Incels BTFO by reality every day

Incels BTFO by reality every day

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Ah shit muh virgin antichrists finna flip and come out in 2020 , god at it with the boring shiznit again , get a new brain , we need to sitdown with the old man and give him a lesson about reality.

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also he stank

I think it is no secret to anyone that the African kid situation is because of the unstable political climate in Africa, including corruption and warlords. One must wonder how much of that problem is caused directly by the corruption and warlording in America.

Not when you claim that everybody have a protecting angels that prove that they useless for the short ride of 5 years and also you claim to know the future and you give propheciess about it yet you do nothing to stop it's incoming painn and torture , also how about pic related ?

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The architect of this realm is a blind sadist. muh end times drama and muh blind wisdom that sends most of humanity to infinite hell is a huge load of caca.

Fuck your shit turn of events , fuck your 2021 shift , fuck your little lunatic pyramid that shits on everybody down there ,you have no sane arguments , you lost to your blind self and you must admit it.

Kids get raped by their fathers every single day , anybody with a prophecy must feel like a load of turd before opening his mouth.

why do nigs settle in dry areas?

>incels comparing themselves to starving children in Africa

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I'm sorry, are YOU fucking capable of solving the warlord situation in your own country, let alone someone else's?
In the words of Jesus, remove the plank from your own eye before assisting your brother with the mote in his.

Incels don't exist.

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Not all incels live in europe and usa you fucking retard.

also i don't think user was talking about himself you fucking retard.

also ricky gervais is shit you fucking retard.

Maybe shit shoulldn't have been like this in the big plan of these grey baloonheads/scalpheads/god ... the system is built like this because it's maker is not giving a fuck about nobody but his plan. also jesus is the biggest larping troll that made himself look like the biggest joke to a sane person.

Jesus fulfilled all of the hundreds of prophesies about himself. Furthermore, it is OUR SIN that perpetuates evil in this world, not God. You reap what you sow.

>Jesus fulfilled all of the hundreds of prophesies about himself.
according to whom? Even cucktians believe most went unfulfilled and are waiting for Jesus to return for them.

Which prophesies are those, pray tell?

All the major ones that could actually be verified.

Tell me what they are.

the one who tells the prophecies is maker of the events , all i hear is that "in the end times a shitton of little kids will get buttfucked by their sick fathers and some of these kids will commit suicide because of that , i know that shit cuz i'm allowing it to happen lmao , also i'm good holy god and you are evil human born with original sin that you have invented lmao2"
jesus is trash just mahmood and moshi


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those are facts you other retard ...

eg Isaiah 11:1-9

It's a fact that ur mom sucks fat black dick lmao

Christians are waiting on two major prophecies:
-There will be two prophets that prophesy for 1260 days, then will be killed publicly, and people will celebrate their deaths.
-Jesus will not return until the gospel has been preached to all of Israel

This is a prophecy about the Messianic Age, which will not begin until the other two things happen that Jesus prophesied. However, there are NOW organizations dedicated to worldwide evangelism. Many people calculate that the end times will happen in 30 years, and we will be able to see that one come to conclusion.

>This is a prophecy about the Messianic Age
Meaning it's an unfulfilled prophecy as of yet, like I said.

If she'd only do it all day to gtfo the house after she cooks lunch. big black cock is real cock so i'd understand.

In development != unfulfilled

>In development != unfulfilled
It hasn't been fulfilled. Whether or not it's "in development" doesn't change that.

Yes, it has. Jesus is the "sprout" from the root of Jesse. The work of this prophecy has already been fulfilled.

>The work of this prophecy has already been fulfilled.
The results prophesied have not been fulfilled. Stop acting retarded. By your "reasoning"(silly word games), every single prophecy is BY DEFAULT "in development", since time goes on, and the prophecy will be fulfilled at some point in time when the circumstances are as prophesied. You won't be able to give an example of a prophecy unfulfilled, that another person can't explain as being "in development" somehow. One could say that "the work of any prophecy" starts when the prophecy is first uttered, making every prophecy by default in development between its uttering and its coming into effect.

The truth still is that the prophecies have not been fulfilled. Something can be in development and still be unfulfilled, obviously.

Incels have it worst, that will grow and develope a 11 inches BBC, with which will fuck incel's oneitises
Being ugly is truly the worst disease

I'm sorry that you're retarded.

I'm not sorry that you're a mentally retarded crosscuck that just got BTFO'd.

I don't have the patience to explain anymore that there is a big difference between someone saying that something was done, and it actually being done. Especially not to retards.

The things prophesied about aren't being done, making it unfulfilled. You're some next level retarded crosscuck that somehow thinks a prophecy is fulfilled as long as it's believed it's going to happen in the future.

Whatever. Study physics, idiot.

I'd tell you to study theology, logic, and english, but you're literally too retarded so what's the point? Just fuck off.

>please study these things so that I don't have to
Too bad retard

>BTFO'd crosscuck that excused himself by saying he doesn't have any patience still thinks getting the last word will win him the argument
You know what, help yourself to it if it makes you feel better.

Just like chess with a fucking pigeon, knocking over pieces and shitting on the board, thinking that's how you win. Grow up.