Ok fembots. You are locked in a room with pic related and a random robot. She is trying to seduce the robot...

Ok fembots. You are locked in a room with pic related and a random robot. She is trying to seduce the robot. You must seduce the robot instead or you will be trapped in the room for the rest of your life with the robot and the girl. What do?

Attached: 1562598311674.jpg (2160x2875, 1.31M)

i do nothing, being cucked is my fetish.

The girl in pic related is ugly as hell so it shouldn't be that hard

post face

wanna be my cucked gf? I probably can't cuck you with another woman though

Attached: 064BE42D-C01A-40A9-9C31-68998185FEE7.png (627x554, 14K)

Are you a female? That girl is super qt

oh noes. sausage fingers.

Attached: 4.gif (203x152, 10K)

Fembots are automatically more attractive than normie women so this thread makes no sense.

I like hands like that, but I think I like girls a little plumper than most robots. Not fetish level, but I like soft girls.

lol no

yes her face is like pic related lol,
its weird shaped

Attached: jdjdjdjd.png (1280x720, 241K)

t ugly cunt

Kill her.

Or, go for his jugular; bend over table with pants down, swaying hips and begging the robot to breed me. If I'm going to lose, it won't be because I wasted time and got caught up in stupid social games trying to out-flirt another girl. I'll win or lose in the opening move.

Failing that, rape him till he loves me.

Would you help attract vixens?

Attached: Cuckquean.jpg (500x749, 108K)

she's ugly and u got bad taste

You won me over, user

I think thats a solid strategy. She looks pretty small, if you ar big you could probably kill her

any girl who doesnt browse r9k is better.

Is that drawing an artistic representation of your face?

Yes, she has a round face. Its cute

no, its a representation of OP pic related!

Well its piss poor either way

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