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I'm an ex-tranny who stopped transitioning to be back as a boy again AMA

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What made you rethink your decision?

I have feminine traits, but I just couldn't see myself as a girl to be honest with you, my personality had become cringy and I completely changed, I realized it wasn't really ''me''

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That makes sense, I also have quite feminine traits but I'd never consider transitioning because it would just be so weird to me. Hope you're satisfied with your decision.

I kept my long hair but I ditched the clothes, makeup, nail polish and I became myself again, I was also straight during the whole ''trap'' period. Another reason was also the fact that my brother started looking down on me, he's the only person I got since my relatives are all dead or around the world

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damn i wanna see sasuke fuck slightly more feminine sasuke

That would be traumatazing


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Last bump

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Did people ever notice your change about personality and looks? If so, share their opinions with us user

What's your info I want to fuck a sissy would you go back on HRT and let me creampie you

Your penis (boiclit) should be locked in chastity and have you ever been on Grindr?

People started to look at me more as a degenerate, since wearing weird shit as a girl is okay, while if you do as a boy, they will all crucify you for it. It kinda got very stressful at some point, then I started to not care about what people think of me

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What color is your sissycunt?

Nigga what-

Yeah, I dated some girls around 2017 on Grindr

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Did you just stop coming here for a while and figured it was all over-hyped romanticized bullshit?

Show us your cock OP I want to fap

Never stopped coming on Jow Forums desu, and yeah you described it perfectly, also I never even wanted to be fucked or fuck a boy, and I realized it would have been difficult to find a girl who is into traps

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Fuck off fags (Very origenalio comment)

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Do you lust for vagina or having a gf in general? If yes, how do you cope?

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Any pics of your boitwat?

Having sex or having a gf isn't vital to me unlike most of the robots here, I'm like ''Sure it would be nice'' but I'm not putting actual effort into finding one, I can't seem to find a non-npc girl in my smallass town

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Do you prefer your life as a boy, or as a girl?

Grats on not having gender dysphoria.

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100% as a boy, would never pretend to be a girl ever again lmfao

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Based trannyhating user

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cool OP. I'm glad you found yourself, I'm still looking

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Who jewed you?

Pic related are words of wisdom, keep looking out user, you'll eventually decide what to do with yourself ^^

No one ever jewed me B )

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What did you do with your boobs?

I never got HRT or implants, so nope.
No boobs

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if you weren't on hrt how were you transitioning lmao

Let's say I was close to getting a surgery, I took some HRT, but never to the point of making my chest look like I had boobs or sumn

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So you were on HRT for like 3 months max?

I remember being on HRT for like 1 month or less, but it's the same as nothing, no noticeable change in my body, I remember my arms being less hairy tho

>personality had become cringy
are many trannies conscious of this? how its looked in perspective of ordinary people or is it just out of interest and "no fucks given"?

I knew some trannies and I assure you that they're not conscious of it, they naturally act cringy, at some point I even looked at my texts and told myself: ''Is this nigger right here actually me?''

Many trannies do cringy shit and when people say something about it, they take out the ''idc about what people think'' card

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