Why do girls hate incels?

Why do girls hate incels?
A friend of mine started hating me ever since she found out I was a virgin. Why? What the fuck sense does that make?
Why are there so many women who furiously hate men just cause they're virgins? How the fuck does that affect them?

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For some reason, women have this idea that virgin males are somehow inferior, you could be smartest, strongest, richest person on earth, but if you're a virgin, that's somehow disgusting, specially for young roasties coming that roasted it up already in their late teen early twenties.

So if you reveal to a woman that you're a virgin, she will just curb stomp you while you're already on the ground, and the others will follow after she tells everyone, rather than help you get up.

If she hates you for that, she isn't worth much really. Not a big loss user

could you go into detail with your story? I'll give a guaranteed (You) right after I'm done taking a 10min shower because it's fucking HOT

We were talking about how some women find it unnattractive for men to eat pussy.
She asked "what, you've never done it?" "no, I'm a virgin"
Ever since then she brings it up often on a very aggressive, derrogatory way. "At least I'm not a virgin loser" "No girl would ever date a virgin if he's a virgin that's a big nono" and so on.

I think she's trying to push your buttons because she secretly likes you. You should give her your stinky virgin cock.

bro she's definitely not your friend anymore, I don't think you should talk to her from now on. she's obviously taking the piss because she knows virginity in males leaves them vulnerable and insecure. how did you take it when she revealed her roastie power level like that? did you snap back? or were you stoic and unconcerned? maybe you ignored her completely? do tell
this isn't even joshing on her part, she's actively being malicious about OP's virginity

because being a virgin beyond a certain age is abnormal in this society, the only people who can get away with it are the very religious ones

Yeah I obviously lost all my respect for her no shit
I just ignore her but she doesn't talk to me much anyways
The thread wasn' supposed to be about that though
It's supposed to be about why women hate virgins

>The thread wasn' supposed to be about that though
>It's supposed to be about why women hate virgins

Well your ex-friend is a good example to use to try to figure that out.

Does she assume that since you're a virgin, you hold anti-female views out of resentment? Is she angry at you because she assumes you're angry at women? Or is she just status-conscious - and thinks that being a virgin makes you a loser, and she can't afford to have people think she's friends with losers?

women hate virgins because having your virginity intact past a certain age signals that you have nothing to offer and are a waste of time as a romantic prospect. I think you already know that though. Hell I think you just wanted to make the thread to vent, we all know why women hate virgins.

It's bc you're ugly. If you were attractive and a virgin girls would like it.

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Of coure it's not, women can't into banter. It's a shit test.

I think women hate male virgins because they know deep down they are sluts and knowing that a man is more pure than they are makes them mad.

No nothing like that women hating thing no. Nerver had any conversation like that.

Bullshit women pick guys solely on cute face and being tall "having things to offer" is just what you would like to believe. And btw, there's nothing wrong with thay, guys are the same.

she sounds like a cunt, not all girls would do that or even care

well if you're not tall or have a cute face the only way to cope is by compensating for that either with money or social status or something. there are men like that who get gfs for sure.

being a virgin past a certain age implies that something is wrong with you and it makes sense. if no one ever loved you, you must either look like shit, have a shitty personality or be lazy.

Reasons for women to not date virgin men is one thing, and reasons to hate on them just for existing is another.
Probably part of the latter.

We don't hate virgins, virgins are qt. We hate incels because incels are misogynistic trash that hates women and feels entitled to attention from Stacies.

How does she show her supposed hatred for you?

It's part of our "education", people also get mad if you mention the world is flat, it's dumb but you shouldn't have to become an asshole because of it.
It's the same spiteful but funny reaction you see on tv.
most people start to bully once things don't go their perceived way because they can't think critically.