Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos

Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos

It's an undeniable fact

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don't want old ass fuck worn out skanks like those tho

nah i like inked girls

preferably with face tats

No shit, sadly this is a controversial thing to say in this day and age

Not judging you but those have a high probability of looking ridiculous. Not saying that probability is one though.

Speak for yourself, give me some damaged goods please

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100% chance these girls are huge sluts.

Nothing wrong with a mortgage though, renting is for absolute suckers where I live.

nah, i really don't prefer virgins.

Different men prefer different women. I prefer women with at least some experience with sex, and I have absolutely nothing against tattoos - they're just an indicator that the girl is more likely to try things out, which I can heavily relate to. However, I'm sure you prefer actual "debt-free virgins without tattoos", and it's entirely your prerogative to go after the girls you want.

Idc about tattoos desu, as long as they're not on her face/neck
Who gives a shit

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They look fucking trashy. Tattoos as for sailors and whores. What the fuck happened to this board

What does our preference have to do with the state of this board you stupid fuck...

>others can't have different opinions to me
What is this, reddit? Who the fuck cares, just do your own thing and like who you like.

if she likes me and isn't a completely narcissistic whore I can look past a lot of shit. weight, tattoos, virginity (don't care about it), age (to an extent, wouldn't date women past middle-age), looks (provided she isn't obese, she's doesn't have any major deformities or serious physical impairments).

I'm shallow but maybe not as shallow as the next guy.

Everyone's shallow to a certain degree, and ultimately normies understand that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating. All being shallow does is give you a "quality vs quantity" dating pool.

Women prefer promiscuous tattooed debt slaves. I'm sorry

K but men pursue women.

Yeah because the beta males saying are the incels who are just pretending that's why they're virgins

I agree. Ironically I'm not a virgin, and have debt and tattoos

That one on the right is really cute.

The blonde one could be non virgin with full debt and i'd still choose her over most tbhwyf.

What if I fit the first two but not the third?

If you retards think those girls are virgins you're even more delusional than I thought.

Tattoos make women look trashy and shows that she's impulsive and can't make good decisions for herself

I prefer a girl with experience and tattoos, debt free would be cool but it isnt a red flag

>think about tattoo for months, plan design and placement
Right okay

absolutely correct. those dont exist though

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Not everyone acts and thinks like you, you absolute mong

I wasnt talking about myself, the girls I've met that have tattoos have planned them out months in advance

For me I'd only date Virgins without tattoos. By virgin I mean never had a BF, never kissed another men, never gave someone a HJ or BJ.
That being said I'm not necessarily against tattoos. It's just not my preference but I won't judge other people for having tattoos.
I judge other people for acting slutty though.

>My gf
>Chose all her higher education, namely bachelor's and masters degrees based on who offered her a full tuition scholarship
>Got great job right out of school, stayed home with Mom and Dad and stacks every penny she earns
>Liquid assets, savings account, no debt
>No tattoos
>Virgin when we met, has only ever kissed or slept with me
Feels good

Maybe you'd have less debt if you didn't get tattoos

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Tattoos usually signal trashy and impulsive behavior though user

I'd have zero debt if I didn't have a degree

nobody cares what men prefer. Woman have the key to sex, relationship everything. They hold all the cards.