Stop over-complicating how to get a gf faggots. It isn't about being redpilled or woke or normie or whatever...

Stop over-complicating how to get a gf faggots. It isn't about being redpilled or woke or normie or whatever. It's literally just about being a person someone can actually like. It (almost) doesn't matter how weird you, what you're into how you look (if you're not deformed, even then). It's literally just about being an actual person. You guys always shit on normies and how they're all the same and NPC but look at yourselves, so many of you bots are the exact same type of person crying about no gf, how you're an unmotivated neet or wagie, how you're ugly (which mostly isn't true you're just lazy), how you're too "weird", etc. Again, this isn't a ___pill or anything this is just the god damn truth on how to not only get a gf but how to be an actual person people want to be around and like. Note, i'm not saying any of this stuff is easy at all, i'm saying this is what needs to be done. I understand that people with mental illnesses especially will have trouble with a lot of this stuff but that doesn't mean you get to use that as an excuse as to why you can't do something. Never make excuses on why you can't do something, you find a solution instead. This really only applies to people who are unhappy and want a change. Disregard if you're someone who is content with their life no matter the reason. If you're happy, you're happy nothing else matters.
>take care of yourself, shower yourself regularly, keep your room/apartment/etc clean, make times and dates for things and actually go to them on time
>Research, experiment, and get into actual hobbies and interests. Try to actually be passionate about something rather than a boring npc who just mindlessly has a "hobby" and doesn't have much to say about it when they're not doing that thing. (sharing memes about a hobby doesn't make you interesting)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Carve out a fucking career path. Unless you're LITERALLY unable to get a job because of some physical or mental thing you have no excuse. You might think it's bullshit but getting into a career and being happy about it will only do you good in the long run
>Always self reflect about yourself, at least when in isolation. Always think about what's good and bad about yourself, always think what could be improved and ways you could go about improving them
>Whenever something bad happens to you, instead of getting super depressed for days to weeks just accept it and think about what went wrong and use it as a lesson. If it's something that was 100% not your fault, just accept it. Life isn't easy and sometimes bad things happen just because and there is literally no reason to beat yourself up over it. The sooner you get over it the sooner you can work on other things
>Have patience. Have fucking patience. Good things aren't going to come to you immediately and only bad comes from trying to force it come to you faster. This applies to literally anything and everything you could want whether it be a gf, money, being skilled at something, etc. If you can learn patience and acceptance you will be in a much better mental state. Some times things don't work out because you didn't have a way to know how to prevent it, you lacked experience. It's just a part of life and a part of growing up even if you're already an adult.
>Always be truthful for yourself and stop making excuses. It's extremely self destructive. If you did something wrong, admit and just work on how you could improve it.
There might be more i'm forgetting but this is basically it. This isn't an exact order of things, pick one and start working on it one by one. As long as you don't make excuses and try your hardest to find solutions you can do this. Stop being an NPC and develop yourself into a fully fledged personality that someone, anyone, would actually want to be around and be with.

Kys normie bitch faggot.

Kys normie bitch faggot. x2

>people get a gf during their teens while you stay alone
>having a gf gives you the incentive to keep going and changes you into the better, boosting your performances and will
>Take a huge leap of effort and fix your shit with the slim hope of getting a gf
>despite not getting any results after all the effort keep going, we're all going to make it :^)

I think i'll just stay a neet

Typical NPC responses. Maybe think more about what my post said instead of being braindead monkeys who can only spout buzzwords

Kys normie bitch faggot. x3

Nobody says it's complicated. You just have to be very attractive. None of that other stuff really matters.

how fucking stupid are you? kek

actual good advice right here
t. ex-robot

well what are your choices?
>keep trying, your life will get better over time, chance of getting a gf increases over time as you become better at being a normal person, have a fulfilling life
>become a neet, get more depressed as time goes on, commit suicide when you reach your 30s because you cannot bear the shame

You lack discipline, patience, and acceptance. You can't accept that your life didn't start off perfectly like others and you lack the discipline and patience to change things about yourself to get a better life and can't accept that you won't get immediate results. There are a bunch of underlying problems I can make assumptions about but I won't get into it. I'm just an epic armchair psychologist anyways

Look into the phrase "self fulfilling prophecy" and see how it applies to what you say. If you think you can't get a gf simply because you believe you can't get one because of some retarded excuse, then you will never get a gf. Stop believing stupid bullshit incel lookism shit and actually carve out your own beliefs and experiences and have an open mind. You're self destructive as fuck when you try to make bullshit excuses for why you don't have XYZ

Women are a parasitic class. If they see something even ever so slightly better, they will take it.
We no longer punish adultery or promiscuity, its too easy to just get cucked by the next random dude with more money in his wallet.

>months into nofap
>got a jobt
>no gf
I think i'll just return to neet life and maybe just be a landlord and leech off wagecucks.

Try making an account on Tinder or any other dating app using a picture of an average guy and let me know how it goes. Spoiler: you'll waste hundreds of hours sending messages and not getting replies.

>stupid bullshit incel lookism shit
This is not about anyone's beliefs. We're talking about data, some of which was released by dating sites themselves, and countless experiments, which all point to the same result: if you're not a hot guy, it's really really difficult to get a gf. This is not a matter of opinion, it's a hard fact.

Do you have experience with this or are you just believing what others tell you? There are people like this sure but have you actually took into account all the marriages that last until they grow old?

Retard. You might also not be self reflecting enough. You might have a lot more problems than just needing to get off porn addiction, getting fit, and getting a job. Truly look into yourself and think about what you don't like about yourself and try to fix it. Look at everything I wrote up there, what have you not done, what do you lack?

I didn't know tinder was the only way to find a partner. You have truly enlightened me, wow, a site that is primarily used for quick hookups will favor attractive people over personality. I am just completely blown away and embarrassed. Guess i'll have to delete my OP now clearly it's all meaningless because girls on tinder only swipe for guys based on 5 seconds of looking at their pics to see if they're attractive.

Sure this advise could work. But you need atleast a minimum level of attractiveness for the advise to work. If you don't atleast look 'average' then no matter how well you groom or behave yourself nobody will ever look at you with eyes of love or lust. Best case scenario, they'll pity me. Worst case, they'll think I'm disgusting

>what do you lack
A girlfriend, the sugary reassurance that what i do is worth the effort and will pay off rather than just be sterile and fruitless.

This is deluded as fuck. The only real primary factor for attracting a woman is based on how you look. Being a complete person is a wonderful thing, and making friends is easily within the realm of possibility. Attracting a girl is another story altogether, you can be putting in your best efforts in all areas of life and still end up alone. Patience with women is dumb, they either like you or not and no amount of time passing nor effort to make yourself more attractive will change that when you're ugly. In fact patience is detrimental nowadays, you will be 30 and still be a virgin if you "bide your time" and "wait for the right one".

with attitudes like that, you people really do deserve everything that is coming your way

Not taking your bullshit advice to heart means we deserve more suffering? How about you go fuck yourself and shove your crappy advice blogposts up your ass?

>I didn't know tinder was the only way to find a partner.
I guess I'll just ask one of my classmates ou-
Oh wait I'm not in school any more.
No problem, I can always hit on women in my offic-
Oh wait I work from home.
Hmm, maybe one of my friends can introduce me to a gir-
Oh wait I have no friends.

>girls on tinder only swipe for guys based on 5 seconds of looking at their pics to see if they're attractive.
>5 seconds
Imagine being this naive. Have you ever seen a video of a girl swiping? It's more like 0.05 seconds. They just swipe left on everyone other than Chad.

But Chad doesn't exist. Every girl has different tastes.

You'd legitimately be surprised what girls are willing to put up with as far as physical attraction if they like a bunch of other aspects of someone. Also, if you truly thing your looks are the only thing stopping you from getting a gf and you don't have a severe medical condition then get the money for surgeries and change your appearance. Don't complain about the money, work on getting a good job and career. Work on other things while trying to achieve that money goal, etc.

You need to work on being happy with yourself rather than NEEDING a gf to feel happy about your accomplishments. I guess I should've said something about that in the OP too, I forgot. A partner isn't the most important thing in life. All of the things I said will help you get a partner but it's more than that, it's about being a real person that you can be happy about that alone will make people attracted to you even if not immediately. Having those interests, passions, career, etc should make you happy and distract you from feeling so sad about not having a gf.

Read my responses to people crying about appearance being the only important factor.
>Patience with women is dumb, they either like you or not
This is true, I didn't imply that you should hold onto women hoping they like you. The advice I can give is instead of looking at every female as being your partner, look at them as being a friend. If you can't be a girls friend first, how do you expect them to be your girlfriend? If they don't wanna be your gf then why does it matter? If they're a good friend they're a good friend that just happens to be a female. Don't reply with bullshit about how you can't just be friends with a girl either, that's just more bullshit incel excuses.

That's not me, the OP, retard. I don't even know if he's referring to my posts or the people replying to it.

Actually, no. Men have different tastes: big boobs or flat, tall or short, skinny or chubby or even obese, long hair or short, hell there's even a niche for old women. But women all want tall, muscular, handsome guys, with slight variations on the theme: smart Chad, bad boy Chad, rich Chad, etc. The vast majority of men are not even truly men in women's eyes.

>A partner isn't the most important thing in life
Imagine if suddenly women and men were separated, if they were to never meet each other and rather they would just be made to reproduce from distance.

Implying homosexuality would still be a bad thing, how long do you think a society like this would crumble?

A partner IS the most important thing for a man, why do you think there are people taking expensive as fuck flights to meet their partners, or throw lots of resources and time into them?

>it's about being a real person that you can be happy about
Right now the only thing that would make me happy is exactly what i said, returning to be a neet, hopefully a landlord in the future, getting my neetlordbux and playing videogames, since, besides playing an insturment, they my ever only real passion in life.

Honestly, OP took the time to actually explain his viewpoint - which quite frankly is true - to try to help you out and all you can say is "kys normah betch faggettt".

I'd be wasting my time trying to explain where you went wrong, but OP is right and you're the faggots.

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All the self improvement advice is bullshit. Wanna get laid? You dressed well and put on an expensive perfume, cut your hair and shaved, you look as good as you can. Then there's 9000 guys out there doing the same thing, except better.
Last time I got laid I was wearing a shitty old jacket, full black, worn out shoes and the shittiest pube beard you could find. My room stank of stale semen. I didnt even hit on girls, I was just there being edgy, standing straight, generally not giving a fuck, not saying much and playing along.
The only meaningful thing I did besides looking like absolute shit was kissing a girl when the timing was right. And honestly that's all there is to it. Girls will give signals and if you take them you dont even have to shower. Hell dont even fucking shower, at least you'll actually smell like a man unlike all those pussy boys that are out there every friday hitting on girl and looking like metrosexuals.

Yea im pretty. But im a manlet so it evens out.

>You'd legitimately be surprised what girls are willing to put up with as far as physical attraction if they like a bunch of other aspects of someone.

The only times women are willing to settle for a guy that they don't find attractive are:
1. She's tired of getting only used for sex by Chad and wants a serious relationship. This happens to most women at some point in their life, usually before they're even out of high school.
2. He's rich.
3. She's getting old and desperate to marry.

There are many wonderful men out there who have everything you could possibly want from a boyfriend, but they've never even kissed a girl, because women are extremely shallow.

excuses excuses excuses. This is why you'll never get a gf because no only do you think that you can't get a gf because you think you're ugly and girls only like 10/10 chads but you think you can only use tinder as a way to find them. Go outside for once, get hobbies and interests and meet people. There are so many things you can do to meet girls but you want to make excuses, not only that you don't have the patience to do stuff that doesn't directly lead to meeting a girl that you hope likes you. You want immediate direct results so you use shitty apps like tinder and think that's the only viable way to meet women.

Chad exists to a certain extent but yes every girl has different tastes. The type of girls who legitimately care more about personality than looks aren't the type of girls who are gonna be on tinder hoping to get a long term bf.

The most important thing in life is happiness. For most people, that means getting a partner who loves them and they love back but why do you deserve someone who loves you if you don't even love yourself? You should love yourself first and foremost and use a gf as a way to achieve longer term happiness especially after you're able to retire.
>Right now the only thing that would make me happy is...
If that's what will make you happy then go for it, user. If you think it will truly make you happy then ignore everything I said. I already said in the OP that if you're happy then nothing else matters.

You didn't read the OP, did you.

all this advice when their is criminals and cheaters with gf's.


You don't think robots have patience? They've been through all of this shit you've described and seen how it worked out for others later down the road. I would argue that blind insistence is more of a problem than giving up, because not everyone can be successful. There have to be losers for there to be a winner, and it's easy to give advice about winning when you've actually won. A man that has never won anything wouldn't know what to do with victory, so what's the point of even striving towards it? That logic applies to all of the things you want robots to have. GF? We'll destroy the relationship. Job? We'll fuck up and get fired or ostracized from the work environment. Social circle? We'll feel uneasy until something genuinely bad happens, and then get pushed back to the bottom of the ladder.

Robots weren't born failures, we became them and just stopped trying because you can't lose if you don't play. You are telling us that losing a few more times will help us win, but then when we lose many more times, you just keep telling us to lose some more. Any man that keeps willingly losing like that will become a fucking psychopath.

What's the point? I just gave up. Enough salary to live by myself. Have some savings. I don't like things that are perfect so I don't even bother trying. Just waiting to die.

Robots have an easy option and its Grindr sex is sex and boipussy is tight and nice to cum in

You understand that homosexuality isn't a choice, right?

>excuses excuses excuses
No. Fuck you.

It is, though, you chose to warp yourself into being attracted by men, you chose to let your mind decay if it wasn't broken already by child abuse, in that case it would be a strong influence, still not a choice.

>You didn't read the OP, did you.
Hurr take a shower durr get hobbies

Bullshit. That's a sure fire way to suck at girls. You dont need a hobby. You dont need to smell like a fairy and rock a $100 jacket and cut your hair every week. What you need is the opposite. Smell like sweat. Look scary, unkempt. Talk little. If she's eyeing you, hug her. If she reciprocates, kiss her. Looking like a metrosexual, talking about yourself like a woman and living like a faggot will get you nowhere.

user, that is simply not true, a person that is severely mentally damaged through trauma isn't a homosexual. A mentally ill man can eat feces but he isn't a coprophiliac. Engaging in a perverse act due to a troubled soul is a totally different ballpark than a healthy and normal relationship

There are plenty of losers out there but they aren't losers just because, there are good reasons why they're like that. Success comes in many different forms as well and it's relative to the person. Maybe success to one person is owning their own business, to another it might simply having a loving wife, another might just be being very good at a particular hobby or skill.
>You are telling us that losing a few more times will help us win, but then when we lose many more times, you just keep telling us to lose some more.
This is LITERALLY life though. Yeah, there are some people who are lucky due to circumstances but the large majority of people in this world lose a lot, some more than others but just because most robots have lost a lot more than the average person doesn't mean that they can't get better and start winning. This type of self fulfilling prophecy won't get you anywhere. The more you lose the more experience you get the more you can use that experience to start winning. When I say have patience I don't mean just sit there and pretend to be happy hoping something happens to you. I mean actually work on it but have patience if your efforts don't give immediate results. That's how you get stuck in depression when you keep having expectations of immediate results. If you can't handle loss, if you can't overcome it then you will NEVER succeed at ANYTHING. If you're okay with that, if you can be happy then whatever but if you can't do any of this, then you're forever a loser until you do something about it.

No, fuck you incel. Stay a loser forever or realize there's more to it than what retards tell you is the real "____"pill.

>You dont need to smell like a fairy and rock a $100 jacket and cut your hair every week.
So again, you didn't read the OP because I never said or implied those things.

Reality disagrees with you and your pathetic bluepilled opinions.

Answer me. What's the point? Being happy? What makes happiness important? What's the point in being happy?

It's meaningless and in my opinion making an effort is just a waste

You imply there's value in having a hobby when it comes to having girls. That is the most retarded advice ever. Hobbies are fine, I have lots of them, but girls couldnt give less of a shit about what you do on your free time. They care more if you're aquarius or piscis than that.

it's easier for people to accept that they're ugly than it is to accept that they're an insufferable person

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Actually it is a choice use Grindr and fuck a bottom

Robots get boiwifes or they get TOPPED it is simple and why not? I love fucking my robot friend I'm a NEET and I only TOP but he likes it

Any robots want to group fap? I'm horny and figure it would be fun saw it in a other thread.

Stay a loser forever, it won't have an affect on me. Just hope you find happiness in some way :)

If you think there is no point in happiness idk what to tell you. Have you ever experienced it before? Do you have a mental illness? Not trying to sound condescending those are just the only explanations I can come up with for why someone wouldn't understand happiness and think it's meaningless to try and achieve it.

Having hobbies gives you more of a personality, makes you more interesting, gives you something to do in your free time, and most importantly it makes you happy. When you're happy, you're more attractive. Hobbies can also lead to friendships with others that have the chance of letting you meet more people, including girls. Depending on the hobby there might even be the chance to find a girl that's into it too which gives you an immediate connection to them.

Yeah pretty much. I've talked to a shit ton of anons through discord and a lot are pretty horrible people to talk to that won't admit it or even try to understand why. There are plenty of cool anons though who are actual people.

Simply epic

Why should I have to carve out a career path/have a job and a house in order to have a relationship when I knew someone who got together in highschool with no real prospects of the future and now they are husband and wife ten years later?

Wow. Two entire posts for you to regurgitate the same tired, normie meme advice.
>just be yourself
>have a shower
>work on your personality
>stop being mentally ill and/or autistic

Fucking garbage. Incredibly patronising and offensively ignorant.

>get into actual hobbies and interests
says the normie who doesn't understand science
>Try to actually be passionate about something
say the normie who shouts 'be quiet' when I am talking passionate about something
>rather than a boring npc
says the npc itself
>doesn't have much to say about it when they're not doing that thing
says the normie crying "I don't understand it, you must include me in your activities"
>(sharing memes about a hobby doesn't make you interesting)
so you admit to not understanding it, normie?

Attached: you just lost the game.png (537x298, 177K)

I never said this was a list of things you 100% need to do before you can get a gf. I mean, I was literally the same way. I got my first real gf while I was a 23 y/o neet who didn't even have his drivers license yet. We were together for nearly 3 years. It can definitely happen but it's extremely rare. You can't just sit there being worthless and waiting for the 1 girl that will be okay with it to come along. If you work on this stuff it will only improve your chances of both happiness and a gf.

You added nothing to my posts and dare to call my posts garbage. See Based frog poster. I know your game and I knew you'd show up, I just hope you're happy with your life if you're not gonna take any of what I said seriously. :)

Nah, it is actually the first pepe I posted this year on here. Mostly it is entertainment.

All this advice is cool and all, but your last point basically boiled down to "do shit and be entertaining for her". I can talk ages about something trivial and I'll notice people are boring shits with nothing to say, most men and women alike, even if its a hobby or mutual interest. It is okay advice to get laid but seriously degrading to be a dancing monkey every day, doubly so if the other party won't dance with you but still wants you to dance and laugh at it.

>Caring about being likeable


>your last point basically boiled down to "do shit and be entertaining for her"
I don't see how? Not what I was implying.

You can't want a gf but also be unlikable. 99% of people on this board want a relationship with another person.

>Have passionate hobby or interest
>Be able to talk about it in-depth
Of course it shows you have interests and ambitions. That said, plenty of hobbies just aren't that interesting to talk about every day. Gardening is one of them, plants grow slow and I can only say so much without grasping. Work is another. It's also obvious this shit easily becomes one-sided if you're the one to talk about it all the time to the point the other can't follow anymore. Being an entertainer is cool and all, but its a bad merit to get into a relationship as if you aren't naturally cool with being an entertainer, the act becomes stale and it isn't a guarantee the chick will say interesting stuff about her life at all. It's good to get your dick wet but that's it. You need someone to match your energy for that shit to work long term.

lmfao fags trying to use the pill to try use the pill to justify why they cant get le gf (the pill is knowledge to succeed not a cope). please go snort a line of coke already.

as someone who has the "base line attractiveness" i couldn't care for women your 8/10 cutie pi's are just someone who isnt worth your thoughts. have standards
>kvv desu

You don't always have to talk about them constantly. I meant more that you had a hobby you were passionate about and could be proud of, something that you could talk about for hours if someone asked about them. It shows there's a lot more to you as a person, that you have goals and interests beyond just trying to get by or to just get a gf.
>it isn't a guarantee the chick will say interesting stuff about her life at all. It's good to get your dick wet but that's it. You need someone to match your energy for that shit to work long term.
I agree, there isn't much to say here. I guess maybe it's more opinionated advice because I prefer that kind of person. I absolutely hate when someone says they like anime or video games or whatever and I try to talk to them about it and they give the driest most boring responses that doesn't help me learn much about them at all.

Can you re-write this post with proper english?

>shower yourself regularly

Oh my sweet summer child, if this is not obvious bait I do not know what is.

You can not take a shower and then have an attractive face, period. And the face is by far the most important thing in terms of getting a GF, anyone who denies this is demonstrably ignorant:

So please, stop with that blue pilled nonsense, it is all about the face.

Personality only matters once the woman is already attracted to the man. And for that you need looks, which you can not change.

Yes, you can become an ultra-npc or ultra-normie and get a a gf via the betabux proxy, but she will never be attracted to you or truly love you. And for that you have to sell your soul for the wagie lifestyle forever.

Just be honest to yourself instead.

Attached: laughing01__1_2_3248.jpg (400x283, 34K)

I've seen dudes that look like Emperor Palpatine get laid because they have money. Please stop your retarded gay rhetoric.

Read the rest of the thread first

>take care of yourself, [...]
>Research, experiment, and get into actual hobbies and interests. [...]
>Carve out a fucking career path. [...]
>Always self reflect about yourself, at least when in isolation. [...]
Always is a bit overkill, but other than that, check.
>Whenever something bad happens to you, instead of getting super depressed for days to weeks just accept it and think about what went wrong and use it as a lesson. [...]
>Have patience. Have fucking patience. [...]
>Always be truthful for yourself and stop making excuses. [...]

Still been single since 2011. None of the stuff you mentioned matters all that much - after all, how many romantically-successful normies do all of these things?

What matters is having a social circle (the bigger the better) and being dominant.

Yeah, a small minority of women are golddiggers, so if you are rich you can always get some woman.

But generally, thinking that women really care about money is just a coping mechanism. Women do not truly love the rich guy, nor are they physically attracted to him. They just want the lifestyle and security that his money provides, and they are willing to have sex with someone they are not attracted to for that.

But again, rich men can not get any woman they want, unlike 10/10 men. And since the vast majority of men will never have anything near the kind of money you need for it to truly matter in that way, thinking that money might eventually help you is just a coping mechanism. See pic related.

I acknowledge that a lot of blue pilled coping has been desperately uttered, but so what? It does not change anything nor refute the core point about how the face is all that really matters to the vast majority of women.

Would you rather date a 3/10 woman with a divine personality or a 10/10 woman with an average personality?


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>What matters is [...] being dominant.

Cope. What really matters is the face, and being "alpha male" is completely irrelevant. If anything, it is just a detriment. See this:

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>What matters is having a social circle (the bigger the better) and being dominant.
If you think that's your problem then try your best to get a social circle and be dominant. Dunno what your post was supposed to do here.

Read the thread and actually respond to what my posts says instead of disregarding it and spouting your bullshit lookism stuff. You're never gonna make it not because you think you're ugly but because you think you can't get a gf. Do you like being sad and angry every day over this stuff?

I got a 10/10 girl by simply shutting off my brain and pretending to be over confident and retarded

Fucked her brains out for 2 years until I stopped being a dick to her like she wanted and she started being a cunt to me so I broke up with her.

Women are shit, what we really need is to take away their rights

The fact that money doesnt hardly earn you women anymore or that it gets stolen by women so easily is why men are a bunch of poorfag NEET losers playing video games all day letting the west collapse.

Literally all that matters to women in their prime is how hot you are and how much you make them feel good by making jokes and stupid shit. They dont care if youre so poor you have to move in with them and leech off their parents if you make them horny.

Can you point to the exact post except the first two where you tell everyone to take a shower, get a job, and just become better people.

I mean, I recommend people to improve too. But that does not mean get a job, for that only attracts golddiggers anyway. And if you do not improve your looks, women will not start becoming more attracted to you. That is just a fact.

Also, I am neither sad nor angry about any of this stuff and I have an awesome personality with an extremely good level of confidence, more so than arguably anyone I have ever met.

But that means nothing if you do not have the looks to back it up. Not with women. Not when it comes to attracting them.

I wish it did. I wish women were attracted to personality rather than to looks. But they are demonstrably not. Pic related swims in pussy, and a 4/10 or below will essentially never get a gf unless they dumpster-dive.

It is hard to accept this, but your blue pill pleas are only embarrassing at this point. Why are you so afraid of the truth? Do you feel like Neo in The Matrix, afraid of the brutal truth?


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Is it really that enjoyable. I am curious?

>and how much you make them feel good by making jokes and stupid shit

I agree with everything you said except this. Who do you think swims more in pussy, a comedian or a model?

The model, by far. Making women laugh does ease the access to their pussy a bit, but only a bit. It is a few percent of the equation at best.

But good looks is anything between ~80-95% of the equation.

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Well take a class then, in anything you are interested in. There you will meet people with whom you already share something, which will make it easier to make conversation.
Also, since they are there, they will likely be looking for friends too

>If you think that's your problem then try your best to get a social circle and be dominant. Dunno what your post was supposed to do here.
My post is not about me, it's about how your advice is awful.

If you don't meet women then it doesn't matter how interesting or hard-working you are, you aren't getting a GF.

If you meet tons of women through friends (so you're pre-approved and "safe", and there's pressure on them to talk to you) it's hard to fail. You probably don't even need to shower.

This guy gets it, by the way.

And after all those insults, you still try to give these people advice. You are a good person user. You're the one nobody on here ever even thought to be. Godspeed.

I mean if you go out with a girl you cant fuck her in public obviously and you have to do something to prove youre not a totally empty headed moron. But they dont

>can you do the work for me because i'm too lazy to read a thread and just want to continue to mindlessly spout what other people have told me
fuck off or actually read the thread and try to understand what these posts mean. Lookism is seriously the lowest of the low beliefs you could ever have and hell even if you do believe in it, my posts can still help someone out who just wants to live a happy fulfilling life but you wouldn't know that because you didn't read the thread.

My advice isn't awful tho, you can get a gf in millions of ways but my advice only increases your chances of getting one. Sure, you might be able to get one by doing xyz but what are the chances? The stuff I said isn't a foolproof way of 100% getting a gf but doing this stuff will make you happier with yourself and have you do things that aren't exclusively for the purpose of getting a gf, the chance of getting a gf just increases by doing so.

unironically this is fuvking disgusting OP. I'll keep my virginity thanks.

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OP i completely agree with everything you said and have had major changes happen to me to realize all of it.

The reason you shouldn't be mad at these insults is because they are a defense mechanism when you can't accept the truth and the responsibility.

A girlfriend won't fix you or make you happy with yourself. Only you can do that.

>just be yourself!
>just be happy!
>depression can just magically go away!

go back to facebook.

>it's more opinionated advice
I mean, I did go against your advice but I do agree. There's certain combos that work, the one who's naturally quiet and the excited storyteller, the two people who are super excited together, the two that prefer silence together, all depends what you want out of it. From personal experience it has always felt like people who aren't willing to talk about their own life at least half as much as you talk about yours are incredibly prone to becoming disconnected and will not value you, both friendship and romance. Obviously if you can compensate this with say, physical activities, that's fine but its too easy to disconnected otherwise with someone who doesn't invest themselves.

see the last reply from :)

Thanks user. Responsibility is something I should've mentioned too. Most robots absolutely refuse to accept anything is their fault.
>i'm ugly, I can't do anything to fix it so that means i'm destined to have no gf
>I had a bad childhood that left me socially awkward and/or mentally ill, I can't do anything about it
>girls are all whores or bad people or w/e it's not my fault I can't find a nice one.


>the responsibility

Women have no responsibility whatsoever and men have it all. Men have to pay for womens mistakes even. Thats why theyre giving up and lashing out at men like OP telling them they should try harder when all women have to do is open their legs and then they can financially ruin you and find a new guy just because they got bored of you

Men shouldnt be obsessing over stupid fucking escapist hobbies and spinning plates. They should be killing the people responsible for the slavery theyre subjected to, the kikes who created and push feminism and leftism and the shitskins who enable wage slavery, and the white traitors who use or get used by those groups

I find it easier to live unencumbered by the """work ethic""" meme desu. I've been given chances at gf's, but they're trash tier compared to the neet life.
It's an acquired taste, though, and I'm fine with that.

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>My advice isn't awful tho, you can get a gf in millions of ways but my advice only increases your chances of getting one.
Very slightly. Does next to nothing for most robots though. I think I need to spell this out.

The problem most robots have is that they are quiet loners. They don't meet a lot of women and when they do they don't have the confidence and status to get anywhere with them.

Expanding their social circle (if they even have one) is difficult for them, and it isn't rewarding when they succeed. They are introverts, they like to be alone or in small groups, they don't enjoy maintaining lots of friendships.

They are also trapped in a vicious circle. Low confidence leads to social failure leads to lower confidence.

This is the real explanation, but normies don't like it because it ruins their fantasy that the world is fair and robots deserve to be lonely.

The problem with so called robots is modern men are all enslaved and theyre just some of the lesser fortunate of men. Mindless retards fuck all the cutest girls in their prime and you know it. The biggest pieces of shit get the most girls. And then they become the biggest losers because they see how shallow and pointless women are too

Women are parasites who need to be subjugated. Everything else is just cope for a dying civilization and culture

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I already do pretty much everything you're saying, as I've been doing for years.
Maybe since 20, when I started to regain control of my life and start to do something good about it, I'm almost 26 now.

I still am a hopeless, insecure piece of shit with no foreseeable way to fix it.

Everything I try to become a normie pushes me more inside robot territory.
Please, enlighten me, on how else should I "think about your post".

Came real close to giving this post a real response until I read the stuff about killing women and kicks and stuff lol.

If it makes you happy user, then go ahead. I won't shit on you for not following values and beliefs I personally deem acceptable.

I never said the stuff in my OP would be easy, just that it's what has to be done.

That's some retarded projection right there. You are a weakling brainlet who worships women but thinks all men are as weak and dumb as you which is not the case.

I tested in the top one percent of math in a standardized test and i can bench more than my body weight

> It (almost) doesn't matter how weird you, what you're into how you look (if you're not deformed
>not deformed

yup stopped reading there
every single thread about "it's all in da mindset" always throw in a "unless you deformed then you have a valid reason to give up xd"

What have you done to fix this? Honest question.

You're right on most, but as someone who's a quiet loner with confidence, let me tell a different side of the story. For me, my cost/risk/benefit analysis just basically said "no, it's not worth going to public places to find a girlfriend". The problem isn't confidence, the problem is the type of girls I like. I don't give too much of a shit about looks, but I like "home bird", introvert girls with a bit of a traditional mindset and a heart of silver/gold. And being a quiet loner myself, where do I expect those girls to be? Well, not in the open unless they have to, that's for sure. So how in the hell do I meet them without being intrusive? Go to the library? Join a dance club? Asian martial arts, archery? Video game / anime expos? Tabletop clubs / DnD? It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, I don't want to just find any girl and have a qwik fug, I'm looking for someone long term to be happy with, and I just happen to like the kind that realistically, I'm much less likely to meet in social settings than a girl who's more extroverted and open. I can talk and make conversation with chicks no problem, hell I'm forced to talk as part of my job and these days you basically need to be half a fuckboy to advance your career anyway due to "muh social skills", its more that my own pickiness and taste is getting in my way.

Actual good advice, used to be a hardcore sadsack robot until I got my shit together mentally. Am on the right path now, but its important that other robots who are down listen to this. It works honestly if you open your mind.

>I never said the stuff in my OP would be easy, just that it's what has to be done.
It doesn't have to be done in the slightest, you are completely talking past me now.

If the problem is social anxiety and a small social circle, then retreating further to work on your hobbies and career is the opposite of good advice. Any robot that follows that is going to be wasting years of their life walking in the fucking opposite direction of their goal.

You're telling people to go monk mode, which is a fucking MGTOW cope, and saying it will get them a GF. Stupid stupid stupid.

that's cool bro. have you gotten a girls number, a date, or a girlfriend yet? or is it a work-in-progress

Literally nobody here is deformed though.

>Am on the right path now
Still a virgin I bet.

calm down user, I'm still waiting on his response. I'd love to know where he is at now, and making an assumption like that is not helping anyone. we should share our experiences and help each other get out of this rut, ease it a bit.

I never said anything about killing women you fucking faggot

Sorry man, idk what to tell you. You can try, there are people who can put up with major deformities and diseases and stuff but it's really rare. I think you should still try to live a happy life doing some of the stuff I said but you're definitely living life on nightmare mode.

At least you know the issue, I hope you're able to find that type of girl somehow or at least find a girl you can be happy with even if she's not your perfect introvert gf.

I'm not tallking past you, I already made this clear in my OP I just didn't specifically talk about your exact issue. I had social anxiety too, maybe not as much as some robots (I could actually talk to people through voice online which is very hard for some anons with severe social anxiety) but I was able to overcome it slowly through research and experience.
>etreating further to work on your hobbies and career is the opposite of good advice. Any robot that follows that is going to be wasting years of their life walking in the fucking opposite direction of their goal.
>You're telling people to go monk mode, which is a fucking MGTOW cope, and saying it will get them a GF. Stupid stupid stupid.
Everything in the OP isn't for the sole purpose of getting a gf. I explain how hobbies get you one anyways see the 2nd reply of this stuff can be applied to a career as well.

I was pretty much a neet, lonely robot by 20.

I've managed to expand my circle of friends and get new ones related with my hobbies, and get a college title (undergrad, but still).
None of this has been easy, specially when I started. Back then I would take the train for hours to go to cities just to met people I met on forums and so. Then I started to meet local people from college and so. I still meet with them as of today, and have done all kind of stuff with them.
Only thing left in my to-do list would be to lose some weight, which is difficult for me because of the anxiety I have.

And you know what? As I sit here, in my clean, own apartment, having arrived yesterday from a trip with a couple friends I barely knew months ago, I still am the same piece of shit I was by 20.

And for the record, I'm no virgin. She left me after a year into the relationship because "she stopped liking me", and instanly went with someone else.