>every girl that i have common interests with is gay or already has a boyfriend
is the "girls adopt their boyfriends interest" meme true? should i just try getting a normie gf and try to get her into the stuff im into?
Every girl that i have common interests with is gay or already has a boyfriend
Disregard the thread, i'm here only for the roll.
Yes, it's true. A woman is as interesting as the man she is with. Only works if you're attractive enough though.
If you have a stronger personality than her and are with each other long enough then yes. But don't expect that much if shes a complete normie
Just here for that roll
Anything but the fat one
welcome to the group poop may I take your order
T-thanks I guess she can watch
please don't roll that fat pig
Rolling. Don't even want to read any of this shit. I'm just bored and looking for 5 seconds of something resembling fun.
imma just roll senpai
huh who cares?
It never ends, doesn't it?
My wife is not a slut!
Rolling for originally cuties
Why do most of the turn into sluts, I don't like that
Rolling and hoping to get one of the dominant ones.
wtf am i rolling for
and of course I get the fucking fatty, fucking christ
wizard here we come
originally and unironically rolling
Well I guess I'm rolling
Quads have all nine in their harem let's go bois
Jackpot bitches
give me fucking 00, I don't want to come into contact with fucking girls, they're all annoying bitches not worth my time. All I need is a flesh-light and a PC and I'll be happy
Aaand a sis natural I get the fatty baka.
Let me roll for a size queen brolo!
Purely for the roll
Fuck I have to actually put effort into the roll because the robot is watching
yes and no. Anyone you spend time with is going to rub off on you. If your friends like a show or game you'll have a good chance getting wrap up in it even if it's normally not your thing.
That said you don't want common interests, you want general acceptance of each other. It's much better to have girl that accepts your hobbies and is happy those things make you happy than to have someone that shares them but takes issues with you in other parts of life.
It probably depends on if you can convince her your hobbies are the shit with your "personality", anyway you don't need to enjoy the same hobbies to be in love user.
Re-rolling, hopefully this time I am not a perma-vir loser
It's true but it depends on the interest in question. It's easy to get girlfriends into relatively normie shit like cars or tame music genres. It's a lot harder to get them into stuff like anime (especially hardcore otaku shit) or PC gaming or death metal or whatever.
Super Mario sunshine is a good game
ro-ro-ro-roulette roll
Please give me the tomboy
Roll, Roll, Roll your post gently down the chan
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily give me something that doesnt suck
Women don't have interests, retard.
You know a lotta gay girls? Hook me up
Rollin' for a waifu, boys. Wish me luck.
Rolling for frumpy
Shootin for 2
Well here goes nothing, rolling.
Dumpy or Nerd pls
Roll dat shit.
Based rollllll
Fuck yes lads.
Now where my strategy/literature gf at?
>only plays RTS games
When was this made 2009?RTS died a long time ago thanks to MOBA trash.
>Mfw no nerd gf
Lets roll boys.
sure come to Indianapolis
Fugg captive to the class rep. Meh, could be worse. Could have gotten stuck with one of the sluts.
Anything but the lardass please
Self fulfilling prophecy originorphal
Here's hoping for nerd/dumpy
Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's FUCK AND SUCK!!) BRAAAAAAP
I guess I gotta reroll...
No, there's also fat women too who have unusual interests user
praying for either nerd
Rowwingu uwu
Give me the Dumpy one
can anyone recommend me an anime if I like this image?
I wonder what my original fate is.
Satanic trips.
rolling btw
Gonna stop by with the roll
roll, but also yeah op. It goes both ways sometimes, so watch out for that.
lets fucking go niggers
Im here for big tiddies
guess I might as well roll then
I'm a nat soc and not into gaming at all, though she looks cute and horniness thing sounds cool. High standards but desperate is basically me too.
I think we'd either be a perfect match or this will end in a murder.
please ive done this before let me get what is good for me
I've seen this one before but sure
lm on a roIl
rolling because im bored ok
i guess im going for lesbian now ok
mentally replacing high with law
ohhhh dude I gotta roll this this looks cool if I get a good number
>tfw even no gf even a as girl
fuck this fucking planet
Gay does not mean shit, my first gf in highshool was (gay) and that meant fuck all once we got intimate.
i guess your life has been quite a joke, i bet some divinity is getting too much fun with you.
still not original
galko is a virgin you stupid cunt
the only fat one you're getting is satan's big red cock
I just want to roll, damn you.
Rolling for a qt gf, hope Im lucky
I am just here to role, rather than to give helpful advice.
Galko isn't a slut at all
she's actually very pure
Alright got dubs, now I must reroll.
all of those are fucking shit
i'd rather be alone
Rolllllllllllinnnnng originall
original rololloll
what the fuck ever, i guess. better than jerking off alone.
loneliness be gone
literally here for the roll
rolling because my life means nothing
Rolling n saging
Rolling for my niggas from another frigga
I am a god umong you all
Rolling for glory and whatevers