
told myself not today but rainy days and mondays always get me down edition. hows it going bros?

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bump, anyone else enjoying a nice monday drink?

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finna smoke some weed soon

cheers bro. doing anything after you smoke?

Smoking weed then probably drinking vodka because beer has started to blow the fuck out of my asshole
How's raging bitch user? Never tried it

its pretty good if you like ipas. very heavy and strong but gets you drunk which is why i really like it. i need to not drink tomorrow since im going camping wednesday and want to be in good condition

please dont drink until youre dependant, anons

its rough to see someone hallucinate and seize simply because they havent drank in a few hours

this...im not sure where i am anymore in terms of how dependent i am but ive been drinking for 2 weeks straigth which is something i havent done in a year or two. fuck. just enjoy drinking bros dont ever get hooked or think of it as a friend or something to turn to all the time

please take a break whilst you can, even a 2 day detox is enough to make sure you get dependant

if you need a friend to turn to, im here for you user

i meant to make sure you DONT get dependant =.=