yfw you realize most femanons have cellulite butts
Yfw you realize most femanons have cellulite butts
And I would worship every single one of them
I don't actually mind it. As long as it's not too extreme or like the back of a fucking Fiat Multipla. It's way way worse if they have a horseface.
Fucking based
We must worship every nook and cranny of a Woman
I want to bite fembot butts
t. hannibal lecter
Anime girls have perfect asses forever, though.
I'm starting to see the beauty in celibacy.
Not too hard, just a nibble
Chunky butts like that are cute.
Dang, even my ass look better than that
what about
>Just do squads
So what. Lots of people do. I dont personally but ive a bit on my thighs and stretch marks. I dont think people care as much as youd think desu
how does your front look though
>stretch marks
can i lick your stretch marks?
I like stretch marks. How are your titties?
pretty desperate bro
lmao you think thats desperate you havent seen anything yet
How far are you willing to go? I am actually interested.
id jerk off using her nail clippings
...And I still want to stick my face in them.
To rub on your dong or gargle them for her essence?
big but saggy unfortunately. not like deflated golfballs in socks saggy. more like low set nipples and heavy saggy. some people like them at least
so you have suckable mommy titties?
they have been described as that yes
This looks like my ex from behind...fuck
m-mommy giv big saggy milkies
lost points with the ladies for saying he couldn't love a woman with ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllulite
I have a thing for nice but saggy tits, I like how they hang. Do your nipples point forward/kinda up?
This is okay by me
>tfw there are people out there that don't like ass
I wouldnt say they were nice as such but i guess they just face kinda forward but maybe slightly out to the sides? Hard to say really
im 80% sure this is mommy milky scotty
Sounds very hot t b h, you should add me on discord: wbj#5076
fat butts are supposed to have cellulite. that's how fat butts work.
I'd definitely rather have a fat cellulite butt than a hank hill ass fridge mode goblina
jokes on you cause i barely got not butt at all
another bump added
please hug me skelly-butt girl
I dated a 16 year old virgin who had a pristine ass. no blemishes on it.
just a dream to sit on an user's face with my all bone no meat ass
less butt=easier access to the butthole and vagina
I don't have a big pp so this is ideal. What are your boobs like?
It is her soul that matters
big so it looks fucking weirder like flat asian girls with big breasts. my friend calls it one piece anatomy
that sounds sexy, are you really flat everywhere but have big boobs? i'm very into that. do you have discord, femanon?
less butt = more chance of dicklets being capable of fucking her and potentially procreating
we can't have that. we need more cellulite on those cheeks to discourage dicklets from reproducing
>small butt big boobs
hug me really hard and the boob fat will go to your butt
Isnt cellulite specific to women since their skins more fragile? Youre gay if you dont like cellulite
ye the ideal man is full of muscle, and the ideal woman is full of fat
I understand what youre saying but this
>full of fat
needs elucidation. in no ideal world is the form of a woman full of fat in the reductio ad absurdum sense
Would you be my mommy gf femnon? Please pretty please with a wet desperate neet kiss on top?
MFW I see threads like these
I dont.
But all femanons are beautiful and have beautiful bodies!
>Please pretty please with a wet desperate neet kiss on top?
I'm going to puke
most girls do tbqhwyf. I want a girl to love me
Every single fembot deserves her butt kissed, no matter if its flat or has cellulite.
this is why you use traps
>will never eat out a femanons flat petite ass
I want to die
This might be the worst ass I've ever seen, jesus christ
Maybe for you but if a girl that somehow liked me and wanted to go out with me had a butt like that I would be more than happy to get a face full of it.
that is a very disappointingly cute tushy