Who else vocel? I wanted my first time to be special and with someone that loves me...

Who else vocel? I wanted my first time to be special and with someone that loves me. But honestly as I approach 30 no one is going to love me or even give a shit that I waited for them. I just wanna end the lonliness and whore myself out but the thought of it breaks my heart so much that I gave up hope in being loved first. I hate this mental fuckage. I wish I was more simple, but I did this to myself.

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I'm 23 and going this way. At 30 I guess you're at peace with your lot in life? you have wizard abilities too.

Will you be my gf? I just want to make you smile. Please give me a chance.

volcels are just delusional incels

No user, vocels are far happier than most normies and chads.
The problem are the incels pretending to be vocels.

You probably don't live in the same country as me though. I mean I want to give you a chance but also I don't want to waste your time.

What country would that be? Im in the us
I have money and would come see you. I just want someone I can relate to who doesn't dehumanize me. I understand if you wouldn't give me a chance though.

I just don't like going out to chase women. It takes so much effort and it's not worth it. I was in a relationship in high school and that was nice. I think if I could find a girl that wasn't to crazy I would think about a relationship, but until then I continue to gymcel.

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I just don't care about women.

>vocels are far happier than most normies and chads.
No, we're not.

Don't give up hope, user. Please don't throw it away either. You waited this long, why toss it away now?

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If you're not happy, you're probably a incel pretending to not care.
Do you feel bad when you see a happy couple, or you don't care?

Ya I'm not in the USA I'm in Canada. We could talk if you want, but i don't wanna have a long distance relationship because it's too stressful that way.

Because I think I might be happier to toss it away than wait for nothing and die desu

You can be jealous of apparently good relationships while voluntarily choosing not to seek a worse variety of sex which is available to you.

I could lose my virginity to a prostitute or to some whores whom I've rejected in the past but I feel like I deserve better. I don't wanna settle for any 6/10 whore. I want beautiful girls and I'm trying to improve myself so I can get them. I'm a volcel but also an incel.

So you're not a vocel, you're a incel that desire high standard sex but don't has access to it.

It's natural that you're unhappy. Try being a real vocel.

I feel for you OP. I know life is hard and scary and lonely. I'm sorry.

Maybe you will find someone to love you. It's not impossible.

No user, you're a incel with high standards.
A vocel doesn't want sex or a relationship.

You'll just feel cheap afterwards and used. You'll hate yourself and life even more afterwards. And if you somehow make it through and find the guy of your dreams, even though he says it's fine and he doesn't care, you will warp it in your mind and the stupid sense of guilt will drown you in your quiet moments.
really though I'm just projecting. That's my fear as a fellow femvocel. You could be fine or whatever I just don't want you to regret it. It is a special thing. I've heard sex isn't all it's cut out to be so you might be dissapointed in the experience even more so

I understand, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk, but if you do, you can add me I guess

Ya you think like I do. I feel like I'll feel cheap and used. But right now I feel almost worthless so even being used is starting to seem more appealing than this. But prob I'm being too negative. Idk. I don't wanna make you think negatively about it like me.

Basically. I don't wanna be with someone out of desperation. Either they add to my life or they don't.

Only thing that sucks is that I have vaginismus. I think I'm havin orgasms but it's different than what my friends say.

>if sex is available and you choose not to have it, you're involuntarily celibate
Difference circumstances being able to change your choice doesn't mean that you don't have a choice.

Wanting to have sex (with a cute girl) and not being able is the very definition of incel.

Stop fooling yourself, admit you're a incel and them become a vocel.

Being celibate involuntarily is the very definition of incel.

Early 20's here

>In high school I thought getting sex was my key to becoming accepted
>Had an epiphany midway through junior year
>Suddenly my whole opinion about sex changed and I wanted to wait instead of wasting it just to get rid of the stigma of being a virgin
>Now I realize that sex is too huge of a responsibility for me to bear and I believe that it's best for me to wait until I'm mature enough (marriage) to have sex

Never had a relationship or a gf, not even a date. Maybe I'm too optimistic and naive to understand but I have to believe that I can find love in this world. More recently I only want a family, a wife, kids, nice house, and a bright future for my children. I still have time, I just need to learn how to interact with people and relate to them with subjects outside video games, and memes.

This picture terrifies me, user. It's like looking in a mirror.