be me

> be me
> started working out
> lost 40 pounds and got fit

Why the fuck haven't you started to lose weight, you fat fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:

>lost 25
>50 more to go
what happens after i get skinny as fuark and get fit 3 months later?

I was told to eat more in my last medical check-up (3 years ago), losing weight would probably kill me at this point.

it wouldn't change anything. except now I'd have to exercise, which I hate doing.

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yes but after a the weight start to get challenging you'll feel your first ever pump that stuff is like watered down climax
then your brain gets accustomed to it and you'll get depressed if you haven't worked out

Because I'm already fit.

i'm ""skinnyfat"" and i dont know how to

Because I love good food too much to stop eating it.

how do I build up muscle?

>putting in all this effort just so you can have a shred of what someone with good genetics is given at birth

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Teddy was such a cutie

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Chad unironically eats pizza and looks better than you

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>spend 12 months getting ripped
>girls still pay no attention to me

don't fall for the Jow Forums meme lads

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if I wanted a low-level addiction like that I could just drink coffee

because i already wasted 3 years at the gym getting barely any results

>be lardass
>lose about 100lbs
>now have horrifying stretch marks everywhere
Why did I even bother?

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>start working out and bulking
>after 3 months I only weigh 118lbs
>go away with family for 4 days
>110lbs again

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eat more lift more bro

Yeah, yeah, I am back to 117lbs now, but this is frustrating

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if you spent 3 YEARS at the gym and nothing happened then you are fucking retarded, I mean holy fucking HELL you must have been doing absolutely nothing while there and then eating like a fucking PIG after you went home. it's not even fucking possible for you to get no results after that length of time unless you were deliberately sabotaging yourself. fucking retarded fuck.

I did. I lost 60 lbs.
Then I stopped when I reached the 220s.

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If only we could exchange metabolisms, dude.
I'm your opposite, even after a month of eating moderatly (once a day, a small plate full of vegetables), i don't lose much weight.
I either gain fat or muscles, only depending on the amount of training.

Eat more protein. I hardly ever ate vegetables or sugar/carbs. It was mostly meat and a small amount of veggies.

it's all about GENETICS

YOU hit the gym HARD while CHAD eats PIZZA

how do I get this original body?

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