I'm so embarrassed of being a schizo that I think I ruin relationships and push people away on purpose, just in case they see how I really am. Have any guys here dated a schizo? How long did it take for you to get sick of her?
I'm so embarrassed of being a schizo that I think I ruin relationships and push people away on purpose...
no but i had a male friend who was schizo and he was completely insufferable
Yeah, that's what I worry about. A schizo relative of mine had a pretty bad breakdown (I don't know the details), after which his girlfriend ghosted him. Given, I'm not really as bad as he was, I always think of that when taking to people.
he got the point where he completely stopped taking his meds, and also completely sabotaged his social security money so he stopped getting his checks every month.
every time you tried to speak to him he would start rambling some incoherent bullshit and he also started writing constantly. and put sticky notes all over every surface in his room
i doubt you'll ever be as bad as he is honestly
Not schizo but I vent all my subconscious garbage on Jow Forums and behave completely normal irl. Maybe you could do the same?
I used to be pretty bad, but I've gone through a therapy course, take my meds and keep a somewhat consistent routine now (albeit, not perfect as my seep schedule is still garbage). I do write a lot too haha. I think my thoughts are pretty coherent for the most part. I don't know.
I do post here a lot as a cope. But I don't actually like posting about my issues much. People can be mean here. I prefer posting about things I like or just shitposting in general, pissing off the jannies etc. It can't be very healthy for someone like me.
My mother is schizo and I'm on the spectrum for schizophrenia in that I do show some symptoms associated with schizophrenia but I don't have paranoid delusions or psychotic episodes and get along fine without meds.
I've never dated a schizo (implying i date anybody) but I probably would give one a try, I think it would be easier to relate to someone who is similar to you
I definitely relate to the fear of people you get close to realizing how mentally ill you truly are. I could never live together with someone other than my mother cause I constantly talk inane nonsense to myself when I'm alone, i know my mother hears it but she ignores it
no gf is gonna tolerate some mentally ill retard talking to himself in the kitchen, so i'm gonna always be alone
I live with my mother too, although she's not a schizo. I don't think I could date another schizo even if it seems like we could relate. We'd just end up ruining each other. It'd be a very dysfunctional relationship.
You just have to vaguepost so you don't trigger people and make them bully you.
have you ever tried to date someone to know how it goes?
All you have to do is kill yourself
Itll be better that way
I just prefer not posting about it at all. People find reasons to bully you anyway.
I dated in high school a bit, but I wasn't really showing many symptoms aside from some paranoia and disorganized thoughts. I never bothered after.
I've been trying for over a year. But I'm a coward. I have a feeling I know who you are though, but I won't push my luck.
how do you think it would be nowadays?
I'm not sure, but I don't think it would be any good. I feel like a burden. Not to mention I'm rather afraid of commitment and have issues trusting men in general. I'm afraid I'll be a victim of violence one day. People are just cruel.
What do you mean by schizo? Schizoid or legitimately schizophrenic?
what do you look like, are you a qt? are you open sexually?
>Many people with schizophrenia improve enough to lead independent, satisfying lives.
you dont sound like you're too bad, as long as you're not completely immersed in your delusions its not unsalvageable, im not sure what to do in your situation, what would your mom think its best for you?
Schizophrenic. I hate so much that this always needs to be clarified.
>you dont sound like you're too bad
That's the thing. You would probably not say I'm one if we met. But if we were in a relationship, I'd end up embarrassing myself eventually.
My mom just wants me to relax a bit over the summer as I stay with her and keep up my routine. After, I should return to uni.
also you need to start doubting some of the things you think, i know being schizo literally means that you're gonna believe whatever delusions you have with 100% certainty but you need to start thinking what if they weren't true
>I hate so much that this always needs to be clarified.
So dont be so vague next time retard, theres a difference between schizoid, schizophrenia and all that
How is your hygiene?
well, you need to tell the first thing you do that you're schizo and do weird stuff, if you're thinking in having a serious relationship, you wouldnt be able to hide it even if you wanted to
I suffer from bi polar and schizophrenia but Im a man
Honestly its better to just worry about fixing yourself for yourself I used to think a gf would fix my life but it ended up with me being super paranoid about the idea of her cheating to the point of it becoming creepy
Would you ever date another schizophrenic? Just wondering because I am schizophrenic and dont think I would
I know. That's being schizo 101 haha. I think I'm pretty good at it, but sometimes people still call me crazy/delusional and it makes me pretty sad.
Schizoids barely have anything to do with schizophrenia. Why is it even called that is beyond me.
Very good actually. I shower too much. So that's no good.
I see people here romanticize mental illness so much, I think it wouldn't matter. They'd still be disgusted by me even if I explained.
Probably you're right. I'm starting to kind of accept being alone forever. I reject everyone I meet here already.
Probably not
>but you need to start thinking what if they weren't true
Do you have a top 5 favorite films?
So what do you actually do? Like what would be the problem here? How would you embarrass yourself? How bad do you get? Like to the point where its dangerous to be around you? If you'd never hurt anyone even during a turbulent episode, then there's literally no problem.
Have you ever been sectioned in a secure unit? I was for 14 months before I was evaluated as no longer a threat
>They'd still be disgusted by me even if I explained.
so what difference would it make? you doubt too much, if know nothing is gonna change and you keep being the same after why would it make a difference if you try it?
When you are schizophrenic people either treat you like a potential axe murderer or a poor wretched sad case to pity no exceptions
I want to be pitied but all the psych people tell me I'm sane and socially capable.
I never consumed much fiction and don't really watch anything now. Lord of War is perhaps one of my favorites.
I've threatened people before, but never did anything serious.
Yes, but not nearly for that long.
I don't think I understand what you're saying.
are they wrong? too many examples to think otherwise, its up to you to know how bad you have it
Nigger you're being vague on purpose so people keep giving you attention. What is the actual issue at hand? "Being schizophrenic" isn't an issue in itself, it's what you do that can cause problems. Everyone threatens someone at some point in their life, that's not even a schizophrenic attribute.
you wont be in a relationship without opening yourself up to that person, at least not a serious one
I don't because it's embarrassing and people bully for it. I've almost pushed my dad down the stairs because I thought my parents sold me out to the psychiatrists, I thought people were setting fire near my home to intimidate me etc.
I dont like people coughing because I feel like they are coughing at me even if they are not
That's it? How is any of that supposed to be embarrassing. You're embarrassing yourself by making a big deal out of such small shit.
>fire near my home to intimidate me
my mom is usually saying stuff like that, she thinks the neighbours are out to get her, but shes a loving mom takes care of the house and has a job
this guy is right, if those are the worse you can give you really dont have it as bad as you think, you should see what an actual bad schizo looks like
The second post isn't me. And these are just some things. I'll go now.
No, you stay here and take your pick of the beta litter to be your bf.
hey fag, join the line she cant pick if you swarm her
I was just barking to get her attention so she wouldn't leave. It's not as if she's automatically going to pick me because of it.
I hate orbiters anyway. I'll just let my parent's wealth comfort me until I kill myself.
sure thing dude, to the back with you
The point isn't supposed to be orbiters. You're supposed to pick a bf you can be comfortable with and tell the rest of us to fuck off.
There's already someone I care about. Though only in a motherly way.
And this is how you want to protect that guy? baka fix yourself then start thinking about other people and getting into relationships.
but by now im pretty sure this is a joke
Then you should have said that in the beginning.
It's no relationship, you misunderstand. I just want to do something nice and care for someone. I'm an only child and will never have children. I just want to be nice because I get accused of nonsense.
So do you care about him or is it just for show?
literally just explained
I do care. He's the only kind person to me. He's pretty sad now, so I want to fix that. But it's not a relationship.
send 100 $ for le epic proxy
In the first post you said you cared about him. In the second you said you just want to be nice so you don't get accused of anything.
He probably thinks its heading to a relationship. So he's an orbiter, despite you saying you hate orbiters.
Relationship can mean friends.
But do you think you can protect him how you're right now? be honest with yourself, i told you yesterday how things are going to end if you keep going down this path.
but again, this might just be a joke
I'm not "dating" a schizo, but he(she) is pretty far on the spectrum and hasn't given me any problems. He's completely loyal to me and I love him and have told him so, but we aren't dating. Despite this he hasn't been a problem at all, and I'm waiting for him to start to be one.
He's not an orbiter. I'm doing everything on my own. He never treated me any differently regardless of my gender. I care about him genuinely, but I also want to show that I'm not a terrible person, like some say.
What don't you get? I just want to do something nice for a person. Is it so impossible that I can feel that way?
Listen, i'm telling you that you will only fuck things up in the state you're even if you only want to do something nice. If you want, go ahead and try, and see how you will fail. You're mentally unstable and emotionally unstable. Go ahead, fuck him up even more, you know his situation.
but again, this is only a joke
Go fuck yourself you mindless Gunjy/Kierk drone. You're too fucking braindead to recognize him just because he uses a different avatar, so what is your stupid opinion worth anyway?
>guilt tripping
him being retarded has nothing to do with her really
Why are you mad? I never insulted you or anything. Just do what you want.
But dude, let's be real, do you think someone in that state can really take care or protect someone else?
again, this is all just a big joke
what are you saying dude? by protecting its not like shes gonna fly over to him and help him, at most she gonna buy him a proxy
I'm in a fine enough state to see what a retarded namefag you are. The fact that you mindlessly swallow anything Gunjy tells you, shows what a moron you are. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you are him.
Yikes not this again.
It's no joke lad. I reevaluated my verdict yet again. The schizo "tranny" is being truthful. Also I unintentionally gaslighted him hard again yesterday, but only because someone else gaslighted him harder before. Poor guy is really losing all trust in people because a bunch of predators, shitposters (me), paranoid fuckers (me) and wannabe detectives (me again) gathered together.
>tfw you finally accept your posting style is very similar
I wasn't trying to tricky trickster anyone. But you were right, that guy is the gunjoid. I was clouded by a desire to help him not knowing it was him, and to clear a big misunderstanding. It doesn't matter anymore? Btw he's bluffing indeed, or rather he has nothing that hasn't been said before if you search for it.
pls dont reply anymore
I don't even talk to Gunjy or anyone else to begin with.
>It's no joke lad. I reevaluated my verdict yet again. The schizo "tranny" is being truthful. Also I unintentionally gaslighted him hard again yesterday, but only because someone else gaslighted him harder before. Poor guy is really losing all trust in people because a bunch of predators, shitposters (me), paranoid fuckers (me) and wannabe detectives (me again) gathered together.
That's what you get when you do this kind of stuff and people with nothing better to do and being bored all day gather around. It's not surprising, it has happened many times before.
>I wasn't trying to tricky trickster anyone. But you were right, that guy is the gunjoid. I was clouded by a desire to help him not knowing it was him, and to clear a big misunderstanding. It doesn't matter anymore? Btw he's bluffing indeed, or rather he has nothing that hasn't been said before if you search for it.
I am not Gunjy or maintain contact with him.
Do you schizos get dank visual and audio hallucinations? Sounds pretty comfy desu.
But would affect working tho
audio you do get, im not sure about visual, maybe when its real bad
paranoid schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations here. I constantly "hallucinate" that my family/ neighbors are making fun of me. Half the time they really are talking about me, but they say I'm just hearing things, which is probably funny to them.
why can't i just be neurotypical...
let me tell you, they are telling you the true, being schizo means you're gonna believe your delusions with 100% certainty, your brain wont let you think otherwise
Hey can you say something schizophrenic thats really cool. Like something like you are a star. Like actual one like pluto. They always talk in like a fun way. Thanks
i mean, that's pretty true... but it's so damn easy to convince a schizo that they did/ didn't experience something, and there are people who would take advantage of that.
>convince a schizo
no thats very very difficult, your brain will come up with whatever it wants to believe, maybe outside influence could help shape it but its mostly your past experiences, im sure that for you what you believe has logic, reason and makes perfect sense, just like your brain wants it to be