Why being a human sucks:

Why being a human sucks:

>Hey, sugar tastes good and makes me feel good! I'll eat some cookies and M&Ms!
*Uh oh, you have bleeding gums and cavities. Now it hurts really bad when the dentist cleans your teeth. Uh oh, you have brain fog because all that sugar fucked up your gut microbiome. Uh oh, you have cancer because sugar speeds up aging

>Okay then, no problem! Plenty of tasty foods that have no carbs! I'll just eat bacon, spam, scrambled eggs, pickles, and pork rinds!
* Uh oh, you just got a kidney stone from eating all that salt. Now you're hurting so bad you wish you had a gun to kill yourself right now. The ER refuses to give you opioids, they instead tell you to man up and deal with the pain like a fucking grown man

>Well, this sucks. No sugar and no salt, huh? Guess I'll just eat broccoli and celery every day.
* Uh oh, now you're depressed because without sugar or salt, nothing is giving you dopamine. What's the point of living now? Might as well kill yourself if you don't feel pleasure.

>Okay, this sucks... but it can't be that bad right? I'll just smoke weed and do LSD! Now I can feel pleasure without eating sugar or salt!
* Uh oh, your dark net vendor just got busted, and now the feds are analyzing blockchains. Uh oh, you just spent all your college savings on lawyer fees.

I want pleasure so bad. maybe I need to become a buddhist or something, i hear they can teach you how to live without pleasure. But I don't know how to become a buddhist. it would be weird for a random white guy to randomly show up to a temple.

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salt is good for you just drink more water

Its all about moderation you stupid fuck. Some sugar is fine, some salt is fine, some dopamine is fine. Don't be a gluten you retarded fuck.

Drink a lot of water and only consume natural sugar, it's not hard.

It's interesting how the easiest approach, most entertaining approach and/or most enjoyable approach to virtually every aspect of life is the "least healthy"? Like how easily sugar appeals to your palate? Too bad it's shit for your health. Like the smell of firelighters? Too bad it's shit for your health. Like not constantly challenging your stamina with exercise? Too bad it's shit for your health. Feel comfortable sleeping on your stomach? Too bad it's shit for your health. Like using the computer constantly and hunching over in your seat? Too bad it's shit for your health.
I fucking hate living, everything I want to do is unhealthy while everything I despise doing or have to constantly remind myself to do is healthy, why? Why wasn't the universe created with the opposite being true instead?

damn those cookies look tasty.

What are your favorite cookies, Jow Forums? Im thiniking about just baking my own instead of buying some.

I frikin get you, man. Nature is cruel and likes to punish us for doing the things we want most. it makes me feel better to think maybe after death, we come back as beings in a world where living things can indulge in as many pleasure as they want with no consequences. we just had bad luck to arise out of the void in a shitty nature. i can't imagine a life where i could eat cookies all day every day with no consequence

>exercise is painful
>healthy food tastes like shit
I'm convinced that we are tormented by a sadistic being that feeds off of all the negative emotions from making life so pants on head retarded.

In my opinion, it's evidence that the universe is a simulation. The beings running this simulation are trolls who want to see how intelligent life responds to an existence where they get punished for doing things they love the most.

Sugar and salt isn't bad for you. Just don't eat too much sugar and brush your teeth. Drink more water to avoid getting kidney stones, why am I babysitting autists?

Do you know how to cook? fuck you robot

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I have a similar idealistic view of the afterlife. Essentially you're handed your own little pocket dimension to create whatever universe and rules in it you want, including making "unhealthy" concepts in the real world completely harmless.

Unfortunately there's no guarantee an afterlife exists (or doesn't), or that we'll enter the "good" afterlife, or that the real heaven will just be sitting on a fucking cloud praying to God forever. Everything is unfair, I hate it.
Assuming there is an omnipotent deity, there's no real imperative for the universe to exist, it's essentially his playing field, his own form of entertainment. Challenging us to surpass preferences to be healthy and fucking those who don't royally.

>exercise is painful
That's what happens when you sit on your ass for years and let your body go to ruin, now it hurts doesn't it? Shouldn't have let your body deteriorate then. Of course it hurts when you're fucking dying.
>healthy food tastes like shit
Again that's your fault, shouldn't have rewired your brains, retard.

If you're a fatty, sure.

Feds would never bust a low volume buyer. They're after the vendors.

And the feds DO care about "small fish". Do you realize that half the prison population in the US is made of nonviolent drug users? The DEA, cops, judges, prosecutors, big pharma, for-profit prisons, etc, are all rolling around in caviar and truffles from the business of fucking over "small fish". They DO care

>eggs, oysters, sardines, salmon, beef, liver, raw dairy, fruits, honey.
There, all whole animal foods that will actually nourish you and don't have added salt (go light on the carbs too)

Also if you eat really high quality animal product and get good sleep (phenibut can help with this tremendously) , your drug highs will be much nicer and more easy to reach.

And what if youre allergic to those foods, dumbass

>I thought sugar made you fat
>Ive been eating 4-8 chocolate bars and 2 bags of sweets or more a day for 6-7 years
>Thought because I wasn't getting fat that I was beating the system
>My dick is literally retracting in fear
Well I guess no more sugar for me

>Uh oh, now you're depressed because without sugar or salt, nothing is giving you dopamine. What's the point of living now? Might as well kill yourself if you don't feel pleasure.
This is your problem OP. You expect to feel happy. Shut up and work.

Just cut out whatever food you're allergic too, unless you're somehow allergic to all of them (in which case, end it bro there is no getting better, no fruit or animal foods is suffering) no need to call me a dumbass because of some special snowflake scenario that applies to one in a million people