I don't want to work. Help me anons, FUCKING HELP ME!

I don't want to work. Help me anons, FUCKING HELP ME!

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there is no saving you from this hell

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Use the money to buy the stuff you want.

>disabled NEET


Repeat after me

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Working at a supermarket unironically was the most enjoyment I ever got out of a job in my life. The work sucked, yes, but at least you could get drunk with your coworkers after work and since it was a low requirement job you met some "interesting" and legit interesting people.
Nothing is as soulcrushing as working some 8-5 in some McOffice with coworkers that are more boring than watching paint dry

Um, don't? No one is forcing you to. As in literally holding a gun to your head. Just understand that if no one will support you, you're probably going to be homeless.

>Nothing is as soulcrushing as working some 8-5 in some McOffice with coworkers that are more boring than watching paint dry

Encouraging, because that has been my full time job out of college and it sucks fucking dick.

I've also come to this thread to say that it's a fucking travesty that cashiers in the US don't have chairs to sit down in.

>that cashiers in the US don't have chairs to sit down in.
HAHAHA, wat? For real? Jesus fucking christ, what is wrong with burgers?

Employers are a protected class and find sexual satisfaction in the suffering of their employees

Just get adopted by some creepy weirdo who wants to fuck you 12 times a day. It worked for me

I want to work. Help me anons, FUCKING HELP ME!

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you got to get those wagies healthy son, its not like they have time to exercise

Unironically get a job you like. I don't mind working because most of it is dicking around on the internet just like I would at home.

>"interesting" and legit interesting people.
imagine being so normie you find the lowest people on earth "interesting."

It's all relative user, try working with office workers and everyone seems interesting in comparison

>be afraid of starting a job
>watch Office Space
>want a job even less

I know you're talking gay shit but
>tfw no breadwinning nympho wife

I can't think of a single thing I'd like to do 8h/5d. Playing vidya and shitposting doesn't count. I like doing errands around the house, but again I couldn't do that for 40h a week. I'd be a decent house husband but I'm not always motivated enough to do it regularly and 99% of women want a provider anyway.

Where do you work user?

What do you do anonkun?

neet for now but parents are forcing me to look for a work, fml

Just shit your pants. They'll accept explosive diarrhea as an excuse for being sick.

dont you think it would be good to buy stuff? thats what keeps us wagies moving

lmao nobody WANTS to work dickhead, but you do it anyway because you're not a fucking child and you should be able to stand on your own two feet.

Anyone here got a mcjob?

Am always interested in the going on s behind the scenes there

it would be nice to have money, my PC is kinda shit and i'd love to buy a new one but the novelty would wear off soon, i wouldn't have much time to play games and watch anime anymore, even thinking about getting up early and doing tedious tasks all day terrifies me

Offices have the potential to be high school 2.0

More in the sense that there are friend cliques . Where I live (ireland) I've worked in a few places where some people's only friend are work mates so they act like the cool kids in their cliques
. It's actually quite sad