Hello anons I'm tripping balls please keep me company
Hello anons I'm tripping balls please keep me company
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what have you taken user ?
I'm here for you user. I'll try to be original.
two hits of acid fren
Speak to me user, I can't be the only one on Jow Forums who's lonely
Nah you're not
in the middle of a work party and absolutely miserable as fuck
Is there nothing fun you can do?
Replying to myself:
I fucking wish I had some acid to distract me from this hell
i thought acid was a drug you just lie down and experience
OP taking a trip to the void today. acid is really fun, the thought loops fuck me up though. first time I was on acid I started a chat on facebook with my friend and I thought I was replying to and talking to myself instead of him, but after the trip I looked back and we were actually having a conversation. shit was weird bro! have fun!! and if you can take a walk into nature or a park or waterfront, nature retreats on acid are beautiful.I'd go after the peak
this is part of experiencing it
on 50ug 1plsd right now so not quite your level but howdy OP
Howdy, the world is melting, how are you?
May you ascend to the Palace of Stars.
OP is our acid hero. by the way OP, you're god.
I'm okay bud. Good vibes your way.
Ainsi bas la Vida ainsi bas la vida
I'm trying, peak is coming soon for sure
you trippin bro?
>one moment an infinite being with no sense of self
>come back to being some faggot guy in some faggot body
Yea man i did the thing when i could do how i probably not even know
when can i have that wierd looking from the top shelf over here at the thingy thingy
man i dont even know when i was then i could do things man how are you even at that point over the horizonzzzzzzzzzz