Does anyone else have a favorite's folder with pics of their girlfriend to scroll through during tough times?
Does anyone else have a favorite's folder with pics of their girlfriend to scroll through during tough times?
Do women find this weird? I'm in the beginning of my first real relationship after a few months of being friends and was wondering if it would be weird to take a bunch of pics and videos especially during sex for sentimental reasons
is that iced coconut milk any good?
Yes i have plenty. Here she is outside enjoying the nice weather
if she is into it then yea its fine but dont take sneak vids or pics esp during sex. my favorites folder is just full of candid or selfies i look at to remind myself someone loves me
idk ive never had it but i dont like coconut in general
>folder with pics of my girlfriend
haha yes
If that was my girlfriend I'd do the same thing.
sorry i am bragging but i have been drinking and i love her so much
yeah I know that feeling. she does a lot to raise my spirits through the bad times, to me there's no one like her
you have a gf tf are you doing here user?
>That knuckle scar
You get into fights alot?
based. hope you and her are happy for a long time user. love is fucking based
thank you. she's a sweetheart
take care user, and hope you two go the distance
shit op ur gf is such a qt. youre a lucky guy! how did you guys meet and how long have you been together?
no lmao I've never hit a person in my life. I have really bad vitiligo
thank you user. a former coworker introduced us together around 4 years ago now christ time flies. never thought this would happen and i thoguth id kill myself when i turned 25 but life can get better in some cases and i hope it does for you and any others
>thank you user. a former coworker introduced us together around 4 years ago now christ time flies. never thought this would happen and i thoguth id kill myself when i turned 25 but life can get better in some cases and i hope it does for you and any others
this is life fuel bro. thank you for sharing
thanks again user. i hope it somehow inspires you and other robots to do something. i know how hard it is and how impossible it seems but fuckig up is a part of it too. best of luck to you in the future
Yeah I do, she gets red when i mention it and its adorable.
Hahaha yeah I totally understand what you mean there.
nice one user
still not stopping?