Is there a more evil company then Disney?
Is there a more evil company then Disney?
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Who cares, their copyright laws have always been stringent, not sure why you think they'd change here.
marvel sucks ass, anyway. fuck disney and fuck the kid. not literally, you dumbass mods. don't ban me.
>he fears mods
Dude probably told Disney he wanted to do it.
I'm a liberal so I like disney it's one of the better companies if you ask me
because fuck capitalism
why the fuck would he need permission anyway? is there some disney cemetery commitee that tours cemeteries, looking for marvel heroes on gravestones?
if they find one, they just destroy it or what?
yes, Disney is great. Everything they touch goes to shit and they only survive off nostalgia from 10-20 years ago, but they are still great
you would just do it tho wouldn't you. You wouldn't ask permission. They would never know about it or care and if they did they wouldn't destroy the grave of a kid.
probably just to get Disney's blessings? Disney in the article offers the dead kid and his family some toys, which really isn't the same as a tombstone
The gravestone maker was afraid of getting a legal nuke and told the father get permission. There are people that report businesses for that type of shit which is why businesses like printing companies are really stringent about no copyrighted material
Why not stick a sticker on the gravestone?
he literally could have just done it and they wouldn't have cared
not as personal as a carving. a sticker doesn't stay forever
Because that's another level of tacky and the dad has limits
He literally couldnt get the gravestone made in the first place without disneys permission because the maker is afraid of a lawsuit. Companies have bounties on reporting copyright violations
and people still say capitalism works
Dad has standards.
Went the whole way to tell the world in disbelief.
It does when there aren't monopolies like disney
nothing anybody can do, the 2020s will be Disney owning everything with so much propaganda you wouldn't believe it
What does Disney have to do with Spiderman, though?
What happened to the kid? He looks healthy.
He was raped to death by a guy in a spider-man costume.
Imagine the outrage is Disney ordered the removal of an already made headstone. And people think the story about the daycare center wall art was bad.
a genetic disease that affects the central nervous system
>capitalism doesn't lead to monopolies
>capitalism isn't neofuedalism
Work for HOW LONG is the question. Most kingdoms only lasted a couple hundred years you know.
>tfw there's a lawn care guy in my area that uses the batman symbol
So how much are we talking for these bounties?
just look it up, WB doesn't give a shit Paramount likes to hear it reported by they seem to negotiate with people. Disney, (formerly)Fox, It's something like 2k if it's serious.
No other alternative lasted that long. And i can't remember any of them going more than 20 years without mass propoganda and public brainwashing, total takeover of all media, and literally outlawing any other mindset. Mussolini and Stalin are great examples, especially the whole "outlawing any other mindset" part.
Everything is shitty, there is nothing that is perfect, every system has tradeoffs for stability in which some group must suffer. Atleast under this pile of shit i can't be imprisoned our outright killed for disagreeing with any part of it and calling it any less than perfect.
I wont claim its perfect, but im happy with the tradeoffs i make. With history as an example, being a wageslave is better than the alternatives to me.
Great job seeing the bait mate.
Everyone here apparently fucking fell for it.
Sony owns all rights to Spider-Man, they bought it back in the 90s i think. I know this fore sure because they were offered the rights to all marvel superheroes for like twice the price but declined saying Spider-Man is the only good one.
Sony owns spiderman. This is an example of genuine fake news designed solely for ragebaiting and clicks.
>nothing lasted this long
We're moving faster than before dumb ass sheep.
and people still say immigration works
So wouldnt something in the past have lasted longer since we weren't moving as fast?
Also the development we're making isnt fast at all. Humans have always developed at this rate, its just that complex things qre being developed faster, i dont know the actual name for it but i personally call it pyramid growth
Everything is made of simple things. Nuts, bolts, and gears on their own are simple things. Together they make complex things. Humans had to invent the simple things before the complex things could come along.
Most of history was inventing these simple things. The invention of the nail seems small but architecture depends on that one invention. The simple thing that is the nail is a necessary part of the complex thing that is modern houses. It seems this way because we now live in the point where these things are finally reaching numbers great enough to build many very complex things, the base of the pyramid has grown enough to add a new layer. That is half of it though
Humans have always thought things are progressing fast, we can see centuries back that there were still old people saying kids relied too much on the newer inventions of the time. It has been this way forever. We dont think so because what was complex and fast growing then looks simple and slow to us now. 10 years between inventions seems like alot of time when reading about it, but i remember being an excited college kid when the first iphone came out. 10 years later mobile phones were leagues different, but no one is baffled by the growth of 8gb phones being high end to 128gb phones being high end. 16x the capacity in 10 years. To people who grew up without any of this, that is astonishing growth. The younger generations dont see this.
The complexity of our advancement has grown, the speed has very much not. Humans have always been inventing, its human nature and necessity.
Sounds like Socialism: communism and national, will replace capitalism
>putting spiderman on a gravestone
McFunerals when?
brainlet, sony only own the movie rights for spiderman, marvel(disney) owns all the rest, which comprises depictions such as this one and comics and cartoons and all that, sony cannot touch anything but movies and, with Disney's go ahead, games
Google, Facebook, McDonald's,
Capitalism loves immigration. It's very exploitable.
Its really not. Its as far away from capitalism as you can get while still calling it that.
Ah, yes. Not real capitalism.
Isnt it socialists and the likes that really like sweden?
Im just saying if one group of people really like something, its probably because it fits in the list of things they like.
I mean sure you could just put words in my mouth and say thats what i said, or we could acknowledge the fact that the immense government intervention in the economy means it most definitrly is left on the economic scale as that is left of lassez-faire, and its not far off from socialism in general.
We could also talk about how socialists love sweden and talk about how every country should be like it as socialism would be a step away then, but no, putting words in my mouth is more effective right?
As far as im concerned, anything right or left of lassez-faire isnt capitalism. Left is socialism and right is corporatism. If i remember right thats exactly what it is too. Partial or total government control of the means of production would fit the bill for socialism in which the governing body democratically controls the means of production in place of the people, however truthful that may be in reality, and right is where corporations and the government are allowed to intermingle making deals with and benefitting each other. However good for the people that may be.
But sure, put words in my mouth. No debate needed i guess.
Oh, one more thing
Lurk moar
>capitalism doesn't work because my dead kid can't have some capeshit on his gravestone
Do you have a chance to think before shit like this comes out your mouth or is it more like uncontrollable explosive diarrhea?
>Spiderman on your kids gravestone
>Not tacky
Seriously wtf are you idiots on about? This man is a retard for even considering such a nonsensical thing
gotta protect that intellectual property from that greedy dead kid
Debate what? If you think Sweden is "socialist" I don't really know what to say to you. Having welfare and social nets and social democracy isn't socialist or even leftist. Do workers own the means of production? Do people own private property (you know, capital? capital-ISM?). Liberals love Sweden, liberals are still capitalist. Communist's have been some of the greatest owner of libs the world has ever seen because of it.
Ideology and politics don't work according to how your concerned. They work according to reality. Government intervention in the economy does not mean it is leftist, it just means that the economy, while still on the right of the spectrum, is more authoritarian. Right is not "corporatism" it's just capitalism. You don't have to make things more complicated for yourself.
I think the best one is
>capitalism doesnt work because mcdonalds workers struggle
Dont get me wrong i think minimum wage should be enough to live on in the area the person is, but fucks actually complain that they cant afford to see a doctor after going to starbucks every day for 2 years and buying every new iphone.
People seem to think that we need to change society so retards can flourish. Thats literally how we cause the downfall of humanity. The whole point isnt hard work, its smart work. I can slap nails into wood harder than anyone else alive, but if im not smart enough to build a fence why the fuck does that matter? Its obvious the person whos able to build the fence is gonna do better than me.
When you make everyone equal, all you're doing is bringing the smartest worker down to the same level as the dumbest. Not bringing the dumbest up.
Half of every millenial alive comains about college prices not knowing trades are not only in high demand as boomers die, but cheap as fuck too.
They may have worked hard to get high grades in high school, but if they dont work smart to get into a profession that actually pays well, thats on them.
The smartest have always flourished, thats all it is. Wanting to bring those who flourished down to the same level as janitors is destined to cause society to fail.
Oh wait, silly me, someone cant put spiderman on a gravestone so the whole system needs to go
why are people saying
>think of the kids!!
it is NOT for the kids, it is for the parents
who are adults and knew their kid was terminal and need to get their mourning done and get over it, why do they feel the need to involve other people in their shitshow? fuck off attention whores
Oh okay then lets look at reality.
Socialists love sweden and really all scandinavian countries.
Socialists hate liberals
If the scandinavian countries were so liberal why would socialists love it
Pic related, its a meme i yanked of a socialist subreddit. 97% upvoted.
Take that as what you want. 97% of socialists (thats assuming no downvote raiding) support the liberal sweden. The socialists that hate liberals, love liberal scandinavia.
So what does that mean in reality?
Answer that for me.
No dodging the question or shoddy answer bait
What does liberal hating socialists loving supposedly liberal countries mean?
I'd also point out that a lot of people who claim life is so terrible have water, electricity, sewage, gas, internet, a computer, education and far more great things that are often taken for granted. Admittedly cliche, but to put it in edgier/faggier terms, anyone with some dumb name brand clothes with a Starbucks cup in their tattooed hand talking on their iPhone about how their downtown apartment is too expensive afford on their McDonald's wage is tarded. Not to mention that a fast food cashier isn't supposed to be a long-term career prospect.. the idea is to move up.
If it's so bad, I hear Africa has room.
Call me selfish, but I think it's far more selfish to bring a kid into this world that you cannot afford to care for properly.
They support the liberal Sweden because even though they aren't socialist, they are a version of capitalism that they would rather have instead of whatever their country, probably American style of capitalism and way they run the capitalist show. It's the same reason socialists often love Bernie Sanders despite his policy being completely boring usual social democrat stuff. Just because it isn't their vision of a perfect system doesn't mean they don't want change in a better direction for people.
A lot of people only get into socialist and progressive thought because of specific problems like healthcare, certain needs not being met, etc. If these people see what got them into leftist ideology having better conditions in another country they will probably want to take notes from that country, despite it still being capitalism.
Also (forgot word limit so I'm posting in 2 parts);
There are also reformist leftists that want to achieve socialism/communism by reform instead of by revolution. They probably just want to inch as close as they can to leftist thought by any means possible through voting, etc. It'd make no sense for them to bash on Sweden for still being capitalist if they want to reform in a way where somewhere along the line, their system will probably end up looking like the Nordic model (that is what you are thinking of when you describe Sweden's system:
Not who you replied to (also not a socialist), but I think this is a reasonable claim
>They support the liberal Sweden because even though they aren't socialist, they are a version of capitalism that they would rather have instead of whatever their country,
Because of what he said..
>immense government intervention in the economy means it most definitrly is left on the economic scale as that is left of lassez-faire, and its not far off from socialism in general
It's not full on socialism in the sense that the community owns the means of production, but governmental intervention arguably holds "socialistic tendencies" in the sense that the more the government (which is supposed to represent the people, the community.. I know some socialists or communists call for stateless authority, but that's a whole other thing I disagree with) interferes with a company's practices.
Simplified, people should know the difference between saying
>that's (full blown) socialism
>that has socialistic roots/tendencies
>that one particular policy is socialistic
Kind of good, would have looked tacky and sad.
Hate seeing kids have franchise characters on their graves/coffins. It's very weird to me and a bit gross
who cares? the kid certainly doesn't, he's dead.
I don't think they can do that. You can only enforce copyright when it's used for commercial gain. As long as grave doesn't generate any income by having spiderman character on it, there is nothing Disney can do to enforce it. Same way I can paint inside of my house with every Disney character and Disney can't do anything about it as long as I don't try to make money of it.
that's the real reason behind this, gravestone maker is the one refused to do it without permission from Disney because he is getting paid by family. If father decides to carve it himself, he is within his legal rights.
Double dubs nice
Also thats exactly what it is, business oener didnt want to do something legally questionable. Can anyone blame him? If you have a brain then no.
The kid enjoyed spiderman, but the kid is dead. The gravemaker didnt want to do something legally questionable. No one here is in the wrong, its a shitty situation that clickbait news sites used as bait for angry millenials and angry boomers.
>can't stop consuming products even in death
the kids father, retard
omg fuck Disney so hard for this!!
I'm not crying YOU'RE crying! ;_;