AAAAAAAAA I can't tAke it anymore I hate that I'm a tranny. I hate that i'm a faggot...

AAAAAAAAA I can't tAke it anymore I hate that I'm a tranny. I hate that i'm a faggot. I know its a mental illness I hate being like this, I just want to be normal fuck. And why are normies always saying it's ok to be like this its not. It's not. It's a fucking mental illness they keep acting like it isnt, why? Imfucking my life up man. That's why I stay here, cause at least you guys say it how it is. The most ill ever get out of this is being some guys one night fetish fuck. Why am I doing this to myself whats wrong with me? Whats wrong with my brain? I'm sorry for being like this.

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You should become a robots qt wife, maybe that'll make you happy

Fuck off fucking tranny go rope

being a tranner is the least of your problems
t. happy tranner

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Yeah, cool, sounds dope, except the qt part. Don't think I can do that.
Realistically yeah, but I keep feeling like shit about it all the time. What are you so happy for?

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did you try pimozide or whatever it is
who knows

Nice spicy oc

Wanna talk about tranny stuff?

Post discord

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can you post your tummy please tranny wanny?

welcome to the 40% friend

No way man. I did something like that recently and I regret it.
Also just tummy? fucking gay dude.

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>That pic
Darn, I was hoping to befrend the dork behind these silly images

Sorry for making this ranting post guys. Im mostly over it for now, Sometimes I just get really angry for no reason.

Sorry, maybe another time. I'm here a lot

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stop being a tranny.
if you're doing HRT, stop.
instead, become a man.
start lifting, fix your sleep schedule and have a balanced diet (also learn to cook)

you will stop hating yourself, and you shall not go down the degeneracy drain.

It's ok you can just be my girlfriend.

what made you break and stop repressing OP?

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This is what Christianity and traditionalism do to people. There's nothing wrong with you, you've just been brainwashed into thinking your mentally Ill

I don't think that stuff really helps user. Cause then I'll just be sad that I'm a man. I have kinda been trying to learn how to cook however.
If I had a dollar for everytime I've seen that, I could afford FFS
I was acting really down for a couple of weeks and my mom asked if I was sad because I wanted to be a girl. Sounds kinda cheesy and fake I know, but I guess it was just obvious to her or something.
Yeah probably. Being a Christian just makes me feel more guilty about this.

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Your loss schlomo, I'll go be another cute girls boyfriend.

your mum must have given you quite the shock but also a feeling of relief i'm sure
is your issue in passing atm?

Do whatever you want but dont close yourself into a box. I unironically believe that trannies are mentally ill but I mean I also think being gay is mentally ill. I dont have a problem with that but its not normal but people go through shit and shit happens so I'm not gonna try to judge them why they became like that. So just be what you want to be and do whatever the fuck you want but dont close yourself into a box. When you get into the head space of "im so fucked. My brain is all messed up." then you're forcing yourself into that box of "UHH I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS. I HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS". But its all really in your head. Try not to get too caught up into it. I never really understood why people would actually transition, like just do what you want and dress however the fuck but just dont do the hormone shit cause what does that do for you? Dont you risk a lot when doing that? Anyways I hope that helps but sorry if it doesnt. Dont get trapped in your brain user. Good luck, hoping for better.

I don't know what the fuck schlomo is, but it sounds Jewish so it's probably a bad thing.
>your mum must have given you quite the shock but also a feeling of relief i'm sure
Oh yeah. Definitely know what people mean when they say a weight is lifted off their shoulders.
>is your issue in passing atm?
Eh, not particulary. I mean I don't pass, but it's not like i'm trying that hard. Im only like 6 months HRT and I'm not really out as a tranny to anybody. But I don't think I'll ever really pass, not that lucky. I'm not that bad looking, as a dude, but that's also the problem. I just think some features are too masculine to ever cover up. Who knows though, everyone is there own worst critic.
That's some good advice, thank you user.

It is a jewish insult. Are you woke to the jq?


I don't know what that means specifically. But I don't trust Jews if that's what your getting at. They're definitely up to something, I just don't know what. Like why the fuck is there so many Jewish celebrities? There's so few Jewish people how are all of them famous?

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You're asking the right questions. If you want to learn more about the jq then watch some Cultured Thug videos. It would be a good distraction from your mental... stuff. BTW being trans isn't a mental illness, nor is being homosexual.

Alright I'll check it out sometime.
>BTW being trans isn't a mental illness, nor is being homosexual.
homosexual nah, but I still think there's gotta be something pretty wrong with you to be trans.

Only the way that people deal with being trans is wrong.

what do you normally do op? are you a neet?

I didn't think about like that. Good point.

Thanks. Good luck with everything user, know that someone out there cares about you.

Never understood the want to be a women, can some user explain why being an emotion driven anohole is better then living as logic thinking man.

>are you a neet?
Well technically no, cause I have a job. It's in insurance, just typing shit and whatever. My mom owns an insurance office or something so I just help her out. But I do it from home and basically whenever, so about as lax as a job can get. Doesn't make a lot though. As far as lifestyle though, yeah, total shut in. I hate going outside. I just normally sit in my room and try not to annoy anyone.

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This has been my thought process for at least the past 6 months. I know I'm a tranny and it's making me miserable and the tranny shills keep telling me to embrace it and it'll make me happy but I know that's bullshit and they just want people to suffer alongside them so they can pretend they're normal and I kinda empathise with that but I know it won't work so I'm just stuck in this miserable limbo.

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Damn. Im sorry you feel that way. I wish I had advice to give you, but I really dont. In the end, I guess you just have to do what makes 'you' happy ya know? And yeah, tranny shills are the worst. I can't imagine trying to push others so hard to be a tranny. Why would you want that? Being a tranny is not fun, it feels awful.

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>What are you so happy for?
Being a tranner is more fun than being a guy.

Alright how come?


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It's not, he's lying. Nothing's fun though.

I make people seethe with my mere existence. I trick straight people into being gay. It's all too fun.

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there will be a time wher youll be happy

Yeah I know. I just wanted to see what he'd say.
That sounds mean. You're a bad person.
I'm sure eventually. Life is full of good times and bad times. It just seems like there's a lot more bad times.

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I'm not mean, I'm not even lifting a finger and that's the beauty of it. Either embrace what you are or take the path of least resistance by stopping your transition (if you've started it) because you'll be miserable either way.

If you like guys you a fag, If you wanna be girly you are allowed to have a feminine side. What's your ideal partner and what are you in that situation?
Is becoming obsessed with your feminine side an autism thing?

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>I trick straight people into being gay
How is that not mean?

Just cause you can set buildings on fire, doesn't mean you should.

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By the nature of having a female appearance straight guys find me attractive despite the fact that I am male. Don't you get it, dum-dum?

there's a very high correlation between transsexualism and autism

>it's a fucking mental illness
BINGO, now seek treatment and renounce your delusions

the only treatment for gd is hrt though

That's deceptive, like selling someone raisans but in reality they're dried apricots, and that person doesn't even like dried apricots

Exactly, sucks to be them.

When a merchant lies about their product they get sued/go to jail

I'm not selling anything, pal.

You got this OP you can make it through

you ain't selling but you're advertising.

I don't know.. You're confusing me. You're technically right, but you're still wrong man. Your goal shouldn't be to trick straight guys like that.

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Are you saying I should put on reverse-drag and take steroids to try and look like a man?

No. Idk. I dont know anymore. All im gonna say is that I'm not being a tranny to trick straight guys. That doesn't sound cool.

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If you take HRT and end up passing you will whether you like it or not, holy fuck you are dense lmao.

You just make it sound malicious.