why don't you just get an average gf? one with dyed hair and modest ambitions
Why don't you just get an average gf? one with dyed hair and modest ambitions
average gfs just want Chad
why are you shilling tessa
why did she break up with rusty
Average girls only date up.
>dyed hair
>modest ambitions
choose one
robots don't want an average gf
they only want the cute and beautiful ones with perfect bodies that they post all the time
date just means fuck or recieve free gifts from. so if you arent chad youre better off with an escort
Not true. I have and will continue fuck anything with a pulse.
why you would just get bored of her after 2 weeks of sex and her friends/ your group of friends start to resent you, making you just lose social value and I'm not on the sociopath spectrum to just use her as a meat hole
You clearly don't understand how female dating works. Females are hypergamous; they only seek men who are of a higher social status than them. They don't want "average" guys
what's wrong with shilling tessa
true. and truthfully thats admirable. robots should just stick to escorts
i moved to a low class town where all the educated qts have moved away or are here temporarily and have serious boyfriends already
pic is above average
what was wrong with dating Rusty?
aging is a cruel bitch
>tfw dyed hair
Why does everyone hate us? I know a lot of colorful hair girls are attention whores, but some of us really just want to be your manic pixie dream girl.
This is average? myself esteem is ultra low
tessa still qt. dye job is whack. but her back then inspired feelings like "i wanna protect this cutie from the world".
looking at tessa now is like
>yeah i'd do her.
If you live in southern california add me on discord so we can be an average looking couple.Lazerduck#6874
Robots use Grindr to fuck sissies or get a boiwife that's why no gf
i'm from europe, sorry user.
Usually these types of women are disgusted by the fact the robots even dare exist, so not gonna happen
tessa gang