depression went away for months

I think they just assume that cause ur avatarfagging with an anime girl

Yea your depresses OP get help
t. Depresesed person

i'm consireding user, it's devliery, leaving home goigng postal, ya know hassle


I don't care what i have given hope couldnt' fid anythign to satissfy me

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Warning, psychedelics don't always turn you into a happy smiley normie. Sometimes they make you even more autistic, but learn to enjoy being that way because you perceive things in cool ways that normies will never understand

Also I've determind that it's dumb and cringy to self-pity over not having friends like normies. You should know that friends are just glorified strangers, networking is supposed to be very shallow, and only family cares about you.

>made a thread just to get called tranny a bunch of times
i can see why that would make u drink

this is literally based & redpilled advice

Work out, do normie things. You're not special you're just human and you are not "detached" from reality you live in it and you have the same emotional capabilities as other people for example making facial expressions and having an actual conversation.

Don't worry you don't have to make friends with people you think are shallow or stupid if you don't want to.

If you want to feel emotions then do something that will give you emotions. Some people don't have time to or are just too lazy so they do drugs.

did you get bullied much while growing up?
are you still getting bullied?
how old are you?

If you're over 25 and still get bullied you already lost the game