68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 66 69 6c 65 73 2e 66 6d 2f 75 2f 38 35 34 73 79 38 63 34

68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 66 69 6c 65 73 2e 66 6d 2f 75 2f 38 35 34 73 79 38 63 34

Attached: 01010011.png (1280x720, 239K)

The quick brown jumps over 13 lazy

did you draw up this fucking cringe comp? what is this absolute degen faggotry? i'd kill you if i got the chance for your gayness, honest

Glad we are on the same mutual page.

This unironically describes me pretty well. What does this image even depict though?

Duality. The inner conflict in all things.

hey so like where can I find the duality is it like hidden somewhere

inside your view of yourself and the world around you

Consumed by his emptiness, he is given no choice but to look into the face of the void and succumb to his darkest desires.


i don't see the relation between right side and left side for half of these things are you sure this was the point?

Kill yourself you retarded cringy faggot.

This is what happens when retarded people think they're deep.

seems like a lot of random words mashed on a edgy picture

Better than being a retard trying to be normal.

this. fuck you retard. you aren't deep for being depressed and having schizophrenia and writing down a bunch of bullshit. but at least you aren't drawing runes and claiming to know secrets about the universe like some of your schizophrenic brethren.

"My ideal gf:

Likes to watch bestgore, liveleak.
Likes playing hide and seek with me, or play chases.
Plays violent and bloody videogames.
Has a good taste in music, aka, likes metal, game themes, hard rock, and some sadcore game themes on the side.
Age doesn't matter much, 18+ for all you glowing FBI niggers.
Height doesn't matter.
Has some kinky fetishes, but is not a slut about it.
Caring, gives a fuck when I share my feelings.
It's okay to be shy, I'll try my best to comfort you.
Playful and femdominant, but not an asshole about it and is patient.
Not obese. Hopefully not anorexic.
Philosophizes with me about the absolute state of this race, but also random topics.
Okay if not virgin, just not a slut.
Is herself.

Would run away with me and go on a murder spree"

Let's hope OP outgrows this cringy phase soon

Attached: IMG_20190629_224857.jpg (1080x1920, 460K)

cringe, kys, downvoted, bluepilled.

That means you are not the intended audience.

And of what depth can you speak of? Depth doesn't come from having no point of his own but hating on those who aren't pussies and express theirs.

Thanks, couldn't hack Jow Forums to post this.

hey man thats pretty edgy I dont think you should want to kill people because thats wrong and you are people too so like get some help dude

woah bro, whats this now?

Let's lift this up just a little bit, shall we?