What makes you all happy? I can't stop being so fucking upset all the time.
I'm actually damaging my teeth from grinding them so badly.
I've tried
>writing daily
>reading more
>sleeping more
>having a hot gf
I just feel like I'm going insane and I'll never actually be happy.
>inb4 "if we were happy why would we be here?
I forgot to include that part.
go to thailand for a month, specifically pattaya. its swarmed with 60k prostitutes and everyones in a good mood/party mode. that'll make you happy man. i spent 6 months there and now my entire life revolves around trying to maximize my time there. nothing is better
ive been relying on lexapro for the past 20 years. get suicidal when im off it for a few days.
>having a hot gf
Remove yourself from this internet website goodsir!
Have you tried not grinding your teeth?
erik j? is that you?
have you tried ripping people's arms off and beating them to death with said dismembered members?
Most people who grind teeth do it in their sleep. Probably him too. Source: I do this
Thanks, but I don't want to stay there.
It seems like if I didn't stay I would be in the same boat as you.
I would, but I actually can't. Bipolar disorder has riddled my family, and when combined with SSRIs it can induce manic episodes. I've watched family members so insane temporarily in front of my very eyes.
I would like to keep my hot gf and not lose my fucking mind.
Yes how do you know me
Have you tried a rubber coating for your teeth that you can wear at night?
buy a jetski, go to the gun range, go sky diving. Stuff that gets your adrenaline going. Maybe you're bored.
having money and time to focus on hobbies
how can anyone be happy when we are all hurtling toward old age, disease, and death. you have to stupid
questions like yours make me re-evaluate the definition of happiness.
I think some people are simply content. fat and satisfied. but truly happy? I doubt many people ever reach that state.
Find purpose in life by finding an activity or labour that gets you pumped up. Help a fellow neighbour, a friend, call your parents or peers. Labour in life creates a purpose for us. Meet more people, head over to the bars, pubs and socialise. It's way more comfortable when doing it with a pint in your hand and confidence under your sleeve.
I don't do it in my sleep.
I've been to the range. Nothing really trips my trigger like that, but I'll give skydiving a shot.
Lel, I've already died once and I am just trying to find a reason to live anymore. I'm very social, and I'm also "that dude" that stops to help you push your car, or give you a jump.
I should've mentioned that beforehand.
Thank you, though.
Being miserable makes me happy, and yes I am Slavic.
I second this OP. This is good advice.
Buy a beehive. Bottle some honey at the end of summer. Make candles in the winter. Either that or arts and crafts. When's the last time you glued macaroni to paper?
no im not eric jay ignore that faggot larper