Things you (fembot) like in boys

>mfw he's got a well toned body
>mfw he rides a motorcyce
>mfw he's called Max
>mfw he cares for animals

bonus points if he's shy and likes/appreciates art

Attached: thatgoodshitttt.jpg (640x1136, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>hes chubby
>hes funny
>hes autistic
>hes dominant
>hes childlike
>he likes animals
i love my boyfriend:D

shut the fuck up cunt (male)

>chubby or very skinny
>likes horror movies
>weird fetishes
>mentally ill so i don't feel guilty for being only mentally ill on relationship
>takes emotional care of me
>makes me bleed

Haha wtf I am literally every single one of those.

Why don't you list the things you like in fembots instead of being such a bitter incel?

Yep I agree. No need for such hostility here.

I want to cut you and cover us both in blood, would that please you?

I'm a mascbot and I want to be cryogenically frozen until realistic, affordable, sex bots with good AI are available.

>he's muslim
>he works
>he's mature and quiet
>he's not ambitious
>he likes to cook

>>likes horror movies
be my gf and watch a friday the 13th marathon with me

it's the most pleasant thing i can think of. cut my eyes out, pls let me slowly die

things I (robot) like in girls:
>not overweight
>intelligent, or at least having interest in knowledge
>resisting the societal temptation to use social media

Attached: hhNgsggfg.jpg (500x468, 32K)

hmm. an actual crazy femanon. im impressed

t. dyke

could we? horror movies are the only thing keeping me alive honestly

i just want to die and the most pleasant intimate way to do is being murdered by the guy i love

Thats me except my names not lame

holy fuck let's unironically make a suicide pact

>Called Max
>Rides a motorcycle

Attached: tsgoRuRhigvEqjUuZ4Bg_Mad Max New Guy.jpg (600x399, 54K)

yes and then we can a halloween and nightmare on elm street marathon

Not suicide go out with a bang and take some mosques with you if you two love birds need help planning or getting arms then post a discord

you kill me first user
those are my faves. also anything carpenter really.

i-if you're really serious, post contact

nice try fbi, but I'm a good boy

>he loves me
>similar interests
>similar sense of humor
>complete honesty
>complete loyalty

tfw he doesn't love me though

>tfw this, but overweight

Sorry if I offended you, it's just a preference of mine, I'm a bit underweight myself anyway so don't take it personally. Hope you can manage to get yourself to a healthy weight, good luck if you're currently trying to lose weight!

>those are my faves. also anything carpenter really.
tfw sad because i just want to get comfy and cuddle with a girl and watch horror movies

Attached: 1kinni.jpg (600x596, 165K)

Im fitting a lot of these and I cant tell if it makes me sad or happy

LITERALLY my perfect man
Any robot who is like this, drop your...... uh.... well don't, I don't want this thread to get pruned, so just reply here and let it be a nice fantasy to know boys like this exist

post first i add
what other films you like?

Welp I'm most of those things except for the nice body part
do I get to claim a fembot gf or what?

Y-you love me, user?

>kind and loving
>makes me laugh
>is okay with me being shy and quiet
>makes me feel wanted

>8+ inch cock
>toned abs
>easily visible biceps and triceps but not >obscene
>hot face
>believes the president should not be the commander in chief


It's just a preference, it isn't set in stone tho lol. What's your favorite animal? Artist/work of art? Bike?

>what other films you like?
for horror movies? mothman prophecies scared the shit out of me when i was younger

>8+ inch cock
thats so unnecessary

Yes I actually do I love a lot of people even if I dont know them I still do for reasons

Guys like that definitely exist, but they are dating stacey

Big cats, small birds, wolves and caterpillars.
Too many to say.
Also I don't ride but the Bonneville T100 is my wet dream

Attached: yourdadfucks.png (500x248, 171K)

>has a sense of humor
>doesn't cheat on me

All I want
Like that all I want from a man

I'll make you laugh you cunt

I mean a lot are full on fucking psychos but some of us are nice and just want somebody to talk to

I have no sense of humor, I'm just boring to be around. Is there any hope for me?

You're definitely not funny, just obese

>he is muslim
Just move to sweden

Shut the fuck up, you dirty fucking whore. When you promote "Soft bois" or whatever e-girl crap you make shit worse.

>he's interesting
>he has good hygiene
>he's taller than me
>he has a good career or is in college and will have a good career
>he has his own house and car
>he has a good relationship with his friends and family
>he has good fashion
>he isn't religious
>he finds fun and exciting stuff for us to do and doesn't just want to sit around and watch movies all day
>he has a good hair style
>he works out but isn't obsessed with going to the gym
>he doesn't waste his time doing stupid stuff like playing video games or watching tv

Attached: 24323234.jpg (638x749, 96K)

Kys subhuman

Be my gf degenerate fedorafaggot whore

Knock knock femanon

M-me. I'm a Shi'ite convert. I teach online and live near the beach.

>>he works out but isn't obsessed with going to the gym
What does this mean? I thought it was a soiboy/fat girl cope
It takes like an hour to work out

>not posting Mel Gibson

Fuck off Muslim faggot. Allah is a false god and you will burn in Hell.

>that's not what the Greek and Ukie girls said to the Sultans after Istanbul was taken.

>tfw no love for the Jow Forumsizens
W-we do it for you

Attached: Heh.jpg (1959x1469, 619K)

Matter fact, they kind of liked the harem.

Tom Hardy came up first in my google search

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t. Billie Eilish

That's why they mass suicided to the point of entire towns and villages becoming empty.

lmao and Ukie villages are still emptying out of Slavettes wanting to go marry big hairy Turkish brutes of men

Also, self-murder isn't very Christian.

Been better letting their children be raised in good Muslim homes while mother is a concubine and bearing more Turkish kids.

Stop samefagging, derailing and shilling for your shitskin religion.

You're the one responding and getting all upset.I wonder what matrilineal DNA maps of Turkey would show of how many Greek and Russkie and Serbian girls pushed out Asiatic lions?

There are plenty of DNA assays.
Truth is, asia minor turks are greek. Greeks carry literally zero turkish DNA.

It's doubly hilarious since Erdogan is alleged to be a greek mongrel and Istanbul's mayor is greek and Erdogan had to basically boot him.

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have I been bamboozled?

Imagine being a white man converting to Islam so you can brag about brown savages raping your sister

>high sex drive
>good tastes sense of style and good hygiene
>has a big fucking dick that likes to fuck hard and fast in all sorts of good positions bonus points for guys who hold me up during sex/pin me to the wall
>drives a truck or muscle car
>makes his own money/has a good job
>just an overall nice easy going dude

Please be in England senpai

I already have a gf tho

Now post what you are like

>a bit of a tomgirl
>eat healthy vegetarian stay in good shape
>high sex drive/open minded into lots of kinks
>very neat and clean
>work a full-time job and support myself fully
>have some interesting hobbies like music and working on cars
>drive a nice jdm hatch
>fuck with shrooms and acid and weed

Damn I too like the name Max, Mad Max playing no small part for that (Tom Hardy is my alternate reality bf okay?)

Other top tier boy names for me are

Attached: cat_girl_cop_by_liekomgzlacy.gif (441x683, 45K)

You are normie as all hell kill yourself stupid NT bitch

>interesting hobby
Everyone likes music. Now be qt gf

>tfw almost toned body
>tfw named max
>tfw care for animals and often help insects outside if I find them in the house

Am I in with the fembot OP?

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I'm very honest and loyal unironically. What are your interests?

No, get a motorcycle

I have one of those names

Attached: B3FE5F42-58AC-42A9-B55C-DB8B9ACC6ECB.jpg (600x800, 38K)

motorcycles are gay AF

Attached: 1497309235661.jpg (259x567, 72K)


Sure, whatever you say.

I'm a boy btw :')

Then you sir are a blessed man and I hope you find a cute gf deserving of your prowess.
Bc it's too much to ask for that you're located in NSW Aussieland right haha

be my gf I will travel for cute auscunt accent

I used to work with a guy named Adam and people would call us Mad Max and Adam Bomb. I miss that kind of thing

Attached: 8y7iulhkhj.gif (278x300, 116K)

lol i adore how for the rest of the world that isn't an insult.



Schrodinger a cute

Attached: Schro.png (680x522, 738K)

what's this from? originarudo

>mature, yet still boyish and a goof
>skinny, pale, broad shoulders
>pleasant voice
>patient/down to earth
>thinks drugs and trannies are gay

Hellsing Ultimate, you uncultured swine.

>he is well groomed
>he is reserved
>he stays lean
>he speaks mean
>he has long hair
>he will kill me

Attached: Edjw41w.png (529x277, 176K)

My hair is long dumb slut

Okay, this is definitely me
>tfw no gf to carve my name into

google the fucking german you spastic, and its nazi_kitty.swf

>thinks drugs and trannies are gay
I hope you hate homofags too

Sorry, you're not reserved enough for me.

I check those, however I'm more than just a goof, I'm incredibly autistic and cringe