Gf starts new job

>gf starts new job
>meets guy there
>start hanging out all the time outside of work
>spends more time with him than me
>has fucked our relationship over the past month
>can't trust her anymore cause no idea if actually cheating or not
>they talked about doing a trip together which i think is fucked
>told her how i felt
>goes on trip anyway, shes on trip atm
>hadn't seen her for a week prior to that, then leaves for the trip despite living a 3 minute walk from my place
>100% sure right now im gonna dump her

What w o uld you do in my shoes?

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Were just the 2 of them and is he possibly gay?

YUP. rippp lol

dont even dump her, just stop talking to her

>hadn't seen her for a week prior to that, then leaves for the trip despite living a 3 minute walk from my place
Well that should have given you some ideas.

Ghost her, block on everything, never look at her face ever again, tell her to fuck off. You should have told her to stop hanging out with him from the beggining, now that's your only option.

>What w o uld you do in my shoes?
Ghost her obviously

why don't you just beat her up? lol.
>told her how I felt
no wonder she's cucking you

nice cuck larp faggot

try to talk it out like adults. if all else fails, just ghost her. it's not worth it.

this is my future

i wanna off myself before it happens

this is good advice. if you dont talk then youll always wonder what if

She's not your girlfriend, she just didn't tell you that you broke up. Literally just stop talking to her, nothing you say will change the circumstances. You need to just move on, she already did.

>dump her

bro she already dumped YOU lol

she is literally on a trip fucking some guy and you still view her as your girlfriend. what a loser

this. man i like how honest we are

Cut all contact with her. She is absolutely cheating and fucking him while shes on her "trip".

yeah, either buy her a bus ticket or pack your bags

She is already gone user, you can dump her but she already left you emotionally and physically. The worst part was that you let it happen. Should have told her to stop when they started hanging out outside of work alone, and if she didnt then you dump her.

>stop her
what is he her babysitter?

This is guy is correct, move on

Not OP, but man the emotional part is more difficult than the physical part. Yeah her fucking another guy is difficult, but when she straight up falls in love with another guy when shes your
damn thats the part that will be hard to get over.

anyone else starting to understand women and their attitude towards men? its basically if she can get away with it, she will. and its your fault for not preventing it.

no. just talk to her and end things amicably. easy

alright chad

>hadn't seen her for a week prior to that, then leaves for the trip despite living a 3 minute walk from my place
Why you didn't share the same place ? How in hell you call her your gf she's just your neighbor. Wtf am I sharing this board with literal 15yo or something ? Fuck this board

No, she's being a cunt and doesn't deserve that betaboi.

can you imagine if this bitch knew where you lived? How the fuck are you going to ghost her? Move every time a whore cheats on you?

no. ending things amicably frees you. its getting upset and not trying that keeps you bound to her. so just talk it out and peacefully part ways.

its like a chinese finger trap

heh. you are a woman that wants the drama. women are too easy

dump her or get cucked

being cucked is so fun though. stay up until 7 am all weekend

>as a man
Embarassing. You had sex with that person, and girls are known for cheating, you had to be ready for that situation happening. At least you used that hole before the other man.

I'm not saying you're wrong about that. I'm pointing out how you think it's easy, which is only what someone with a lot of experience with breakups, and thus relationships, would think

>you had to be ready
typical woman, blame the man and see if you can get away with it.

i would've dumped her the moment she started acting up. stop tolerating shit like this.

or a man thats been beta orbiting one woman for almost 10 years

"dump" what does this even mean anymore? its just a word

idk, but in this context, he said he was 100% ready to dump her. i'm merely using OPs words. just cut the bitch off already. no contact, nothing. just go cold.

naw, he should end it amicably. then hes free

It's about having some self-respect. She shows no consideration for OP and you want him to lick her taint like a little bitch.

He should say nothing and move out whilst they're away.

>or a man thats been beta orbiting one woman for almost 10 years
Please tell me you're joking

>be amiable while you're outright being disrespected
if you're a pushover. sure. this works great. i just choose to not acknowledge anyone's existence if they're going to disrespect me. no harm, no foul. i don't harbor bad feelings, i just don't associate with people like this. no need to let them know you're dropping them. i think they'll get the point.

Politely and calmly ask her what her intentions with this person are and demand she says the truth. Don't be an autist, look her in the eyes and ask her. If she doesn't give a straight answer she's fucking him, if you can tell she's lying she's fucking him. If she can't tell you what's going on then there's a comunnication problem. It's up to you to figure out if there's a way to resolve that.

>visual and ad hom
you are definitely a woman. they dont live together

nope. serious


she will lie. ofc she will be ready for that

You really have to dump her mate that just sounds like a really sad situation but you deserve better

dump her asap. even if she hasn't been unfaithful to you, she's completely ignored your feelings, has given you no thought or attention and hasn't made any attempt to see your perspective. that's some big red flags regardless of the 'has she cheated' situation.

>even if
this mental game. you are planting the seeds of doubt. oh girls just wanna have fun

to assume anything without evidence is probably unwise. but there's plenty of evidence about her being a cunt.

he has evidence

>has fucked our relationship over

you can seriously and irrepairably damage a relationship without fucking someone else.

uh huh. still trying to plant them seeds of doubt, lass?

she cheated on you, from the very beginning. Leave her user, it's OK. You will find someone else someday. You'll be happy and she won't be around anymore.