Tfw no diapie gf
Tfw no diapie gf
R9krinkle when. Tfw no daddy bf
Who doesn't want to care and support a cutie?
OP, it might not be a rule on this board, but a couple of pics is just plain courtesy.
Not op but i have current oc. Going to see midsommar padded
So wait, do you want a gf who is a diaper or who wears diapers?
tfw no switchy gf
the eternal feel of tfw no mommy gf
Do you wet your diapers
For realism sake, I hope it's a gf willing to be diapee'd and not weird transformation stuff.
>Wanting to clean up poo.
Pretty gross, though I will admit some of those girls like cute dressed up like babies.
>not having someone so dependent on you that you'll do anything for them
It does sound kinda hot on paper, but I don't do well with around "waste".
For refusal to change a needy diaper girl, you're sentenced to a day with these two. The cell will smell nicer if you just get over yourself.
Yeah otherwise its a waste
People who do that are a minority and usually men anyway. Its a bit of a stretvh to assume everyones that extreme
Why put on the diapers then, just role play? Do these girls just do it for Instagram likes then?
Genuinely curious.
I'd rather have a diaper imouto.
To pee in them.
as other user said, yes to pee in them. They also enhance the mindset of being a helpless baby, they also feel warm and squishy which is nice. But nothing really ever stops sitting in your own shit from being gross. thats very niche. I dont doubt theres girls doing it for attention but Its a weird thing so I don't doubt they also enjoy the act itself. The two arent mutually exclusive.
>tfw no mommy gf
any tips to deal with this eternal feel?
Buy a lot of pillows. I sleep with my head on one pillow, I hold another pillow, I have my back against another pillow, and I have a pillow on top of me.
Anyone want a little diaper boy to take care of?
No user, no one want a mature sick fuck with infantilism fetish.
Can you remember when you were a kid and not a disgusting broken freak?
But how is a kid suppose to find a mommy to diaper him?
Are you happy this way user? You know you can still came back.
I was always a broken freak unfortunately :c
No user, you weren't a broken freak from the start, there was a time where you were just a regular kid. When did everything get wrong?
Around the time my babysitter started touching me and making me do things I can't talk about to this day
This is getting kinda personal now
What your father and mother would think about it?
What you grandparents would think about it?
What you brothers and sisters (if you have any) would think about this?
What yourself, if not in heat, would think about this?
Why you do something you know it's wrong and shameful? Can you respect yourself?
When I went through my childhood without getting to wear diapers.
Do your personality revolves around some shit fetish? that must be a really sad life.
I don't like my parents much. But my sister is pretty accepting. Don't know how she'd feel about it.
I don't do it in heat. I do it as a comfort and stress relief tool. Nothing makes me decompress better than diapering up in a onsie and coloring and just forgetting the world outside. Being a kid. And I don't see it as wrong, shameful maybe, but I'm not hurting anyone. And I always do it in the privacy of my room.
I can't respect myself.
user, you have better ways to cope with pressure and stress. You could try a healthy hobby like cooking or learning a new language.
Trying to go back to childhood is a very attractive idea, but it's a bad idea in the end. Age play and the like always make you more fragile to pressure.
It's much too late for that now. I'm barely functioning and coping as it is. Without this it'll be the thing that finally breaks me. It's all that's keeping me from using a permanent solution if you get me.
I wish I could stop. I wish I didn't like what I'm doing. But that's just how things are. It allows me to be a child but not be touched. It's like crack to me.
Maybe it's because I don't know you, but I respect you.
You're not a mindless tranny in heat, you're just a hurt person with a bad habit. A bad habit that seem it's helping you to cope, but it's only making things worse in the long run.
You can stop it, but it will take a huge amount of willpower (more willpower than I have).
But I trust you to get over it, user.
I wish I had your confidence. It's like asking to give up the one thing that brings you joy. Nothing in my life fills me with such happiness. It's the one place I can go where nothing hurts and the painful cruel world of adulthood can't sink it's teeth into me.
If there was something else I'd do it. If there was another way I would. But I can't give it up. At least not until I find something that'll fill the hole it'll inevitably leave. Thank you for listening and understanding me. Most people hate me for this. I hate me for this. But it's all I can do in my life not to be crushed by all the stress. Some people have drugs. Some have drinking. I have this.
You can always find another way, there are many ways. Most people use vidya, or casual sex, or drugs to cope. But there are ways to suffer little and doesn't need some form of cope.
user, I trust you to keep it 100% non sexual, living a fetish is the shortest path to the rope.
Casual sex is certainly out of the question because that would just traumatize me further. And I don't really want to give up this for drugs. And vidya just... doesn't help like it used to. I used to cope with vidya but these days... I don't know. It just isn't how it used to be.
Yes. If it turned sexual it would be like putting my fingers back in a wound and opening it up again. I could never make it sexual.
You can always find a healthy hobby to cope, it seems gardening is great for the feeling of safety and isolation, it's like the garden is your private world.
But the most important is to keep it non sexual.
>tfw no diapie gf
that feel when no diaper gf