Imagine losing the joy of your life because your boomer dad accidentally dropped it from a balcony window

Imagine losing the joy of your life because your boomer dad accidentally dropped it from a balcony window.

Attached: boomer fail.png (1080x1393, 762K)

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Why didn't the toddler just be himself?

bet it was a woman

"out you go you little shit"

Natural selection at work.
Bet that little fuck thought he would outlive me when he was born, delusional.

>Imagine falling from a cruise ship
>In the middle of the ocean
>At night

One of my worst fears.

Attached: 1371830454790.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Nope it was grandpa.

slowly seeing the ship recede in the night knowing that even if it turns around right now they will never find you before you runs out of energy. you'll start with leg cramps from treading cold water and after a while you'll start swallowing mouthfuls of water however much you keep trying to keep your head above the surface. soon you'll breath in water and your lungs slowly fill and you'll sink to the bottom 4000 meters below you.

are you a nigger or something? normal people (white people) can float on water.

I'm more curious what it has to be like to be the person that just dropped a baby probably 50 feet into the ocean and killed it

The water in the Caribbean is 80 degrees right now. Any reasonable swimmer could survive in that water for days.

only lardasses float you retard

too bad the toddler sucked at swimming

Mate. I get that it's cold but swimming isn't hard. I've literally swam in below freezing point water for two hours straight without much trouble. If you survive the initial shock you'll be good to go for the next 6-12 hours even in icy water.

Unless you're a genetic waste and even a cold shower is something you need to prepare for first.

>I've literally swam in below freezing point water for two hours straight without much trouble.
>below freezing point water

U wot m8

proof that r9k is still autistic and not filled with normies

>thinks people drown if they immediately touch a body of water
>calls others autistic

>can't even swim in ice
never going to make it

I wonder if this literally broke the mom's sanity.

She's probably a scizophrenic mess now lol,

Why didnt someone dive in after her?

>I've literally swam in below freezing point water for two hours straight

>LOL this nigger is a fucking sea lion

That's not how the human body works, dude. We have plenty of data from the very worthwhile and important work of Josef Mengele proving exactly how long humans can survive in freezing water, and it's not two hours.

babies can't swim retards

The baby fell out of an eleventh story window. She may well have died on impact.

>tfw work for cruise agency
i hope this negatively affects sales so i have less work to do

Attached: jams.jpg (474x372, 25K)

I was referring to the death fantasy of the poster I replied to, not the fucking toddler idiots.